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joined 2022 September 10 11:08:46 UTC
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User ID: 1102



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 10 11:08:46 UTC


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User ID: 1102

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This is the platonic form of the argument: https://imgur.com/a/QPHPxrJ

There were some great twitter threads on the subject that I'm currently unable to find.

But essentially, women view the question as an opportunity to shame & put down men. Men take the question literally.

So when women state their answer men assume that they are lacking in bear facts and try to explain them.

You've never seen anything like this?


Where each of those signs is a departure point for a different bus route. I didn't realize it was unusual.

The recording industry managed to spread the idea that non-professionals singing is lame and embarassing. So gathering around the campfire or a piano and singing as a group is pretty unusual for adults, at least in the US & CAN.

So there's not much of an opportunity for people to spread grassroots parodies.

Bus stops are merciless. I've regularly lost my spot at the front of the queue because I was 30 inches to the left of where the bus actually stops and the next person decided to start a new queue.

Of course it's regional. England is legendary for strict queue etiquette. I have no helpful insights if you're in the UK.