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joined 2022 September 04 23:29:02 UTC

Dramanaut. I'm here to wordspost and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of bubblegum.

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User ID: 272



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:29:02 UTC


Dramanaut. I'm here to wordspost and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of bubblegum.


User ID: 272

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Part of what makes a University a University and not something else is a degree of self-government. An institution that teaches a 13-16th grade curriculum determined by the politicians and/or bureaucrats in the sponsoring Education Ministry may be doing something valuable, but it isn't continuing the tradition that began with those communities of scholars in Paris, Bologna, Oxford and Cambridge in the High Middle Ages.

Isn't that essentially what it is at this point? It's not like there's much room for dissent, or that 90% of the people going aren't just there to get a degree to get A Good Job. The tradition is already pretty much dead.

The dominant elite ideology in most cities, but not in Texas, or at least the Texas political scene. This is an attempt to stop the pollination of this ideology into Texas elite ideology in the future.

We must hold Blue Tribe to their own standard, and their standard is that any age gap more than ~2-5 years is a horrible offense.

@Primaprimaprima, I understand your idealism, but we will have suppression one way or the other. Anything else is a power vacuum that will promptly be filled. Given the death of privacy that has come with the smartphone, freedom and 'private life' is also, in practice, dead. We can either let the Blue Tribe in academia, media, and tech determine our morals, and crash our civilization and its vassals into the ground, or we can attempt to remove them. It's that simple. Universities as places of debate, at least with regards to social issues, is dead and has been for decades. It's only value in 2023 is as a job training program, to be honest.