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Ask me how the FairTax proposal works. All four Political Compass quadrants should love it.

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joined 2022 September 05 05:51:34 UTC
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User ID: 460


Ask me how the FairTax proposal works. All four Political Compass quadrants should love it.

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User ID: 460

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On the /r/FanTheories subreddit, a descendant of King James II of Scotland posted his theory that Captain Hook was always intended by J.M. Barrie to be recognizable as that king's bastard son, who went missing in Paris at the age of ten.

Captain Hook is James Beauclerk, the illegitimate son of King Charles II of England and his mistress, the low-born actress and courtesan Nell Gwyn. Evidence for this includes:

  • Captain Hook is the spitting image of King Charles II of England - with dark or black curly hair and "Stewart/Stuart resemblance", with the only difference being Hook's blue eyes.
  • Hook sharing personality traits, mannerisms, and physical features with both King Charles II and Nell Gwyn, balancing aristocratic dress and mannerisms with "slightly disgusting" ones.
  • "Captain Hook" is implied to be a fake name and invented identity to conceal Hook's true identity. J.M. Barrie states in Peter Pan & Wendy: "'Hook' was not his true name. To reveal who he really was would, even at this date, set the country [of England] in a blaze." This is especially true if Captain Hook was none other than the King Charles II's long-lost son, Lord James Beauclerk.
  • The mysterious "death" and disappearance of the Rt. Hon. James Beauclerk, or "Lord James Beauclerk". Nell Gwyn gave birth to her second child by the King, christened James - after King Charles II's younger brother, Prince James, Duke of York - on 25 December 1671 - or Christmas Day. Sent to school in Paris to receive an education fit for a prince when he was just 6, James Beauclerk supposedly died there in 1681 under mysterious circumstances. What James' life was like in Paris and the cause of his death are both unknown, one of the few clues being that he died "of a sore leg", which a great-nephew speculated could mean anything from "an accident to poison". This was published in the book The House of Nell Gwyn (1974). However, it is possible that James Beauclerk did not die, as reported - but rather, disappeared, or was whisked away in secrecy back to England due to fears over kidnapping and assassination attempts. His body was never returned; to this day, it is a mystery as to what, exactly, happened to James Beauclerk.

This contradicts the 2005 children's novel Capt. Hook: The Adventures of a Notorious Youth, an antihero-turns-villain origin story by J.V. Hart, screenwriter of Spielberg's Hook starring Robin Williams. In this novel, young James, alias King Jas., attends Eton and has an odd blood disorder, among other differences from this real-life theory.

I do find it hilarious that this is how people identify the difference between Paul and Jesus, when the very Wikipedia article you linked on becoming a fool for Christ has a section linking the phrase and concepts to Paul’s teachings.

I do find myself wondering how different I would be living were I to separate myself from the world and try to turn more people to Jesus by being a spectacle of His providence, like the Apostles Jesus sent out, owning nothing except the clothes on my back. Yet I remain embedded in the world, attempting occasionally to be salt, adding the flavor of hope where I can. This too is Jesus’ teaching, not Paul’s.

I have worked for a Christian capitalist. His family’s livelihood is tied up in providing low-cost services to the community and employment to his workers, and his goal is to be able to pass on to his children an education to do similarly while maintaining a strong faith like his. He’s one of the few people I’d emulate, were I to attempt a small business of my own.

I can list philosophical books which helped me personally connect the two:

  • Your God Is Too Small by J.B. Phillips

  • The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff

As a lifelong fan of science fiction such as Star Trek, I’ve always been inclined to think of God in “thinking cosmic entity” terms, not “side-taking overseer” like Battlestar Galactica or “miraculous mystical force” terms like Star Wars. The Magician’s Nephew and The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis, the chronological start and end of the fictional Chronicles of Narnia, along with his think-piece The Great Divorce, have also shaped my esteem for the Uncaused Cause, the Love Behind the World, the ineffable and infinite Mind Who has planned my eternity.

I put it in the same realm as “if women could have a fetus of any age moved from her womb to an artificial womb, and it has little to no negative effect on the child, I’d be fine with that kind of abortion.”

And there it is. The deaths of people who have been injected with the vaccine, but who are not yet immunized to Covid, have a huge death rate.

Calling people within that fourteen day window “unvaccinated” is blatantly disingenuous. Playing with words for political reasons is dangerous. Sticking with the moneyed narrative in a time of total narrative collapse can be deadly.

Those of us who were paying attention to the biology of the effects of SARS-CoV-2 were screaming to high heaven that vaccinating humans to replicate the spike protein was a Bad Fucking Idea. But since we were red-tribe coded, our words fell on stone-deaf ears.

How can we do better as a civilization next time (assuming for the sake of discussion Global Pandemic II won’t be deliberate)?

EDIT: Spike protein mechanism for causing myocarditis detailed in my reply here, for those who think I’m just being a reactionary.

it’s been known for quite a while that Covid itself leads to heart attacks, arrhythmias, and other heart problems.

Research presented at the American Heart Association’s Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2022 suggests SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein can lead to heart muscle injury through an inflammatory process:

“It’s already known from the clinical side that COVID-19 infection can induce heart injury, however, what we don’t know is the mechanistic details of how this occurs. What we suspect is that the spike protein has unknown pathological roles,” said Dr. Zhiqiang Lin, lead author of the study and an assistant professor at the Masonic Medical Research Institute in Utica, New York. “Our data show that the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 causes heart muscle damage. That’s why it’s important to get vaccinated and prevent this disease,” he added. [emphasis mine]

But that's old news to amateur followers of virology news; doctors were warning early on that the spike protein itself was not just a highly identifiable piece of the virus, it was also likely the mechanism behind COVID-19 heart attacks — and thus any rise in heart attack deaths among vaccinated people not normally considered at risk for heart disease:

[Researcher Byram Bridle] claimed the information shows that the spike protein produced by the vaccines, which is intended to prevent the coronavirus from infecting the body, does not remain in the shoulder muscle but gets into the blood — and can lead to clotting, bleeding, heart problems and neurological damage. "In short, the conclusion is, we made a big mistake," Bridle said. "We didn’t realize it until now. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin, and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin. Some people, this gets into circulation, and when that happens in some people, they can cause damage, especially in the cardiovascular system. And I have many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety, therefore, of this vaccine."

Politifact rated these claims False because “Experts say there is no evidence that the spike protein produced by the vaccines is a toxin that could cause heart problems and neurological damage. The Canadian viral immunologist who made the claim has not produced evidence to back it up.”

Reading between the lines, the cited experts are saying the spike protein is not toxic because the vaccine and vaccinated cells stay at the injection site and never reach the heart to cause myocarditis. If further research shows that claim to be false, it’s the last link in the chain giving strong evidence that the spike-producing vaccines were indeed a Bad Fucking Idea.

I see this all the time, this kind of comment that Americans hate Russians. I, frankly, am genuinely put off by this.

I always believed my country’s enemies to be the Communists, the Soviet Socialists who inherited their ill-gotten rule from the Bolshevik revolutionaries; my enemies were never the poor Russians in government bread lines in knee-deep snow. I have as little ill will toward the Slavs of the Russian Federation as I do the Khasi people of West Bengal, India, or the Mushuau Innu First Nation people of Canada; that is to say, none at all.

It’s an important principle to maintain, as we did when Kuwait was added to Iraq by force of arms. However, there was no corollary principle which would keep countries from using force of arms on its own people to keep its territory intact, as post-2014 Ukraine had been doing to its eastern regions.

This points to another problem. We as a world have been maintaining the lines on world maps drawn by the colonial great powers. Those lines were drawn in an era before mineral and oil exploration had made it clear which peoples would become winners and losers in the eyes of a mineral-hungry and oil-thirsty global industrial civilization. Those lines also lumped together disparate ethnic groups and tribes who then fought each other instead of their colonizers and corporate developers. They are more akin to a butcher’s chart than an anatomical guide for veterinarians.

My hypothesis remains unfalsified: the media reaction and government reaction was a tool for societal changes, not a tool for saving lives.

It was like those SF movies where some monster, disaster, or disease is ravaging the city, and a plucky scientist shows up saying the response has been all wrong. Only, instead of the authorities or the military listening and solving the problem in half an hour of screentime, they lock him out of the building and the media starts calling him an anti-science conspiracy theorist.

That argument probably is cope on their part. I don’t particularly care about motion blur except where it impacts CGI and 2D animation. I’ll also always take gaming at the highest framerate the hardware can handle — up to a point. One Must Fall 2097 from Epic used slowdown artistically when delivering massive blows.

I sometimes pay attention to my eyes’ super-high “frame rate,” usually when deliberately perceiving a road I’m about to turn onto with a 180 degree span I have to watch for cars. That’s when I realize it’s my brain’s “capture software” that limits me, not my wonderful eyes.

After seeing The Hobbit and Avatar 2, I have also concluded my brain is not wired for >24fps video. It feels like someone left a DVD on fast-forward. I grew up watching cartoons animated on the 2’s and sometimes on the 4’s, and I knew it was done poorly, but that's what was available. South Park hearkens back to that era where the audio was more important than the video. The only sequence in Hobbit which didn’t feel like my eyes were being deliberately insulted was the goblin cave sequence, and that’s because I subconsciously connected it to Fraggle Rock, which was high framerate and set in underground caverns.

However, I would love to watch a re-cut of Hobbit and LOTR with 48-60fps only while someone is wearing the One Ring. It would add to the otherworldliness of seeing the world through Sauron’s tool.

The mechanism of theoretical salvation for the righteous non-Christian is still the grace obtained through the sacrifice of Christ, as it is for the innocent unborn, and for youths before their personal age of accountability.

They would have to be someone who, were they not ignorant of or memetically poisoned against the gospel, would repent of and turn from wickedness, and plead Christ’s blood before God’s throne.

So then why do Christians spread the gospel? First, because He told us to. Second, to assure salvation and hope to any who feel lost in this world’s turmoil.

Yeah, I gave a hot take on the most permissible salvation scenario I can reasonably consider possible. It’s not likely to shake out that way.

First they reinvented original sin as white privilege, and the selling of indulgences as buying sustainable / environmental / electric. Now they’ve reinvented the mortification of the flesh.

I find this both scary and amusing. Maybe I’m just up too late, too tired.

I actually had someone ask me from across the street, “Where’s your mask?”

I said back, “It’s in the car. I didn’t expect to encounter anyone between parking my car and my front door.” He apologized and walked on.

I joined a local Toastmasters club in my 20’s in the early 00’s, and I now have a circle of fifteen friends and dozens of acquaintances who talk about interesting things in all fields of life.

My advice is to visit Toastmasters clubs and join the one which has people like you’d like to be like, or the one with the most interesting speech topics. You’ll find yourself blossoming in months.

Slavery, whether de facto or de jure, introduces a market distortion to the supposed normative state of freemen hiring freemen for all available jobs. Minimum wage laws drive the market demand for slavery. Thus, one potential solution is to have a lower state minimum for agriculture and other rural jobs. But then unionization picks up where the minimum wage left off, and reintroduces the demand for ununionized de facto slaves.

I'll add that if a guy can't say anything without lying, maybe he's got a bigger problem.

If a guy declines to testify on his own behalf because he can't say anything under oath without being accused of lying, and if he can then be forced by law to spend his own money to defend himself whilst again unable to take the stand himself, the problem he has is known as a witch hunt.

It’s been common ever since it came around, because of its reading level being grade levels lower than more accurate or literary versions. Still, some people prefer it over those versions for whatever reason. My head pastor still uses the NIV1984, and I have to copy verses for the projection screens out of a PDF that’s technically illegal due to the copyright holder pulling the license.

I recommend the HCSB, a novel translation not based on a previous translation. (For example, the ESV is a revised RSV, which updated the ASV, which superseded the British AV, which rewrote the KJV, which cribbed a lot from Tyndale.) The HCSB was written to be a literary work as well as a good translation; it catches things like Jewish poetry forms and formats them accordingly.

Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For I was hungry

and you gave Me something to eat;

I was thirsty

and you gave Me something to drink;

I was a stranger and you took Me in;

I was naked and you clothed Me;

I was sick and you took care of Me;

I was in prison and you visited Me.’

“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or without clothes and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and visit You?’

“And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’

Yes and no, the jacket barely fits and occasions are rare.

I really haven't taken the opportunity to compare them.

Comparing 1 Peter 1:1-5 on a word-by-word level as a sample, the ASV and NIV both hit my high points, with the ESV and HCSB in the middle, with the LSB and CSB scoring last. Yet I like the flow of the ESV and HCSB better. Ultimately, I feel the LSB is a workmanlike attempt to recapture what the ASV already had and the ESV already did better, whereas the HCSB and CSB take turns being what the NIV was.

And since I spent three hours comparing six translations in Excel, here's my own eclectic translation of 1 Peter 1:1-5:

From: Petros, apostle of Iesou the Anointed

To: the Chosen, migrants of the Diaspora in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia; chosen according to Father God's foreknowledge, chosen through the Breath's cleansing, chosen to be obedient and to be sprinkled with Iesou's blood

A plethora of sweet favor and shalom upon you. May He be spoken well of, the God and Father of Iesou the Anointed our owner and better! In His abundant mercy He has had us born again into living hope (through the rising of Iesou the Anointed out of death), unto an inheritance unrusted, untainted, unfaded, secured for you in Heaven. It is you whom God's power guards through faith toward a deliverance already prepared to be unveiled at the edge of time.

Are you sure you sure you’re thinking of the right Wright house? I don’t see any stairs in the Francis Little house living room.

In any case, I’ve had to cat-proof two and help baby-proof one house, and it certainly reduced the artistic worth of both.

My great-grandfather was a blue tribe geologist who volunteered to be a science witness in the Scopes Trial, and my grandmother (blue tribe) had many books about it. One anecdote which always struck me was that the Yankee reporters expected to find drooling hicks raving about it all over town, but when they got to that little town they found folk with knowledge of Hebrew and Greek who put forth reasoned arguments in calm tones.

I dislike the whole premise of this post. The phrase “default white Americans” is a categorization I’d wholeheartedly reject, as a supposedly positive variation of the Chinese robber fallacy hinted to be synonymous with “volk”. I assume most of the Jewish staffers are “default Jewish Americans” and the Black staffers are “default Black Americans,” absent any further info. “Americans who chose to be American by legal immigration” is a much more meaningful category.

“Jewish” and “white” also need some breakdown. Alexander Vindman, central to one impeachment of Trump, was a Soviet citizen at birth, to a Jewish family in Kiev (at the time). Without any of that knowledge, I’d think him one of your “default white Americans”.

I’m an American by birth and default choice in a land which accepts all comers. I care less about underrepresentation by bodies like mine and more about hearts and minds like mine. I want Allen West as President, David Mamet as White House speechwriter, Thomas Sowell as head of the Fed, and so-called Ultra-Orthodox Jews on the Supreme Court bench.

I think the problem you're having with the terminology here is due to trying to describe a coalition with varied heritages, interests, and purposes as a single group with solidarity.

The most commonly reported ancestries of non-Hispanic White Americans include German (13%), Irish (12%), English (9%), Italian (6%), French (4%), Polish (3%), Scottish (3%), Scots-Irish [Borderers] (2%), and Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, and Russian, each (1%) respectively. (Wikipedia)

Add in the Spain-ish whites, German-Mexicans (but not the German-Mexican Jews), Greeks, non-Jewish eastern Europeans, and the Roma, and now you have the entire pale rainbow.

Except the Ashkenazi.

I’d like to see people make noise about how underrepresented the Roma are in the Biden White House, for a change. Or perhaps overrepresented, but we don’t know because those aren’t the stats you wanted to retrieve and publicize.

I am the group it describes. My ancestors came over on the Mayflower, in the New England Puritan wave, in the Pennsylvania Dutch wave, and whenever the Scottish (not Scots-Irish) came over. I drink cow milk and eat wheat and cheese with zero side effects.

What I don’t like is that “white” carries more weight than “American” for my political rivals, and hate that it’s carrying that weight for the enemies of my enemies.