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Ask me how the FairTax proposal works. All four Political Compass quadrants should love it.

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joined 2022 September 05 05:51:34 UTC
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User ID: 460


Ask me how the FairTax proposal works. All four Political Compass quadrants should love it.

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 05:51:34 UTC


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User ID: 460

Bronze Recruiter

And there it is. The deaths of people who have been injected with the vaccine, but who are not yet immunized to Covid, have a huge death rate.

Calling people within that fourteen day window “unvaccinated” is blatantly disingenuous. Playing with words for political reasons is dangerous. Sticking with the moneyed narrative in a time of total narrative collapse can be deadly.

Those of us who were paying attention to the biology of the effects of SARS-CoV-2 were screaming to high heaven that vaccinating humans to replicate the spike protein was a Bad Fucking Idea. But since we were red-tribe coded, our words fell on stone-deaf ears.

How can we do better as a civilization next time (assuming for the sake of discussion Global Pandemic II won’t be deliberate)?

EDIT: Spike protein mechanism for causing myocarditis detailed in my reply here, for those who think I’m just being a reactionary.

Honestly don’t get why westerners object to US in Ukraine.

World War 3 will last half an hour.

US soldiers are on the ground demonstrating weapons systems to Ukrainians. The first American serviceman to lose his life will be a cause celebre and a causus belli.

Reading a My Little Pony fanfiction of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Suddenly realizing something very important to my self-image:

I didn’t get D’s and Unfinisheds in college because of stupidity. I got them because I was too curious and didn’t want to stop thinking long enough to plough through the homework which didn’t require any thinking beyond rote calculation.

I already found the one grand theory of everything I’m pretty much planning on sticking to. It helped return my mental health, it taught me about music theory and politics, and I don’t believe I can see the world any other way now that it’s so deeply ingrained.

Triessentialism is the theory that there are three fundamentally different types of things, and fractally reiterates.

Russians might or might not manage to keep Donbas and/or the Crimea but the rest of Ukraine has remained an independent country and that is not going to change.

When Putin said all he wanted was Crimea and the Donbas, people called him a liar, an imperialist, and a murdering conqueror. If the bear stands down and leaves Ukraine alone once it’s finished biting off those two chunks, as he stated, I won’t be surprised.

If Belarus is next for a weird contested election, I expect to see a repeat of wars and rumors of wars.

Observations, correlations, and hypotheses, all based on the subjective reality of gender. Because our brain hardware is relatively close to identical, our subjective realities will all be relatively close to identical. But not identical.

I don’t have an actual conspiracy theory of who spurred who to doing what, if anything. It was just an amazingly bad coincidence for Albuquerque Republicans that we didn't have the info on Peña’s criminal actions in time to vote out the chairman under whom he was nominated.

It feels like a successful intelligence operation, similar to school shootings by suspects who were on the FBI’s radar. “Sources & methods” is a shorthand reference to the intel community claims that their vital national security work was endangered by attempts to disprove the Trump Russia hoax operation, [Crossfire Hurricane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossfire_Hurricane_(FBI_investigation)).

This post on the Objectivism sub is a fantastic journey through how the Successor Ideology grabs people up, uses them like a drug cartel uses addicts, and wrecks their present and future. It’s not angrily culture-war, but it is pure and stunning culture war.

I do find myself wondering which of the COVID vaccines Navalny had taken. It’s almost more “scissor statement” than Navalny’s death itself.

Thanks! Clarification: …but I will be disgusted by the depths of the evil they chose and agree they deserve their fate, a fate I would have shared were it not for grace.

Ever since hearing that the word “politics” is best understood as “power”, I’ve been watching ridiculous and insane policies asking, “who benefits?” Since 2015, I’ve included what is and isn’t covered on the news. Layoffs might just be economically-forced layoffs, or a consolidation of something of value: indirect coordination of the like-minded/agreeable (power), programming and/or management competence, tribe/class membership, and so forth. I can no longer afford to not be cynical.

I think the problem you're having with the terminology here is due to trying to describe a coalition with varied heritages, interests, and purposes as a single group with solidarity.

The most commonly reported ancestries of non-Hispanic White Americans include German (13%), Irish (12%), English (9%), Italian (6%), French (4%), Polish (3%), Scottish (3%), Scots-Irish [Borderers] (2%), and Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, and Russian, each (1%) respectively. (Wikipedia)

Add in the Spain-ish whites, German-Mexicans (but not the German-Mexican Jews), Greeks, non-Jewish eastern Europeans, and the Roma, and now you have the entire pale rainbow.

Except the Ashkenazi.

I’d like to see people make noise about how underrepresented the Roma are in the Biden White House, for a change. Or perhaps overrepresented, but we don’t know because those aren’t the stats you wanted to retrieve and publicize.

Reminder: the 30% is adjusted out of the initial price by law during the transition year. Since companies will no longer pay employees the amount which goes to FICA and employment taxes, they’re expected to drop baseline prices and then add the tax back in. The resulting prices are equivalent, and anyone caught gouging will be fined harshly.

Sex is physical, gender is emotional. Both are based in physiology, and both are accounted for in science.

Sex is hardware, gender is software. Software can be misconfigured, and it can be reconfigured.

Sex is a fact, gender is an experience. Experiences are reactions to apprehended facts.

PoliticalCompassMemes is probably your best bet, though half of it is trolling.

I have no doubt they’re killing civilians. What I dispute is that they’re murderists, a charge all too frequently leveled at Israel, and/or Jews generally, and always a subtle undercurrent when their self-defense actions happen due to circumstances they didn’t want and tried to avoid. They’re pulling the “kill one” trolley lever as fast as they can yank it, but the trolleys keep coming.

My philosophy, Triessentialism, breaks things down to (or sees things through a lens of) three essences: Physical, Logical, and Emotional, or What, How, and Why.

I see science as the How of the What, and engineering as creating a What with a built-in How; they’re the same thing but in different directions.

The only necessary belief is that God counts Jesus’ death as fulfilling my death penalty for the harm I’ve caused.

The only necessary “ritual” is that I do not “blaspheme the Holy Spirit.”

The eternal suffering comes from being imprisoned away from the source of all goodness and kindness with all the other hateful people, and malicious powerful spiritual entities imprisoned too.

Thank you. I despise the subtle consensus-building here about the Imperatives of the Implications of Noticing, but I didn’t have the words to say it.

Smithsonian, you’ve done it again! Dr. Jones should never have given them the Dial of Destiny.

Oof. As much as I enjoy your razor-sharp insight, it cuts deep because it is true. I have eschewed grouping myself with my biogroup because of the ugliness of those who do. In doing so I have consciously denied a power to be grasped.

For separate reasons, I still strive for something more excellent, the coming of the kingdom of God, which brings all the lost children of Noah into one great family. I could be paranoid about the originators of my faith being Jewish, but I think that blackpill is poison.

For if the dead do not rise neither did Christ rise, and if Christ did not rise your faith is futile and your sins have never been forgiven. Moreover those who have died believing in Christ are utterly dead and gone. Truly, if our hope in Christ were limited to this life only we should, of all mankind be the most to be pitied!

Used buildings don’t get the FairTax, new buildings/developments do. I haven’t examined the details of this aspect further yet.

Thursday 1/5 Wordle

Remaining word count by Scoredle, which graded it as par 3.

Chain Wordle: I missed par today by two, playing yesterday's solution as my first guess:

🟨⬜⬜🟩⬜ (200)

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ WOUND (73)

⬜🟩⬜🟩🟨 PLIES (2)

🟩🟩🟩🟩⬜ SLEET (1)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 SLEEK

Wednesday 1/4 Wordle

Remaining word count by Scoredle, which graded it as par 3.

Chain Wordle: I missed par today by one, playing yesterday's solution as my first guess:

🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ (2,192)

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ WOMBS (484)

⬜🟨🟨🟨🟨 FLARE (17)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 LAYER

Tuesday 1/3 Wordle

Remaining word count by Scoredle, which graded it as par 3.

Chain Wordle: I missed par today and got it on the sixth and final guess, playing yesterday's solution as my first guess:

⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 (227)

🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ TIMED (37)

🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ ITCHY (12) - vocab below

🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ COULD (3)

⬜🟨🟩🟨⬜ PATCH (2)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ANTIC

Words I recognized and knew: optic, antic

Words I could have recognized:

actin - one of the most important proteins in animal cells

ontic - from the Greek ὄν, genitive ὄντος (ontos): "of that which is": physical, real, or factual existence; root of name of the branch of philosophy I love most, ontology

octic - of the eighth degree or order, as quadratic is of the fourth degree and septic is of the seventh

lotic - inhabiting or situated in rapidly moving fresh water

vatic - prophetic, from Latin vates (“seer, poet”)

cutin - one of two waxy polymers (along with cutan) which comprise waterproof plant cuticle, which covers all aerial surfaces of plants

octli - pulque or octli, is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented sap of the maguey (agave) plant

coati - also known as coatimundis, South American members of the raccoon family

canti - plural of canto ("song"), cognate of "chant"; also the highest voice part in a given piece of choral polyphonic music

culti - British English, plural of cultus, "cult"