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User ID: 930



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User ID: 930

In the feminist mindset, rape is an expression of power, not an act of lust, and hence it is quite disconnected with a woman's attractiveness.

Yeah but like, they're wrong.

The pot bellies are a result of HGH abuse.

I'm not keen on watching the billionaires all raise 12 little versions of "Chadius Maximus Esq. the IIIrd."

While we're dreaming can we get omnibus bills to be banned? Also make a law where anyone in congress/the house can put anyone else present on the spot for knowing the bill's text from memory. If he doesn't know it verbatim then the bill is delayed until everyone involved( yes every single one) learns what it says.

Further make it so you can't add random bullshit to a bill in an amendment.

The Christian memeplex is the biggest driver of tabula-rasa like egalitarian belief. A your usual christian boomers will not be sold on ethnonationalism or racismlite while they believe we all have souls that are the same created by the same being who just so happened to sprinkle them randomly in the people of the earth.

So yes, the alt-right is completely right about Christianity and even more right about the catholic church which has leaned heavily into thirdworldism, taking the white population as granted and gunning for as many black and latin targets they can get their geriatric hands on.

being a particular sex is conduct rather than a status

Judith Butler certainly seemed to think so. Performative gender identity and all that good stuff.

This is insanity.

What I don't get is this. Why don't the municipalities instead pass like 60 laws at the same time, all with different spelling or formally different clauses that all enforce the same thing. Let the courts figure it out, just DDOS the system.

I mean, can you predict what Dems will platform next, denial of which will be a fireable offense in 2030?

After the trans thing? They'll continue to advocate for diminishing parental rights. Instead having the state/school be the ultimate authority in how your children are raised.

I don't think it's fair to say that Ukraine antagonized Russia

I do, more so the USA and their puppets in Ukraine antagonized Russia.

They insisted upon their sovereignty

No such thing.

They refused to be bullied

What is this, a playground? This is realpolitik.

Eh its mildly different as it "triggers" the past-mra in me. The "male disposability" is a well cliched concern.

if born in Britain, France or Spain etc., will not see themselves as nonwhite, because their societies lack the concept of whiteness as an identity.

Press (X) to doubt. They would see themselves as non-white in exactly the same way as if they were born anywhere else that has the internet and english is commonly spoken. Further they will be reminded at every step by their peers, teachers and general adults how much MENA, person of color or BAME, BIPOC or whatever else fancy term for non-white they are.

where is the "vileness" supposed to be coming from

The callous disregard for male life in the pursuit of matryoshka pussy?

You didn't mention comics, they've literally murdered that industry by squandering everything of value to push a message. Right now StoneToss gets more views per comic than mainstream marvel comics franchises.

By that logic, how do you trust anyone to do anything? Stuff still needs to get done, even if the incentives aren't perfect. The world turns.

You might have noticed these days we (I) don't trust the media and authorities to tell us the sky is blue today. I seriously don't trust these people not to fuck it up and engineer an even greater climate disaster.

I have no idea why the hell Israel decided that right now was a good time to kick the Iranian hornets

They are trying to pull in Russia and the USA into a hot conflict. They have been for a while.

Wizards got really woke recently. Other than that, don't pay enough attention to it myself.

once people have enough money to keep buildings repaired.

The people also need to have the desire to keep the buildings repaired and their environemnt free of refuse. (as a perfect example, see any gypsy "gheto" in the EU). The people aren't exactly poor there, for every two poor families there is one "well enough" to have a properly painted house. And yet the neighborhood streets are always litered with trash. There are randomly scattered burned out cars or tires. (for some reason it's always old car tires without the wheel rims).

The people are unable grasp the concept of shared communal ownership or are seemingly fine with trash littered everywhere.

There are news articles of the time from the US, Britain, and France that say torture was done to nazi officers for a variety of reasons including to gain false confessions. Family members of these officers tried to alert others of the torture but it largely fell on deaf ears as Germany lost the war and there was not much sympathy for these officers. One of the biggest efforts during the torture process was to get signed documents "admitting" they had exterminated jews in camps. Some claims by the nazis is that their families were threatened, they were assaulted all over their bodies particularly in the genitals area, and other general torture methods. Just one famous site that the nazis were tortured in was the "London Cage". The allegations of torture to captured nazi soldiers are pretty extensive, but the losers of the war didn’t get to have their voices heard.

There wouldn't be an actual endgame as the regime would get toppled as soon as the vast police presence was pulled back.

There could be another endgame. Kill everyone. Every last one of them.

This Was all Proven at Nurember

Nothing was proven at Nuremberg. If you're going to be crushing the prisoners' balls to extract confessions absolutely NOTHING they say can be trusted.

and western governments stand by it, and you can be jailed decades for questioning it in Europe

Exactly because a government must use force to control ideas they must be rejected apriori.

I can believe that about Germans, it also spills into the electronics and machines they develop. I've seen overwrought designs with double and triple redundancy with security and safety interlocks so overcomplicated that the final product can't even perform its intended function properly. That is until you go in and remove half the safety interlocks and defeat some of the redundancy to get a workable solution that will work non stop for years.

The difference between flyovercountry crackheads/american fatties and the videographical apocalypse in that 4chan video is the lack of shit all over the place and rats. I am visually viscerally disgusted on a level unable to be put into words far more than the racist words spoken by the ai.

But when it came to it, the FSB could not do this. The Russians, for all their immense capability and cunning, were so addicted to the grift that they were unable to salvage their own intelligence operation because they were too busy enriching themselves.

The hell are these people on about. We're supposed to believe they couldn't fudge some numbers in a bank's database with the help of not one but TWO countries spy agencies? I'm calling bullshit.

Underclass whites are feckless normies without aspirations or desire to affect or own the world around them? Shocked, I am shocked I say.

The media is still trying to gaslight boomers that "nothing is going on" even as the DNC pursuing a program of importing future voters. The federal government is fighting tooth and nail vs texas so as not to have a proper border. And yet even while all of this is happenign there will still be some one gaslighting me about it even here. (see hlynka's usual shtick)