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joined 2022 September 07 05:34:11 UTC


User ID: 930



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User ID: 930

Verner Vinge is my main man. You should also try some of the audio books made from his works. Works great when you want to have your gaze spaced out looking at the horizon.

In a fever dream Trump's ad she-of-the-hack-tuah would be spitting on that thang.

it's deeply distressing

It so is, these are the same kind of people who ask for height requirements right in their profiles or judge based on what brand of high-tech-slop your phone is. The worst kind of superficial narcisists, and the trend is for their kind to increase.

there are issues with long term storage of nuclear waste

There were like 40 years ago. These days we have ways of "recycling" the "spent" fuel.

You don't need to run them over. You just need to get the jackboots on the ground and forcefully incarcerate all of them.

Oh yeah? Did muh russia also coordinate the drag queen story hours in libraries? Did the russians decide to inject dildoes and strapons in childrens books? This muh russia shit is so tiresome, the progs are running ammok and when caught with their pants down all they can do is deflect-deflect-deflect.

I've alttabbed to degenerate tentacle hentai rather than let my wife notice I'm watching Tucker Carlson.

If she can't love you at your Tucker Carlson, she doesn't deserve you at your Tentacle Hentai.

Is "DR3" false? and if it is true should we not decry them?

Its veracity isn't particularly important. It's fighting the war on their term and a vain attempt to signal virtue to a crowd that already hates you. It's also a self-own. This is one of the reasons I hate the cuckservatives with a burning passion.

what is supposed to lie beyond DR3

Yes chadding and tactical minimization of the power of "racism" as a concept. When the enemy controls the plains you fight in the mountains.

No, In an ideal world we would be at a point where racial Difference in IQ are acknowledged and an attempt is made to "help out" the underperformers. (Affirmative action without the pretense of "systemic racism" and without scapegoating whitey for failure to achieve).

Further the affirmative action would be scaled by "personal" IQ so you would be able to help out white trash/trailer park dwellers at the same time.

I don't "trust" Matt Walsh. He's exactly the kind of controlled opposition boomercon who would lean into DR3 fail takes and decry the left for its racism and prejudice.

Pretty much all bad behaviour is the fault of a small number of people

The most hilarious episode of the metoo kerfuffle was a PMC woman doing a hidden cam walking through shitty areas of NYC and getting cat called mostly by low status black men. And the ensuing backpedaling and gnashing of teeth. She was so, so ready, so thirsty to slander an entire sex, when the culprits turned out to be one of her favorite protected class the twitter drama was delicious.

Speaking of mainstream right producers/writers having their ear to the disident right online, I have to admit the absolute Zenith of keks for me was when Trump gave the Inauguration speech with the Bane posting right in there.

scientific paradigms refuse to disappear until

Scientific paradigms refuse to disappear until the scientists who hold them die off and are replaced by a newer crop of students. The only things which can disrupt a scientific paradigm is the obviousnes of some invention's extreme success at whatever it is doing or moneyed interest, or just people being replaced and indoctrinated in other ways.

if noble men were in charge,

If noble men were in charge it wouldn't be communism, it would be an aristocracy.

That space realism shit they had going on in frescas was great, you got your muscular dude grabing the atom flying through space, you got your worker man and woman both beutifully detailed with their muscles wrangling a work implement vaguely in the direction of forward or upward. At least the artists in the CCCP knew what human beuty looked like.

Just look at it.

The west has lost even the will to depict this energy. I want my mass media to tell me, we're fucking going to space, and you and your wife will toil to make it happen. We're getting on that bloody moon rock or die trying.

Kamala wants to unleash her inner prosecutor

Kamala can't unleash her inner prosecutor when she's being interviewed 1 on 1 by a friendly journo, I very much doubt she'll be able to out-shitpost Trump on stage. Maybe they think they have some real good pre-learned zingers for her, or maybe they realise just how bad the whole mic-muting-control looks optics wise, the people understand they are desparate, maybe this is a way to show that they are somehow back in control. It'll be hillarious either way.

Oh no, the parallels are absolutely there. There is a reason you keep your mouth shut if you have right-leaning ideas in hollywood and in big-tech.

What I'm saying is this is coming for us too. People will give up voting, what's the point when the deep state will just install whoever they please. The real question is if people are going to try and stage a boogaloo or just get high and give up.

but also deliberately cultivated in Russia by its government.

People say this all the time like it's some uniquely russian thing. If western media told me the sky was blue, I'd go out and check, just in case it had just turned into world-ending-evangelion-blood-red. Our institutions are hell bent on gaslighting us on even basic facts of life (re-birthing-persons). The media spent 4 years confabulation absolute bullshit about the sitting president, then they spent another 4 years pretending the fossil-in-chief still has all his marbles in order.

At this point I wouldn't even take arms against an invading Russian army, at least the russians wouldn't want to shove rainbow nonsense down my throat.

Intricate power systems, struggle for power and status

Dudes being dudes in on eachother is like bait for women, they love that stuff.

America makes amazing entertainment, year over year

Tell me you haven't been paying attention without telling me you haven't been paying attention. Just look at the slop Disney is putting out time after time and the absolute abysmal mindrot offerings in gaming.

Gamers are tired of fake androginous blob looking cutesy nonsense.

Black Myth Wukong looks like an earnest attempt at a soulslike with chinese myth back story, doesn't have DEI nonsense in it and indeed got a huge publicity push from the backfired attempted extortion by the media-dei complex.

I'm actually glad for the language/culture gap between the west and Asia. For now they continue to be impervious to the brainworms infecting western game dev. Sony Entertainment/PlayStation was turned to SHIT when the headquarters moved to San Francisco

Social Security? How about you make the defense dept do a proper accounting audit for once? Then after that go for social security.

It is ALWAYS DNS, always.