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User ID: 623



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User ID: 623

Moon himself addresses this in his update:

This is an organized attack. There is a coalition of criminals trying to frame the forum for their behavior. These criminals provide opportunities for professional victims to amplify their message. Journalists canonize the crimes as the behavior of the forum itself, which becomes the effective truth for the general public.

This is a machine that was built up formerly against 8chan and activates any time the cathedral wants to test the new fronts of its censorship. It is a massive amalgamation of various interests. I am one person. The financial limitations aren't even the real problem - the problem is, I am powerless alone. There is no amount of money I can throw to convince people to be brave and be free. This is just the reality of our country.

And what this machine will not accept is compromise. If I censored specific kinds of behavior, it would not matter. They don't want a specific thing censored. They want the average person to be able to speak in channels where only specific thoughts are acceptable.

More importantly, they want to make it so that no small organization can host a service which threatens the cathedral. It used to be that one guy with a good idea could open a platform and be a Tom Anderson, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Fulp, Christopher Poole, or Richard Kyanka. Take note these names are all from 10+ years ago. There are no new groundbreakers online anymore because breaking ground in the new Internet's corporate parking lot is not allowed.

Emphasis mine. There is no acceptable compromise in the minds of the attackers, they love the boot and they just want to keep stomping.

Moon talked about this in a stream with RekietaLaw, I don't know if the stream is still up since Keffals campaigned have Rekieta banned from youtube and disbarred, which resulted in him getting a community strike on youtube and being temporarily banned from the platform.

According to Moon, Near was not harassed and is not dead.

Near contacted Joshua Moon and offered money for having their thread deleted. The thread was tiny and not all that negative, nobody in the thread contacted Near. Moon refused and Near escalated to extortion by threatening to kill themselves.

Moon didn't get a chance to respond to the extortion as Near was reported dead the following morning by a random who claimed to be "close to Near".

The only proof offered of Near's death was an urn with Near's alleged name on it, again, by a random.

Near was residing in Japan at the time of the alleged suicide and they are an American citizen. The deaths of American citizens in Japan are reported, I forgot at what frequency, but KF users waited for the next report and found that the last death of an American citizen in Japan had been before Near's email exchange with Joshua Moon. More reports came and no American citizens were reported dead in Japan. There is no death certificate or any official confirmation of Near's death, only a picture of an urn by a twitter rando.

I was reading comments on slashdot today, the most upmodded comments characterized kiwifarms as an organized terrorism website where nazis coordinate violence against innocent minorities and any response calling out this characterization was buried into the negatives and modded as "flamebait", "trolling", etc.

What kiwifarms actually is and does has precisely zero impact on the narrative. When people can lie and then forcibly silence dissent, reality ceases to matter.

Why do I even bother? That's a good question, I struggle with it every day, regardless of what you mean by "those like you".

I can't help but come to the realization that it's not about convincing anyone and it never was, if there is no referee and you're the only one playing by the rules, the only thing that's going to happen is that you'll lose every single time and your values will die with your loss anyway. So why the hell do I even bother? Leftists declared a culture war long ago and they've been very much treating is as such, why do I bother pretending that it's not a war and that there are rules and principles involved at all?

This reminds me of an old story about an indie game on Steam, it's called Heartbeat. The lead developer is a lesbian, and her girlfriend had very public negative opinions about transwomen on twitter. As expected, a cancel mob ensued to go after the developer because of what her girlfriend had been saying on twitter, but her response to the cancel mob turned out to be a middle finger so huge and outrageous nobody expected it. Instead of saying anything, she put the game on sale at a 41% discount in an apparent reference to trans suicide rates. The review bombing attempts were quickly countered and the developer pretty much got off without any major consequences, all that happened was that her girlfriend privated her twitter for some time.

A thing of note in this case is that Steam never removed the game and they didn't even acknowledge the controversy, even the response from the developer herself, despite being so hostile, was also subtle enough so that it would fly over the head of any casual observer.

They said this is the most expensive show ever and that the future of the studio itself relies on its success, and yet they decide to check the woke quotas instead of giving Tolkien fans what they want. Did they really just not expect this level of blowback? Its so unfathomable to me that the answer is that simple, could it be something else?

I saw this video on reddit today that explains the phenomenon as "parasitic storytelling" and I've only watched it once, but I'm inclined to agree:


Basically, the problem would be that people responsible for these shows care first and foremost about using a brand to subvert and attack what they see as some kind of oppressive status quo, and they tend to see the world through surface-level stereotypes.

What made them think hiring subpar writers, rewriting lore, rewriting characters of one of the most popular fantasy IPs while simultaneously drafting off of the brand was a good idea? It feels like the motive isn't even to make money but solely to push an agenda, but who would do that? Given the sheer scale of the project, I just cannot believe any studio would be so careless as to commit such a serious misfire.

I've posted this video before but I'll post it again because it's an interesting explanation of the reason:


This guy calls it "parasitic storytelling", which is basically latching onto popular franchises to repurpose them for ideological reproduction, similar to a parasitic relationship, and then discarding it and moving onto the next thing when the franchise has been drained. I can't help but think that this matches the pattern of woke remakes, prequels, sequels, etc. quite well.

the White race are evil "devils" who were created 6,000 years ago on what is today the Greek island of Patmos by a 'rogue bigheaded scientist' named Yakub

What the hell? I always thought this was a joke made up by 4chan. It just feels so dumb and arbitrary. Why Patmos? Why 6000 years ago? What happened to all recorded history before that? Why specifically a "big headed" scientist?

I can just as well say that the conflation of whites and racists is done primarily by whites, racists and white racists themselves.

That would be true, because the conflation is pushed primarily by self-hating white leftists. The self-hating racist is often the boldest of racists, because they feel that, as part of the target group, they have more authority to speak ill of the target and they feel the urge to do it in order to set themselves apart from the hated group.

There is one thing I tend to see as a vulnerability that I never see addressed: reporting the results as a race. When the votes are cast and the counting begins, the result is already decided and it's just a matter of finding out what it is, I don't see any utility in gradually reporting partial counts as if it were a race, and I think that creates a vulnerability in that it tells a potential malicious actor exactly how many votes they need to add in order to flip the result without being too obvious. The longer the counting takes, the more of a vulnerability this becomes.

Now, if results were reported after the counting was done, a potential malicious actor would have to accurately guess beforehand how many votes they are going to need, and that is much more difficult to do.

I'm not too well versed in the revisionist position, I just know stuff I've seen on 4chan's politics board over the years, but wasn't the argument against the holocaust that Jews did die in camps, but they weren't gassed or purposely executed? From what I recall, they claimed that Jews died from starvation and typhus after supplies to the camps got cut when the Germans started losing the war, and that the gas was used to try to stop the spread of typhus by delousing clothes.

I don't see how it's a problem, anyone taken to the camps would "disappear" when they were imprisoned, not when they died.

Alright, that actually makes sense.

Same here, in my case I go as far back as gamergate.

It was a harrowing experience to have all my lefty heroes seemingly turn into irrational monsters overnight who simply refused to listen and circled the wagons around a handful of clearly corrupt people.

That's when I got intimately familiar with the typical lefty 1-2 punch: first they silence you, and then they lie about what you said.

The couple years after gamergate was an experience of getting repeatedly caught off-guard and surprised by the sheer pettiness and malice of people I had respected and admired. We used to have a saying back in those days: you don't join GG, you get thrown in the pit with the rest of us; and, boy, was that the case for me.

I agree with the other comments.

It's an interesting thread and a straight up ban on first offense with that hostile wording seems very excessive.