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Ask me how the FairTax proposal works. All four Political Compass quadrants should love it.

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joined 2022 September 05 05:51:34 UTC
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User ID: 460


Ask me how the FairTax proposal works. All four Political Compass quadrants should love it.

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 05:51:34 UTC


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User ID: 460

Bronze Recruiter

It is good that you are disturbed.

It’s a trope in fiction of malign regimes requiring that a logical paradox be treated as official truth, such as 1984’s “two plus two equals five”, but it has a long history before that of being used to illustrate fashionable or politically advantageous absurdities. And of course, the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes is a tool to immunize children against swallowing such propaganda.

I have proposed facetiously that there be four categories for clarity: male men, female men, male women, and female women. Of course, nobody who accepts the trans paradox wants this; they want “trans woman” to be treated as the same type of category as “red-headed woman” and “short woman”, and anyone who disagrees to be shouted down for their offensiveness.

As much as there’s responsibility for the winners to examine if their belief in the legitimacy of their win might not be principled, by verifying the methods with the same scrutiny as if they’d lost.

I saw Barbie and DC’s Blue Beetle on the same day.

One film is a pile of communist propaganda which uses cultural signifiers as shorthand for the class divide, interspersing high drama and cheap comedy to bad effect, pretending to be saying something insightful about the patriarchy while having women in charge throughout the film, and relying on color-coded flashy cinematography to cover blatant plot holes and tone-deaf absurdity.

The other film is Barbie.

Bigfoots/Yeti are clearly the giants of the Bible, and the Smithsonian has a giant-finding operation which covers up their North American archaeological evidence. It was the Bigfoots of Michigan who provided king Solomon with his copper, in trade for gold, and it’s that gold which the Smithsonian is after. The Mormons were supposed to reveal them as the rightful rulers of America, which is why Mormons have been so vigorously persecuted.

You should see how The Kids These Days react to Avenue Q.

Which I really enjoyed.

That ambiguity is why it’s necessary to inform kind-minded people that the Arabic translation is “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab.” It rhymes because good propaganda has rhetorical power.

It’s like saying, “From the Rhine to the Oder, Germany will be Aryan” but replacing Aryan with “prosperous” in a language where either of the bordering rivers rhymes with that language’s word for “prosperous”.

There’s a principle here of never letting a liar define the terms, and never letting a bad guy have an inch of ground lest he take a mile. There’s a heavily tribal “scissor statement” embedded in attempting to describe the situation, and Joyful’s question may be a disgust response to the concept of transgenderism-as-divisive-social-lie as much as to transgenderism-as-ugly-behavior.

Having said that, I’m personally fine with the OP having described this Sarah Nyberg pedophile consistently with the child-luster’s pronouns of identification. I don’t need to know the “deadname” of the kid-unsafe transwoman or be constantly reminded of fundamental lies via the narrator’s pronoun choice. The post is all about the tribal lines and about one side protecting a dress which hides an erection for little girls; I don’t need to see a humiliation ritual of that dress being verbally ripped off in every sentence.

You haven’t met my dad. Obese, pre-diabetic, dad-gut, exercises at the YMCA daily, eats 3 meals a day.

Meanwhile, I don’t exercise and I’m his mirror image.

From r/Theatre a month ago:

The song “Everyone’s A Little Bit Racist” is, when looked at through a current day lens, pretty fucking gross. It absolves the audience of whatever racist ideas they have because, hey, everybody does it, and it doesn’t mean you go around committing hate crimes! It’s very much a white liberal version of progressivism, and it takes for granted the idea that racism being bad is a forgone conclusion. Avenue Q means well, but its time has passed.

Racism obviously existed, but it was easier then to believe we were making progress against it. That belief made shows like Avenue Q, which frames racism being bad as a foregone conclusion, possible. It was palatable to the primarily white audiences that would go see it, in the same way that the era made TV shows like South Park and Chappelle’s Show cultural phenomenons. This idea that you can believe in progressive politics and also say wildly racist things as long as you make it clear that it’s “just a joke” was a hallmark of the 00’s, and we aren’t in that time anymore. The show is dated and it would need a very heavy rewrite to be relevant again.

The show depicts a specific malaise with politics and society from 20 years ago, and some of that still holds up. But it also is rooted in a (largely white, middle class) understanding of race and racism from the time, where racism is a personal failing (and a potentially minor one if joked about) and not a major systemic problem.

Basically a bunch of very serious “we used to laugh because we didn’t know how racist it was to seek a colorblind society, what privileged fools we were” with some hemming and hawing about Trump and DeSantis.

Here’s one I’ll respond to specifically:

I get that this pushing of the audience’s buttons about racism is the intent with Christmas Eve, but in a post-Trump world I can’t get behind it. It comes from a place of assumption that the audience will have a problem with that sort of racism, and I don’t think it’s realistic or responsible to trust general audiences like that right now.

This person is literally upset that there might be racists in the same audience as them, actively being racist by laughing at the Asian immigrant and getting away with it without anyone to lecture correct them about how wrong it is. This is a level of paranoia the CIA would have been giddy to inspire during their MK-ULTRA experiments, a level of internal division the Soviets would have loved to sow during the Cold War.

It reminds me of one of the most insightful moments in Cerebus The Aardvark. Bear, Cerebus’ drinking buddy, is discussing a pop culture fiction with Cerebus at the bar. Cerebus gets more and more upset, and finally Bear figures out why. “You’re not upset because I don’t like the thing you enjoy,” says Bear (I’m paraphrasing). “You’re upset that I do like it, but not in the same way as you.”

Cory Doctorow’s identification of “enshittification” is a valid and cogent examination of how platforms go to die, and when abstracted, how markets, empires, and other middlemen in general go to shit and either collapse or become niche, or capture the market and become permanently shitty.

It occurs to me now that one of the great strengths of American libertarian-capitalism, as it was in the 20th century, was an environment competitive enough to reduce the incentives and pressures to enshittify, primarily by the freedom to open a truly competitive business. The old could adapt and become competitive once more, but in doing so, they’d lose the benefits of enshittification; great for the customer, but hidden from execs on the bottom line.

But larger organs of power and money have both adapted, the way evolving systems tend to do, and have found ways to capture market forces and regulatory oversight, and entrench their enshittification without fear of ever being unseated. Late stage (enshittified) capitalism and late stage democracy are feeling their oats.

Most noticeably, in my opinion, was the way the American power-sliding-leftward culture captured academia and media, which used to be the oversight mechanisms keeping a free people educated and informed about the agglomerating nature of socialism and fascism. Now, all problems in society are laid at the feet of capitalism and free markets without examination of other possible governmental or societal causes. Any power shifts to the left are framed as “reforms,” and power shifts to the right are framed as “corruption” and “fascism.”

But that’s just leftism, not enshittification, you may (rightly) point out. Ah, but the fiscal effects: taxes must increase because budgets must increase. Why? Solving problems is no longer the goal of the government; now, issues must be managed. Societal woes must be serviced by specific groups of unionized government employees. Union contracts have to be renegotiated because wages have to increase with inflation and/or remain a multiple of the minimum wage. Training programs have to be run during working hours to avoid systemic oppression affecting intersectionally underprivileged clients. Multisyllabic words have to be repurposed to adequately and loquaciously describe innovative and ever more lucrative forms of enshittification.

This is a problem. What are some solutions?

I suppose the overhyped Spiderman is of the same mold, given his creator's stated beliefs

Brian Michael Bendis is a real piece of work. He’s hated among the Marvel and DC fandoms for being the anti-Stan Lee, reinventing classic characters to new motivations and messages drawn from the bleeding edge of the Culture War.

Bendis did some compelling true crime comics, and has a few good ideas here and there. Miles Morales, young Black/Puerto Rican Spider-Man, is an interesting character with an important story arc, as distilled in the Spider-Verse movies. In my opinion Miles, middle-class bilingual son of a Black American cop, takes a similar place in culture to the original Spider-Man, post-WWII Jewish orphan nerd Peter Parker rubbing elbows with Harry Osbourn, scion of a titan of industry. It’s the kind of odd circle of friends and cultures that just happens in big New York City.

How much of that setting-appropriateness is the editors reining in Bendis’ activism? I don’t know, but I suspect it’s more than one bit; Bendis with full creative control is full lecture mode, and one reason I rarely buy comics anymore.

I’ll rephrase the toilet illustration in general: people tend to mistake knowledge of interface for knowledge of function.

I know how to drive my car. I know the four main liquids to feed it, because the under-hood interface is designed to be serviced by me. I know the anatomy of internal combustion engines about as well as I know the anatomy of my own heart. But I couldn’t fix it with all the tools in a well-stocked commercial garage. I am not a power-user or a mechanic.

This leads me to my first conclusion: that discoveries of function are probably discovered by people who are not familiarized with an interface. Japan could miniaturize all of the electronics that America invented, because they were more focused on understanding function than familiarity with form. I, as a person born with autism, do not have a natural social interface, so my discoveries in philosophy and psychology are based more on observation and manipulation of function then on once-described and redescribed and propounded ideas which have propagated over the eras.

In other words, my hypothesis is that the naïve may be better at discovering new things than the expert.

“Mine, yours, theirs” asymmetry: “Democrats show admirable solidarity in the face of Republican radicalism,” but “Republicans cause gridlock, refusing to cooperate in a spirit of bipartisanship.”

Tribal bias turns negotiable differences into irreconcilable divides. Each side’s marketing says it is the only side operating in good faith on the side of good, making good decisions for the good of the people. This is why politics is the mind-killer.

My priors are that the progressive technocracy are the de facto rulers of the planet at this point. That means Trump gets his business (of completed buildings, fulfilled contracts, and repaid loans) taken away for “fraud,” and SBF gets a slap on the wrist and another couple billion to play with.

If we were on Reddit, I’d ask the RemindMe Bot to remind me in a year and a half.

Her labia were fused together by the burns in her lap. Her team reasonably only asked McDonalds to cover the medical expenses, and McD refused to settle. When McD was found guilty, the book got thrown at them. It all happened in Albuquerque.

A clear and very delightful essay from Wayward Axolotl in 2017 on free speech being a means toward the unalloyed good “social rationality”:

What is freedom of speech?

People often confuse the principle of free speech with a specific law intended to protect free speech, such as the first amendment of the US constitution. Freedom of speech is not a specific law, or set of laws. Freedom of speech is the principle that coercion should not be used to suppress ideas.

What is freedom of speech for?

The primary function of free speech is to enable social rationality. Social rationality means thinking together. Discussion and debate are ways of thinking together. They are ways of solving problems and making decisions together. Freedom of speech creates a space in which people can freely exchange ideas, and thus think together.

Freedom of speech is necessary for social rationality, because otherwise alternatives cannot be presented for consideration. Without freedom of speech, the majority or official opinion is the only one that can be safely expressed. Under those conditions the social belief system is fixed. Errors cannot be corrected, and new ideas cannot be explored. Thought requires the freedom to consider alternatives. It requires an open mind. A society that does not permit free speech has a closed mind. It cannot think. Freedom of speech protects society from becoming trapped in a vicious cycle of conformity.

This got me thinking about Google, which is in a round of layoffs of thousands of employees. I find myself thinking conspiratorially: this would be a great time for them to purge all remaining wrongthinkers from their midst, possibly using their AI to pick those who hold such “hateful” ideas as James Damore.

I have no evidence at all, nor have I heard of such a thing happening. The thought was partly inspired by the military having a similar purge under Obama and now Biden, such that the top generals and admirals are reported (on rightward and far right media alike) to be fully “globohomo” at this point.

Those of you in Silicon Valley or STE(A)M professions, do you know anyone recently laid off from Alphabet, and what their views are?

My great-grandfather was a blue tribe geologist who volunteered to be a science witness in the Scopes Trial, and my grandmother (blue tribe) had many books about it. One anecdote which always struck me was that the Yankee reporters expected to find drooling hicks raving about it all over town, but when they got to that little town they found folk with knowledge of Hebrew and Greek who put forth reasoned arguments in calm tones.

They’d instantly complain it was like Jews being forced to wear yellow stars, despite the historical incongruity. And I wouldn’t blame them. As I dive deeper into Ayn Rand’s minarchism, I see how little the government has the moral right to be doing in our lives. Emergency responders need to know which set of internal organs to expect, of course, and police should be able to describe suspects by apparent gender. But gay civil unions and divorces (as well as contractual poly families as described in Heinlein’s Stranger In A Strange Land) should be legal, as long as the state doesn’t force churches, wedding photographers, etc. to accommodate and celebrate things that are heretical to their faith or which fill them with loathing of repugnance.

I remember back before gay marriage was legalized in the United States. Toys were on color-coded aisles, blue for boys and pink for girls of course. In 2012, a group was founded in the UK called Let Toys Be Toys which pushes the agenda of the movement which urges toymakers, toy stores, publishers, and so on to reduce the gender coding of toys and the gender stereotypes in children's books, and toy playsets and commercials. Target later made national news by declaring it was no longer going to explicitly gender-code toy aisles.

This appeared to be an appeal to classical liberalism, in which the freedom of the individual is paramount. I agree with that part, though not the activism.

But almost as soon as the ink was dry on Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, Cthulhu swam left and suddenly everything was about trans. It wasn’t long before we heard about parents using gendered toys to test which gender their toddlers or even babies identified as.

This was a whiplash pivot from freeing children from the “tyranny” of gendered toys to using the toys as a bed of Procrustes, carving their flesh to match which toy they picked, and declaring it genocide if they weren’t allowed to.

So no, I’d rather we not follow the literal Weimar Republic in using the power of the state to say who’s legally a woman. Who knows what the next lap of Cthulhu would be, and which moneyed powers would use it for lifelong medication paid by the state.

As Ayn Rand points out, collectivism will always seek to override the individual choices of a person to fulfill their own happiness. Whether that be building a skyscraper or turning a child into a civilized adult, a woman’s agency is just as valuable when deliberately chosen, not coerced or bullied. In any collectivist system, right or left, the able bodies and capable minds of those able to work are coerced into working for the collective instead of working for their own happiness.

Out of all the publicly released shooter manifestos, this document is so inane and thoughtless, so silly on its face (were it not backed up by devastating horrific actions) that I’d think it less likely to compel imitation than a well-written thesis on fallen glory or overwhelming oppression.

…However, a small part of me fears that this document was suppressed precisely because the suppressors believe such speech is all it would take to turn loose a flood of school shooters — either because they’re out of touch and don’t understand that such speech can be found in every corner of the Internet, or because they themselves felt a compelling need to go out and shoot them some crackers too after reading it.

if the U.S. wanted to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks as a prelude to global war, it seems far easier to load up an actual plane full of actual explosives and just actually launch it at the actual buildings, rather than to spend the weeks or months to surreptitiously sneak in however many tons of thermite into the World Trade Center (while also coordinating the schedule with the plane impact, for some reason).

This Overkill Occam’s Razor is the #1 reason I believe the “sagging support beams” mainstream explanation of 9/11. Whether or not there was a conspiracy to allow the attackers into America and let them hijack planes (with or without knowledge of their targets/methods), the result was several floors of firestorm in a uniquely constructed pair of buildings.

Standard explanation: Several floors worth of stacks and cabinets of burning office paperwork, fed by a high-altitude windstorm and jet fuel, caused a loss of structural integrity of the beams holding one of the suspended concrete floor layers. The impact of that floor on the one below would shear off the also-weakened steel suspension almost instantly, and then each floor below would have to withstand an ever-increasing stack of concrete floors (“pancake effect”) slamming downward at freefall speeds.

Although paper ignites at around 480 degrees Fahrenheit, it gets far hotter once it's burning. The temperature at the center of a paper fire is 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, give or take a couple hundred. The tips of the flames themselves are usually between 600 and 800 degrees. - Slate, in an article upon Ray Bradbury’s death in 2012


Like all materials, steel weakens with an increase in temperature. Strength loss for steel is generally accepted to begin at about 300ºC and increases rapidly after 400ºC. By 550ºC steel retains about 60% of its room temperature yield strength. However, at temperatures below about 600ºC, if the steel is cooled it returns to its original strength, stiffness and ductility. - Australian Steel Institute

400 degrees Celsius = 752 degrees Fahrenheit

550 degrees Celsius = 1022 degrees Fahrenheit

Meanwhile, the overkill of bringing down the buildings with a sudden explosion which toppled the buildings at the moments of impact would have been more spectacular and cinematic — unless the thermite demolitionists knew of the pancake effect and planned to trigger (or simulate) it late enough that all the news cameras in the world would be watching, for even greater horror and terror. But then they would have needed to ensure their thermite could plausibly be mistaken for the effects of jet-fuel-paper-fire even with the worlds best high-definition news cameras, and investigators they could not ensure wouldn’t be on their payroll/hitlist.

(Reportedly, Bin Laden didn’t like the buildings falling and killing so many; he wished only for a great and terrible fire, and buildings which would forever bear the scars. Instead, he got a declaration of war and the talons of an eagle descending on his co-religionists.)

It’s the bloody inverse of the golden rule: do unto others what you imagine they might do unto you. It’s the tribal justification for the cleansing fire of war since human history began.

Mostly, yes. The power plays are the key: weakness vs strength, or even power over someone in a way which overrides consent and free choice.

  • “He was mean to me”: “Why are you whining, didn’t you know people would be mean?” “I bet she did something to deserve it.” “Here are some ways to be less susceptible to meanness.” Mistake Theory: This terminology should be replaced because it feels like victim blaming. Conflict Theory: This terminology doesn’t emphasize the power disparity in a way which allows for social movements and government intervention.
  • “He was violent to me”: “Oh you poor dear! Let me help you!” “Someone should lock him up for that!” “The governor has declared a public health emergency to curb a surge in violence…” Mistake Theory: This terminology should be used because it emphasizes how helpless a “survivor of verbal violence” feels when someone’s mean to them. Conflict Theory: This terminology justifies use of force against someone who is now seen as using force.

(A previous edit of this comment used “Motte” and “Bailey” instead of Conflict and Mistake Theories.)

In short, someone whose opinions and tastes are memetically absorbed, and who thinks in memes instead of reason?

my Dad and Uncles used the G.I. bill to get STEM degrees and were also willing to move the family around for job opportunities. Law obeying, studious, industrious, and economically astute seems like a good rubric for "Rasied 'Em Right!" when compared with impulsive, prone to violence, substance abuse, obsessed with vague notions of honor but .... geographically consistent?

Why should smart people move away from small towns, especially now that the Internet has come? It’s not the dirt that’s dumb in rural communities, and it’s not the water which makes addicts of the townsfolk.

As for geographic consistency, their kin died for that ground within two or three centuries of folk memory. It’s a far more precious price than a mortgage. (I can’t say I feel that same drive myself, as my parents’ families are from Ohio and Michigan, yet we live in a huge modern city in New Mexico. I can, however, sympathize with Barney Google and Snuffy Smith over in the holler by the crick.)