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joined 2022 September 10 11:08:46 UTC
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User ID: 1102



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 10 11:08:46 UTC


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User ID: 1102

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I do not want to be a gym rat or get humongous.

Don't worry about this, you don't accidentally get humongous.

The low risk move is to say you're worried that neither of you is getting enough exercise and push to go to some Pilates classes together to live a healthier lifestyle.

Ukraine has a conscription problem. El Salvador has 100,000 gang members in prison that they don't know what to do with.

I see a solution to both problems.

A more workable slogan would be "We don't expect you to be white, but we do expect you to act white." They want to be in a society where white American behavioural norms are expected and not being white isn't an excuse.

His personality and charisma are appealing to the BoomerCon demographic, while he's never going to go off script and upset Roger Ailes (Fox News President).

That's the standard way for organized leftists to 1984 something from Wikipedia. Vote to merge the article in question with another semi-related article. Move over some of the content, redirect old links, delete the original article. Then vote to minimize and delete the moved over content as it doesn't really fit with the new article.

Every step can be argued as neutral, but the end result isn't.

Blacks lived in segregated neighborhoods, and this was a problem. After The War, people started moving to the suburbs, a process which was hasted by not wanting to live alongside black people, who were gradually getting better access to housing.

There's a bit of history missing from your model. During [The Great Migration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Migration_(African_American)) from approximately 1930-1970 large numbers of Blacks moved up from the south to take advantage of factory jobs and social programs in the rust belt.

So the urban whites were fleeing a crime wave from new arrivals to the city, not longtime neighbours.

Fundamentally it'd be a political trial, so venue is key. DC & SDNY are famous for going along with whatever the elite liberal opinion is, regardless of the details.

He'd have a decent chance of acquittal elsewhere but the federal prosecutors are very aware of that, so one of those two districts is likely.