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Doubly Afraid of Change

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joined 2022 October 23 18:45:23 UTC

I am actively attempting to deradicalize myself. I dislike puritanism and intolerance. DM me if you want my Discord, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

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User ID: 1719


Doubly Afraid of Change

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 23 18:45:23 UTC


I am actively attempting to deradicalize myself. I dislike puritanism and intolerance. DM me if you want my Discord, Twitter, Reddit, etc.


User ID: 1719

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Well, damn. I wasn't even thinking in an international context.

I only got halfway through the book, then took a break to focus on my work. I pick it up when I'm procrastinating, which is also when I made this post. I will come back here if I finish and he does bring that up.

That's literally what I know him from. It's relatively obscure, but significant to me. I believe you when you say his podcast was hugely successful. I just didn't know about it.

#3 is very hopeful to hear. Thank you.

There is no straight reading of the Civil Rights Act and there hasn't been since 1979.

That makes sense. I still think his book is significantly more important than any other anti-woke book, though, so it's too bad he's gotten in the way of his own success.

What article was that?

I find it compelling because his explanation for how government action led to wokeness makes perfect sense. Most conservatives believe the ideology came about organically, when it was created after the fact to justify nonsense being imposed by courts. Also, admittedly, I'm guilty of motivated reasoning. I'm desperate for absolutely any kind of political solution that isn't radical.

He needs to reach people who think wokeness is bad, but don't understand why every single institution has adopted it. The book explains why.

  1. Could you link me to Nathan Robinson on Hanania? Google didn't get me anything more than a tweet dunking on him.
  2. He doesn't want to repeal the original Civil Rights Act. Just the 1992 one. And that's after overturning Griggs.
  3. Outside of that point.. yeah, everything you said sounds true. Thank you. I am satisfied now.

The difference is that Hanania argues that woke institutions, including corporations, are required to be woke by law, and he points out the specific laws and Supreme Court decisions (which are essentially laws) that need to be attacked. He wants to remove the disparate impact doctrine, for example.

You make a good point. I figured he would because so many less important conservative books sell well. But I suppose importance has nothing to do with success.

Holy moly! That's the guy who voiced Spanky in Drawn Together! Nevermind, I guess he IS doing mainstream appearances. Thank you!

The Origins of Woke has not become a best seller. As of this writing, the top non-fiction book on both the Publishers Weekly and NYT best sellers lists is The Democrat Party Hates America by Mark R. Levin. While I haven't read Levin's book, I'm sure it's as disposable as any other political tract by a Fox News host, while The Origins of Woke is legitimately the most important conservative book of the last 20 years.

Argument: It's not selling well because of the Huffington Post article that exposed his old blog posts to the masses. Counterargument: Conservatives are the target market, and they tend not to "cancel" people over things like this.

Argument: It's not selling more copies because the name is cringe. Counterargument: Donald J. Trump Jr's book "Triggered" became a best seller.

Argument: It's not selling more copies because Hanania isn't a celebrity. Counterargument: Andy Ngo doesn't host anything or do many public appearances, but his book was still a best-seller.

I don't care whether Hanania is personally successful, but I really, really want the ideas in this book to gain widespread recognition. Hanania offers provide a plausible-enough plan to defeat not only wokeness, but also all of the ideologies that have gained popularity in the wake of Conservative Inc's failure to stop wokeness, including white nationalism and NRx. Speaking as a former white nationalist (or whatever you wanna call VDare readers), people with moderate temperaments adopt extreme beliefs because the mainstream hasn't offered any believable alternative.

Ben Shapiro says that we should just argue people into adopting our views because it'll suddenly work, even though we've been trying for years and it hasn't worked. Peter Brimelow says we should close the border and have white babies. Curtis Yarvin says that we should put a dictator in charge, or at least whatever FDR was. Caldwell says that we should repeal the Civil Rights Act, even though it's as much a part of our national identity at this point as the Constitution.

Hanania's proposal is essentially a modification of Caldwell's that takes political realities into account. Instead of repealing the Civil Rights Act, we should just re-interpret it in an originalist light and repeal the modifications made in the decades afterwards.

I can't say for certain why this book isn't making bank, but I theorize that it has to do with the fact that no mainstream conservative figure like a Ben Shapiro or a Steven Crowder has reviewed it or interviewed him. They're ignoring him, even though his politics are totally aligned with theirs, because they don't want to platform someone who was once a racist. National Review hasn't even reviewed The Origins of Woke.. and they reviewed Christopher Caldwell's Age of Entitlement!

So, here are three questions I have in no particular order.

  1. Why do you think the book isn't doing gangbusters?
  2. Why do you think Hanania's book is being ignored by the big players in conservative media?
  3. Is there a chance that even if the book remains obscure, its ideas will make their way to the people who matter?

Good argument. Now tell me what to read instead.

The difference is that Hanania can point to specific (anti)racist policy while Kendi just assumes it must exist.

Assuming that this woman is telling the truth, why hasn't she been arrested? It appears that she's confessed to stealing items from stores and reselling them at a lower price to make money.

How she feels about Nazi punching is the litmus test of whether she's actually against censorship. I tend to assume people who are friendly with Vaush are on board with that. Except Charlie Kirk, who's just an idiot.

LOL. I thought Contrapoints and Vaush had deemed her okay and she'd been reformed. Interesting to hear that some won't forgive.

Any e-drama people willing to give me a rundown on the last few years of Shoe0nhead? Last time I checked in, she was collaborating with Vaush and trying to position herself as a BreadTuber. Now I heard she's getting married to a right-winger and not associated with socialism anymore?

We are made of matter. Matter is not created or destroyed. It just changes form. Right now, for a brief moment in time, it has taken on a form that is self-aware. That's you. After you cease to be, where does your matter go? It goes everywhere. And because time is infinite, it will eventually reconnect. Every last atom. Infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters, after all.

And if that is inevitable, it is also inevitable that your matter will take on a self-aware form again, eventually.

Reincarnation is real.

I'm sorry. I'll delete my post.

#4 hadn't occurred to me. I'm conflating the extremely online dissident right with anti-Semitism in general. As for b, I was making that assumption because they ostensibly share my goal of wanting to understand anti-Semitism, but they are richer, likely more well-educated, and do this as a job instead of a hobby.

That you see modern anti-Semitism and historical anti-Semitism as the same phenomenon rather than at least two distinct ones indicates that we're looking at the issue very differently. Racism, and tribalism in general, is a part of human nature, but they can be strengthened or weakened by one's environment.

(Just realized that I'm answering these points out of order, but I am multitasking.) I take people at face value in general until I've observed them enough to conclude that they're being deceptive. Maybe I'm being more charitable to the people I'm describing than I should because I relate to them. I share their grievances, but the difference is that I don't hold these grievances against Jews as a group, despite the explicit insistence that I should by the far right and the implicit insistence that i should by the progressive left.

God, I love you. This is why I come here. Thank you for writing this out.

You are correct. Trying to form a mental model that takes these sorts of people at face value drives me mad, because it is so illogical to me, that I'm looking for an alternative that puts less of a workload on my brain and makes them more comprehendible.

I love the quokka post, but Zero HP Lovecraft blocked me on Twitter so I can't see it anymore.

Your critique of my behavior is a strong one. I don't have evidence because I'm spouting conjecture in these instances, some of which is wild (the bullying thing) and some of which I think is reasonable (what we're talking about now). If conjecture is against the rules, then I'll stop out of a desire not to get banned.

You make a good point. But it's almost inconceivable to me that intelligent people would do things that provoke anti-Semitism when the anti-Semites literally say "You are making us anti-Semitic by doing this." Maybe they are as unwilling to believe that anti-Semites tell the truth about their own motivations as I am that the ADL tells the truth about theirs. Maybe their internal monologue is "Don't believe the anti-Semites, for they are using Jewish goyish trickery!"

Look at that, I'm still speaking of the ADL as though it's a single mind and not a bunch of minds working together.

The logic of the anti-Semitic strongman ("we dislike you because you are censorious and hypocritical") is just so much more reasonable to me than that of the ADL activist weakmen ("they dislike us Just Because, and any explanation they give is a lie, Just Because") that I have to assume the latter is aware of the discrepancy on some level. Maybe I'm being insufficiently charitable to the latter, but that is how I perceive them.

As for the point you and others have made about how these people couldn't have cynical motivations without being caught, they could just be using coded language that only they understand, and refuse to let in anyone who says the quiet part out loud. Nobody ever says "get rid of cishet white men" they say "increase diversity". Nobody ever says "be racist", they say "be anti-racist". That sort of thing.