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Ask me how the FairTax proposal works. All four Political Compass quadrants should love it.

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joined 2022 September 05 05:51:34 UTC
Bronze Recruiter


User ID: 460


Ask me how the FairTax proposal works. All four Political Compass quadrants should love it.

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 05:51:34 UTC


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User ID: 460

Bronze Recruiter

it was suggested that we have a cute animal mascot. I propose Quincy the heavily armed Quokka standing atop a castle’s battlements.

I already found the one grand theory of everything I’m pretty much planning on sticking to. It helped return my mental health, it taught me about music theory and politics, and I don’t believe I can see the world any other way now that it’s so deeply ingrained.

Triessentialism is the theory that there are three fundamentally different types of things, and fractally reiterates.

Anthropomorphized castle… a golem?

One real-world action we could take, given our deep understanding of the culture war, would be to support the revitalization or republication of the materials of The Institute for Propaganda Analysis:

The Institute for Propaganda Analysis (IPA) was a U.S.-based organization operating from 1937 to 1942, composed of social scientists, opinion leaders, historians, educators, and journalists. Created by Kirtley Mather, Edward A. Filene, and Clyde R. Miller, because of the general concern that increased amounts of propaganda were decreasing the public's ability to think critically. The IPA's purpose was to spark rational thinking and provide a guide to help the public have well-informed discussions on current issues. "To teach people how to think rather than what to think." The IPA focused on domestic propaganda issues that might become possible threats to the democratic ways of life.

These "ABCs of Propaganda Analysis" encouraged readers to understand and analyze their own views on propagandistic material in order to promote informed, thought-provoking discussions:

  • Ascertain the conflict element in the propaganda.
  • Behold your own reaction element.
  • Concern yourself with today's propaganda associated with today's conflicts.
  • Doubt that your opinions are "your very own".
  • Evaluate, therefore, with the greatest care your own propaganda.
  • Find the facts before you come to any conclusion.

I like it! On my iPhone 8, it very much resembles old.reddit, which I exclusively use when there. I’d just like the hide/show buttons a bit bigger.

Is there a way to move the reply and vote buttons to below the text of the post/reply? If so, where in your above text would I put it?

I assume Reddit-style

code blocking with

four spaces

engages the monospaced font,

1234567 123 1234567890 1234,

and I assume

putting two spaces

after a line doesn’t join them

the same way putting two lines

together without two spaces still joins them

into a single paragraph?

(All of my little experiments work in the wysiwyg preview, but when saved & posted, code blocks have monstrous whitespace between contiguous lines, as do bulleted lists, and numbered lists grotesquely use the numbers themselves as whitespace. Also, contiguous normal lines without end doublespaces are joined like on Reddit in the preview but unjoined when saved and posted. If a codeblock with four leading spaces is the first line, those spaces are ignored and the first line is ruined in the display.)

  1. This is rather disconcerting.

  2. Bilbo Baggins, The Fellowship of the Ring — 'I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.'

  3. Space Shuttle ants, The Simpsons — “Freedom! Horrible, horrible freedom!“

Bulleted list:

  • .45 ACP

  • .380 ACP

  • .6.5mm Creedmoor

  • .308 Winchester

You really don’t want to host your own images or display them inline. That way lies the madness of having to constantly mod each image for illegal content such as CP.

In sadder news, the Heterodox Out Loud podcast from Jon Haidt’s Heterodox Academy has ended. Its archives are still up.

Troll post. Loving the cycling logo up top, though.

Thanks! I moved the comment-ending asterisk-slash to the end of that code block, and also unhid the permalink in the same manner, so I wouldn't have to come look up the code later if I want to switch it up.

The "clear notifications" button seems to do nothing to clear replies to my comments.

One thing I've found really useful on Reddit is not automatically clearing replies unless I manually mark them as read. It allows me better inbox management. I'd love that same capability here.

In that case, I'm likely to just preface such items with "Culture Peace Item" in the Culture War thread.

For epic/classical fantasy, I always recommend Patricia McKillip’s Riddle-Master of Hed trilogy. It’s my ur-example of how to worldbuild outside of a Tolkien nation war/angel war or D&D adventuring party in a land of many gods context. It’s at once the most personal and the grandest story I’ve read in fantasy, operatic in scale and tone.

I also recommend Matthew Woodring Stover’s SF / fantasy series, the Acts of Caine. Starting with Heroes Die, we follow the son of a failed freedom radical on a cyberpunk dystopia world, an actor with a brain implant which allows his studio bosses to stream his adventures live to the world’s paying customers in full five sense VR. He travels through a portal regularly to an alternate Earth where magic is real and there are various Tolkien-esque/D&D-style races, and commits acts of destabilization (assassinations, starting and ending wars, etc.) to keep the masses entertained. The novel’s trouble begins when the cult of a strange new god captures his ex-wife, a river goddess and an actor herself. Where this novel shines is the visceral descriptions of bodily combat; the writer is a martial artist. It gets more philosophical in the second and fourth novels, and delves more into worldbuilding in the third, but the first novel is one of my top five books of all time. Once I reach the 2/3 point, I can’t put it down until I finish it, even if that’s 2am.

The main css thread’s OP has a pretty close to old.reddit feel; I noted my modifications to that css in a thread on that post.

Yep, that’s what I was imagining. I’m making it my “site image” in my settings, thanks!

Reading a My Little Pony fanfiction of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Suddenly realizing something very important to my self-image:

I didn’t get D’s and Unfinisheds in college because of stupidity. I got them because I was too curious and didn’t want to stop thinking long enough to plough through the homework which didn’t require any thinking beyond rote calculation.

Absolutely. ADHD is the primary wrecker of that machinery. What was cleared up was thinking of myself as lazy or “a procrastinator” when I was voraciously, energetically devouring information late into the night. Now I can include time preference and tradeoffs in my choices without feeling both the burden of the work and the weight of judgement.

As recently shared on /r/rational, Harry Potter and the Prancing of Ponies. Feels like A SLIGHTLY more accessible early HPMOR, with a similar focus on thinking, a lot less stress, no ticking clock, and the Toms’ personal war on hold. Spoilers for HPMOR almost up to the end of the original, so be warned.

The man must realize a lesson of humility where he confronts his inner darkness/weakness/emptiness, the heroine must realize the truth of her inner light/power/fullness.

This coincides with the Western cultural understanding of men as inherently agentic and women as inherently unagentic. This also coincides with the pagan understanding of the act of sex as weakening men and strengthening women.

I have not watched any drag shows (besides Rocky Horror Picture Show, Disney’s The Little Mermaid, and that one episode of My Little Pony), but I am putting together pieces of a puzzle I haven’t seen: in a drag show storyline, the drag queen empowers the heroine to find, embrace, and perform her inner light/power/fullness.

One of the fascinating things about season 1 of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is that the friendship between the two focus ponies of the episode is treated by the story structure as the hero, and both ponies involved must own the errors they made before the friendship is restored and the “hero” “wins”. In particular, the Rarity/Applejack sleepover episode and the Rarity/Fluttershy fashion model episode.

On mobile Safari, iOS current version, iPhone 8, the top bar with battery, bars, clock, etc. is pink.

The reddit feature I’ve used for at least six months has been the unthreaded view: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ which shows the 25 most recent comments on the whole subreddit, regardless of post, thread, or upvote. It doesn’t allow replies directly from that view, so I click into the permalink or context if I want to reply.

Is there such a feature here?

EDIT: Looks like there is: https://www.themotte.org/comments/

What’s the difference between moral and ethical, from an academic philosophy point of view?

What's the appropriate mistake-theory response to strategic abuses of language?

I’ve been using “so-called” to call my opponents liars when they abuse language: so-called comprehensive immigration reform, so-called fact-checkers and journalists complaining about people using “groomers” to describe drag organizers putting little kids in leather thongs, so-called diversity of all-Black, all-Hispanic, or all-woman groups, and so on. It’s a tight little rhetorical trick which doesn’t sound like whining, acknowledges their words without accepting them, puts the burden of “well, actually” explaining on the other side, and blunts the edges of their words.

In some very red spaces on the front lines of the culture war, it was basically decided “if they call you a nazi, call them a groomer.” This escalation was intended not to change minds or win hearts, but to turn the rhetorical tables on “yes, all Republicans” posters.

Yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s quiet admission

Bare link post: The Federalist covers the latest CDC admission about the vaccine: the myocarditis risk among the young and healthy is larger than official sources claimed.

Along with the recent addition of Ivermectin to the list of possible effective treatments, I believe this vindicates the front-line doctors and makes mass murderers of the censors, as well-intentioned as those who smashed sparrows for Mao.