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Strong like a bull.

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joined 2023 July 23 10:06:17 UTC



User ID: 2582


Strong like a bull.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 July 23 10:06:17 UTC




User ID: 2582

Most people who live "paycheck to paycheck" do so of their own volition. It does not describe poverty, just poor financial ability.

It's something called the "new-user filter", though It's not based on account age.

How it works, is that if your account has too low karma, you're effectively shadowbanned and your posts will not be visible without admin approval. Of course, you're never told if this filter is active or not.

At that point, your participation Is completely based on how the janitor is feeling that day.


"This is quality content, I agree with this, I disagree with this"

Doesn't this already exist? Reports, upvotes and downvotes. The only thing to fix this system is obviously to separate upvotes and downvotes, but also to not punish a person for getting downvotes, i've heard this site bans you automatically if you go below a certain threshold. That runs directly counter to any sort of intellectual discussion, a controversial opinion should not be shunned.

There is a direct correlation between physical fitness (muscle size) and proper function of the brain. The primary reason for memory loss, and the mental effects are sarcopenia.

I was just trying to look out for you... some people delude themselves, out of fear, into rejecting barbell training altogether. It's a sad sight, especially considering weight training has one of the lowest injury rates of any sport.

And well, going by your story, you could probably do anything and see growth, however barbell training will always be the most efficient altogether. I'm glad to hear you're looking to get a barbell and rack, that's always good.

Named bookmarks and a reading list.

Leg strength can't be developed using a cardio machine unless you have stick legs. Get yourself a barbell setup as soon as possible.

Kindergarten isn't education. It's a daycare service.

Schooling is a service. It needs payment. Private schooling is way more efficient already, and the funds gained from cutting education taxes would certainly provide more of a service for the average "poor" family.

Can't afford an education as it stands but know that it will help you monetarily long-term? Take out a loan. The current issues of student-loan stem from the governments mismanagement of state-assigned loans, which were in of themselves a mistake.