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The campaign has a short amount of time to present Harris as a popular competitive candidate, so they are throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. This is about contacting and rallying supporters. As well as trying to get some headlines.

They didn't actually organize themselves politically as white guys. The campaign was putting together calls with large groups and noticed it had a bunch of white guys who weren't part of any other call, so they threw them in a white guy call.

So I think it's basically nothing. The only thing that might be big is that a lot of the organizers may have realized for the first time that splitting people by race and sex creates a white male group.

NES games were quite expensive once you account for inflation. Making things hard and obscure was the only way to get 100 hours of gameplay out of 128kB of ROM.

Have you checked your blood pressure lately? Alcohol can cause a short term drop. It could be the reason that a light buzz suddenly started feeling nicer.

If Biden dies close to the Trump assassination attempt we are going to have some wild "shadow war" conspiracy theories.

No direct culture war implications, at least not directly left/right.

Crowdstrike was the company who the DNC had analyze their network and blame Russia for Guccifer 2.0. I can write up a conspiracy theory about this being a result of the deep state panicking over the failed Trump assassination and forcing a patch to create a backdoor to cause a future major outage to maintain control pretty easily.

It's being discussed a lot on twitter / x. Search for $djt short. I don't recognize the accounts posting about it and don't have the energy to verify anything right now.






No, the other special prosecutors were all Senate confirmed federal prosecutors assigned a new duty as special prosecutor. Mueller was a former federal prosecutor, so some could have argued he wasn't currently qualified, but the Senate would have re-confirmed him if needed so there wasn't really any point in pushing the issue.

Jack Smith was a state prosecutor who was famous for going after a governor in a prosecution the SCOTUS eventually overturned 9-0. Then he went to the ICC where he used his novel prosecution skills against war criminals.

Basically if the Jack Smith appointment stands then a future Republican AG is free to give any mad dog red state lawyer full federal prosecutor powers with no confirmation, oversight, or budget control.

There was also an attempt with a grenade that failed because it was a dud from the Soviet era: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Arutyunian

Scott is carrying a bias from one on one patient treatment. He doesn't seem to understand the power law aspect at play. It's actually a fairly small number of people causing a whole lot of problems.

The top 100-200 craziest addicts consume vast amounts of resources being on the streets. Institutionallizing them would make the rest of the homeless situation much more manageable and free up a lot of resources.

The US Military is highly effective. The US State Department is completely unable to do any of the "establishing a peaceful liberal democracy" tasks that it thinks it's capable of.

But the State Department is also where people who study international policy dream of working, so they push it's failures back onto the military.

Trump didn't write it and hasn't read it. Reporters keep asking him questions about it and he doesn't like how those questions hijack his messaging strategy.

Fuentes is charismatic but not very intellectual. I'd guess that he's been embarrarassed in public a few times by being unable to compete with Ashkenazi verbal ability.

Also there are a bunch of Middle Eastern groups eager to fund anti-Isreali speakers on the right, so I imagine that plays a part.

Whenever left wing activists hear someone on the right complain about powerful rich New Yorkers, they immediately respond with "Oh, so you hate Jews?!?" I think that Fuentes has embraced that to a certain degree.

If you come from a working class background and have a non-HBD world model, it's easy to assume that it's Jews who are making decisions that negatively affect your community. If he was a bit more worldly he'd realize that upperclass gentile blue tribers also hate him.

He's been attacking Steve Sailer recently because a bunch of the more intellectual groypers read "Noticing" and were discussing it's contents. Previously Sailer's work was scattered over decades of posts on different sites, it was suddenly more accessable.

Fuentes couldn't really engage so he started attacking Sailer as a secret Jew. Sailer is adopted and despite his interest in genetics has never done a DNA test, I think he feels it would weaken his connection to his adoptive parents.

But fundamentally Fuentes is reactive not reflective. He caters to lazy anti-intellectuals.

Do you ever live your 97lb kettle bell over your head and scream "You have failed me for the last time!"?

US politics has basically institutionallized the two party system. It's not a single big law but a whole lot of little laws, well some big, that make starting a competitive third party basically impossible. Whenever a third party presidential candidate makes an impact states tighten ballot access.

To counter act this, party primaries are more open than in other countries.

California has been moving to "jungle primaries" where voters get to choose between the top vote getters in the primary so election day isn't just a D blowout.

I think there's a big downside to that system. Factions within caucus aren't clear from the outside, so if you think that representatives aren't doing a statisfactory job it's not clear who you should vote against. Politicians like that aspect of the current system.

To make an impact you need local activism and involvement. If you start up any group realize that people will try to hijack it.


I do not expect the new Labour government to change this.

It won't happen if people are talking about Nigerians and Indians, it's too racially charged.

The solution is to demonize those sinister Canadians.

Get Kulak to write about how he's planning to spend a few months in the UK for the next by-election and his Canadian readers should go as well.

I don't think he bungled anything there. To secure his re-election he needed to repeat the crazy high black turnout of 2008. That might not have happened if race relations were cool and calm.

His campaign portrayed him as black to blacks, non-white to other minorities, and post-racial to whites.

His actual views are a bit harder to pin down...

His mother raised him with stories about what a great African leader his father was. Obama was probably initially planning to go into the state department. He seems to have been recruited before he went to Columbia U and his assigned roommate just happened to be the son of a prominent politician from Pakistan (or some other Muslim country, I'm not 100% sure).

While at Columbia he seems to have had a change of heart.

He decided he wanted to be a black leader in the US, and moved to Chicago after graduating. So from 85-97 you can find some more identity focussed quotes from him because he was trying to get accepted by Chicago voters for an eventual run.

Michelle used to baby sit for Jesse Jackson, so getting an in with the Chicago political machine was part of her appeal.

He seems to have realized that he sold much better to white liberals than Chicago blacks. They wanted someone with stronger links to the community. Becoming president was more realistic than becoming mayor of Chicago.

2, but it's less heirarchal than you're thinking. A chunk of prominent insiders have decided to see if they can push out Biden. They are getting the press to run damaging stories and contacting other Dems to rally support.

So there are a lot of people who know what's going on, it's not just their close friends.

Michelle Obama's name always comes up on these things because she's one of the few prominent people that the Dems could unite behind easily. I don't think she wants it. Her current life involves hanging out with celebrities and the super wealthy who all tell her how awesome she is. Then she gets paid to give talks to people who tell her how awesome she is.

There's nothing in her history that suggests she'd rather go to Michigan and listen to the problems of the hoi polloi. Or that she's particularly interested in having to make decisions about geopolitics.

how did this candidate not know the TCP 3 way handshake cold?

I've always thought of the tcp handshake as more of a tech shibboleth. It's something you pick up if you've been around, but I've never actually needed to know it. What's your experience on that?

Did nobody think having these clearly bonkers people on staff was a bad idea?

Ratfucking teams end up filled by people who can't manage a normal career. The risk / benefit ratio is terrible for a more stable person. You get people who need excitement.

We need to get the bureaucratic middlemen out of the way, not incentivize them to get even more involved.

The bureaucratic middlemen are the public sector employees. Politicians are the only ones who can get them in line. Right now the pols have no reason to pick a fight, and that's the problem I'm trying to solve.

It's the bluest county in a red state. If the case gets transferred due to Fani Willis' scandals no other DA is going to pick it up.

If I had to choose between being one of the richest people in America and one of the most famous people in America I'd pick the money.

Famous for what? Justine Sacco became world famous in 2013, and she wishes she didn't.

This isn't well developed enough for a main thread post, but it's something I've been mulling around lately.

Are we too hard on small scale corruption from politicians? Politicians motivated by implementing their grand vision seems like they'll screw things up. If they're motivated by accolades from their ideological group members it can also lead to bad things. A guy who wants to keep things running smoothly so he can skim a little doesn't sound too bad in comparison.

This is partly motivated by thinking about the housing situation in Ontario (Canada). Various interests have collided to create a continuing housing bubble. Many politicians have invested in rental units. Municipal governments have shifted to development fees to avoid property tax increases. The urban left has been fighting for no housing until there's enough subsidized affordable housing for the needy, ie them. No one puts pressure on the bureaucrats at various levels of government to approve things. Trudeau has been brining in vast numbers of immigrants despite the housing shortage to keep the bubble going.

Here's my idea. On top of the rent, each unit has to pay a monthly $30 fee. $10 for their municipal, provincial, and federal representative. This money goes straight into the politicians bank account.

Suddenly politicians will have an interest in getting new rental housing on the market.

greens-proteins-fat-carbs sounds like it's trying to fill you up on greens and protein so you don't overdo it on the fat and carbs.

Apple cider vinegar seems to have some insulin benefits: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31451249/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8243436/

But I admit I don't understand where that's coming from. With white vinegar you'd be tossing a spoonful of dilute acetic acid into the hydrochloric acid in your stomach, which doesn't seem like it would do much. Looks like your stomach lowers pH when you've consumed a protein meal. So this could all be about lowering your stomach pH. With ACV there's probably some beneficial residue from the fermentation.

A lot of diet claims are like traditional medicine. A nonsense process that results in healthy behavior.

The big one to watch out for is vegans. There are a lot of people who are vegan/vegetarian for ideological reasons and consider it their moral duty to make health claims to promote veganism even if it isn't backed by any real science.