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c’è aria di frociaggine

13 followers   follows 6 users  
joined 2022 September 04 22:02:26 UTC

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.


User ID: 195


c’è aria di frociaggine

13 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:02:26 UTC


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.


User ID: 195

On the other hand, this isn't criminal prosecution: especially this level of higher-tier security clearance. There's a reason you can tell who's been through that level of interview from those who've just heard about it by the extent they flinch at certain questions. For all the official guidelines are about really overt behavior showing sympathy to foreign governments, illegal behaviors, or blackmailable targets, the practical guidelines are looking for broader understandings of strong impulse control and good judgement, pretty vaguely defined. If playing War Thunder is an unacceptable security risk -- and I think it's pretty persuasive that it is -- it's not like this is that unreasonable.

It does seem like the space between "can't get security clearance" and "criminal prosecution" should be fairly large.

There's not much field analysis to be done going into this week's Eagles Saints game. Either the Eagles are as bad as they've looked at their worst over the past ten games, or they're as good as the talent analysts in the media thought they could be during Howie Szn. Invert that for the Saints, credit to hoff.

Narrative wise, though, this could easily be Nick coaching for his job. Lose to the Saints and the iggles are 1-2 with bad vibes going into the rivalry game away at another surprising competitor with good vibes in Tampa. Lose to Tampa and I wouldn't be shocked if they drop Nick going into the bye week.

On a process basis, Nick should go regardless of final score if the Eagles pass rush, which didn't seem like this big an issue coming into the season, continues to underperform. The d line needs to get some pressure and some sacks against Carr and Baker.

We'll see if this team has any resilience or if the Eagles are in a decline and transition phase. Switching coaches mid season is unlikely to work, it rarely does, but might as well get it done early if it becomes obvious you have to do it.

Is it possible to be weighing engagement vs breaking up at the same time ?

That's the only way to be. You should always, after maybe a month, be considering marriage, and if there's not a realistic path to marriage breaking up.

Certainly when you're at the point where you're ring shopping, if you're not gonna pull the trigger you should break up.

The alternative is weighing engagement versus wasting her time.

Who would have imagined 20 years ago that a Republican candidate would be running on a platform that promised to upend the entire American economic system in order to protect union manufacturing jobs?

What we're seeing here is consistently the UAW votes for the candidate with a dumber economic platform, that wants to avoid free markets and engage in protectionism and subsidy to preserve high paying union jobs.

Trump, in the last few months, has pushed his promises of tariffs to ever more absurd heights. Vance has publicly said that there's no price for a toaster that is so high it is worth even one American factory job to lower tariffs.

I buy a lot of MiUSA stuff whenever I can, but there's no question that a shift to MiUSA stuff is going to represent a massive increase in consumer prices for most goods, especially if it happens all at once as a result of tariffs.

Excellent point but I'm going to quibble about what is tradition, what is virtue, and what we're returning to...

Chastity was held in esteem because it signaled a lot of valuable, pro-social, and pro-evolutionary traits and conditions.

But, come on, confront the issue; is smoking and drinking every day a good thing to do? No. Is hopping into bed with someone you've known for a matter of hours a good thing to do again and again in your 20s and 30s ... often with alcohol involved? No. It isn't. Even if "no one gets hurt."

I recently had a drink with a friend of mine. She was upset because her second grade son, together with his second grade boy gaggle of friends, had convinced a retarded kid in their class to make a "naughty" hand gesture. The retarded kid got into trouble, but under interrogation, it became apparent that he had been baited and hoodwinked. Parents were called. She was almost in tears worried she was raising a "bully."

I said that the optimal amount of bullying for a kid to engage in isn't zero. A kid who never does anything bad is probably a herbivorous, smarmy, teacher's pet of a goody-two-shoes. Bullying isn't good in and of itself, picking on retarded kids isn't a good hobby to get into, and certainly she should discipline him for it. But at eight years old, this is a good sign of development in many ways. He's clever, he has a group of friends that have espirit together, he's spirited and engaging in mischief to amuse himself, he's getting along with people and landing towards the top of the hierarchy rather than at the bottom of it. Those are all good things! Discipline him, make sure he isn't growing up to be cruel and take advantage of others; but the alternatives to him growing through this phase probably weren't "he's perfect and would never say anything mean to anyone" but "he's such a teacher's pet that he never has an independent thought or the courage to pursue his own desires" or "he's such a loser that he has no friends that would want to do mischief with him" or "he's at the bottom of the pile getting bullied."

Chastity is a virtue, it shows discipline to make good decisions. But it can also, particularly when taken to extremes, be a result of and indicative of character flaws. It's a pretty frequent problem in evangelical communities that you have the teenagers who are really good at chastity, and then they never grow out of it. It turns out the good chaste boy who never hit on girls was just gay, or that the good chaste girl who never snuck out of the house at night to see her boyfriend is frigid and doesn't "snap out of it" the moment she gets married in a church. The dropping partner counts for young people don't represent good trendlines for society, and certainly not for traditional values.

Similarly, sexual incontinence is mostly a character flaw, and whoring leads to all kinds of bad outcomes. But it can also indicate virtues vs the control group. Seeing something you want and making the moves to get it requires courage and risk taking. Someone who is attractive, who has potential paramours drooling to get with them, is going to require more discipline to achieve chastity than someone who is unattractive; hence why I think celebrity marriages are simply a different animal than ordinary folk.

Truth and virtue exist in conflict, in tension which creates balance. We need to be seeking to set up a tension that produces the virtues we want to see.

They're never guaranteed, it varies by person, but at this particular moment in my life they aren't an option. Maybe in nine months I'll feel differently...

More likely I'll be following @100ProofTollBooth into leaving the 1-guard on my Wahl every morning.

I can't really grow any facial hair, unfortunately. Best I can do is a faint pencil mustache.

I've noted before that in suburban America rumors of ritual animal torture have been a semiannual tradition. There's always a rumor going around about it.

I think my hair is starting to thin in front. I'm seeing more scalp than I used to through my hair, depending on lighting. It's not at problematic levels yet, but most likely will be eventually I would think.

Finasteride seems to be the gold standard answer, but the side effects are a hard no for me right now. Accepting a lower libido and ED to preserve my hair is like taking the engine out of my car to preserve the paint; and at any rate I'm not even trying anything right now if it might impact fertility even a little.

What are the current best options people are aware of?

Baseball has the best game endings for that reason, no clock. You have to let the other guy take his chances.

I wonder if that could be adapted to football rules with possessions.

I don't find that advantage peculiarly unfair compared to other forms of play fake, which are considered fine and honorable. If you send your lineman downfield you lose him as a pass protector.

It's fairly related, actually.

Rednecks I know with no money still keep a V8 pickup or old project car around. It's the space, when you have a large property in a low-land-value area, to store it.

That's a good point, but seems fixable.

I just don't like the onside kick. It's a goofy thing that's more annoying than tension inducing.

I'm enjoying the Dynamic Kickoff, in that the old kickoff sucked. Right now it's been mostly played conservatively, but I think it's going to take time for kickers and teams to get used to taking risks with it, trying to get short returns rather than just taking the 30 yard touchback. Starting at the 30 definitely has a negative impact on the kicking team if they take the touchback, and we'll see if they can make it a skill issue over time. A kicker who can put it on the 1-5 consistently will gain a couple key yards of field position for his team.

I'd like to see them do away with the onside kick entirely, and replace it with a choice to take a 4th-and-20 at your own 35. Similar odds to an onside kick, similar consequences to failure, and it makes it a real football play instead of the goofball "hands team" stuff.

This might be sleep-deprived anger after MNF, but I've never really understood the purpose of the ineligible man downfield penalty.

Josh Allen once said in an interview that because it's not a "catch" until you have both feet down, receivers should be allowed to continue a forward pass if they catch it and throw it again before both feet are down. I have no idea if we'd ever see it in game, but it would be AWESOME to watch it happen, and doesn't hurt anything before that.

I'd like to see replay rules expanded to cover more penalties, as we're already at Talmudic levels of discernment as to the meaning of "catch" or "roughing the passer" and we're seeing every play ten times anyway. If the league is already stopping the game for five minutes for a penalty, it should be reviewed automatically in NY at least at a cursory level.

I'm not sure if I actually want to see it as a permanent change, but I'd be curious to see what would happen with changing the yardage for some penalties. Holding getting you ten yards back is brutal! Maybe experiment with using loss of down rather than yardage penalties for false-start/Offsides penalties. Some pass interference penalties are ticky-tack judgment calls, but completely blow open the game after they are called.

Fun game to watch live, besides the gut punch at the end. Perfect weather.

But Nick Sirrianni will not make it to the end of the season. Maybe not Fangio either. They might not make it past the bye week. The absolute lack of a pass rush dooms this team to mediocrity, they have invested in talent up front on D, they need to see pressures or the coaching staff is toast. Which applies regardless of whether Barkley catches that last pass or not, but unlucky twice more and it might not even take to mid season.

The offense was lackluster, but the defense was truly bad. Eagles will not be competitive in the playoffs, if they make it that far. Something happened near the end of last year, the pass rush just evaporated.

Which is precisely why assassinations are less horrifying?

Interesting! I've never heard that critique, possibly because I'm less into the Protestant infighting.

Still, I'd contend that it's much more likely that a person who says that inner cities need more religion would still say that despite that critique of existing black churches, they would simply say they need more proper churches.

Nationalism. There's a belief that there exists a set of people who are Germans/Czechs/Poles/Frenchmen/etc. And that the goal of international policy is, where reasonable and within constraints, to draw a circle around each group of people and allow them to form a nation state. This is a myth, the circle can't exist absent state violence, and indeed the people mostly don't exist without state violence.

The idea of conquest in an age of nationalism means either genocide or slavery. In an age of monarchy it merely means adding subjects.

JD Vance would be the presumptive insert, unless one of his kids wants the job, but I don't think there are firm rules should the GOP decide it wanted otherwise.

We saw the same thing with DNC for Joe's political death. They weren't required to pick Kamala, but they did, largely because doing otherwise would be inconvenient.

Consider that the GOP would have additional pressure towards a Trump legacy pick because they would face the risk of appearing to be involved in the assassination.

I'm just sad my favorite Cowboys podcast is off the air. I wish I could listen to them squirm tonight while I clean up the house for the week.

Falcons is feeling like a real trap game now.

‘Is racism or a bad culture the biggest problem facing the black community?’ Self explanatory(true HBD is a fringe position in the red tribe).

I like this one, but I think in more detail it could go

What is the best way to uplift black communities?

Increase funding for education (-2), Increase funding for police (+2), decrease funding for police (-4), increase attendance at churches (+6)

I'm finishing up On The Edge by Nate Silver in print. The River vs Village dichotomy is really getting sweaty now that he's talking about things like NFTs and SBF. I like Silver a lot, but this is starting to feel like a Law Review Note where a student picked a topic at the start of the semester only to realize that there really isn't much to say about it, and tried to grind it out anyway. I'm hoping maybe the last 100 pages are about cheating, which might salvage the whole project if he has a robust theory of cheating.

I'm still on Seeing Like a State on my tablet. I'm sure I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said about it.

On audiobook I just listened to Down and Out in Paradise, a quick bio of Anthony Bourdain my wife got on audible. Holy shit that book was terrible. It combined a preening retroactive wokeness (Can you BELIEVE that Tony referred to people as Puerto Ricans and Swedes?) with a deep misogyny whenever it discussed Tony's partners. The author didn't seem to have gotten more or less any original material, no one close to Bourdain spoke to him much. Another book that really felt like the author got an advance, tried to do some research, didn't find anything, but wrote the book anyway. Most of the pages are just a rehash of Kitchen Confidential with occasional emphasis from another public interview or published material. Then the author drop facts at random, but not really go into them. He points out that Anthony Bourdain was on steroids near the end of his life, but doesn't go into when or why he started doing it. Which is emblematic of my problems with the whole book! I'm probably more pro-steroid than most, but there's something obviously weird about Anthony Bourdain doing steroids, it doesn't fit his core public persona, how did he get into it, how did he justify it to himself? The lack of research makes his attempts at deflating the Bourdain myth fall completely flat. I would highly recommend against this book, read Kitchen Confidential and any post-suicide profile of Bourdain and you'll get the same substance.

Very slowly, I'm reading Phenomenology of Spirit, I've started the Half Hour Hegel series, which goes through the whole book paragraph by paragraph. I am still many many many videos from the end, it feels kind of like the year I spent reading the bible in daily bite size chunks.

If anyone knows one, I'm looking for a good history of the Kennedy family. Joe to JFK/RFK/Ted.

I didn't watch the whole debate, were there any questions that weren't obviously coming? I didn't feel like there were any looks that Trump wouldn't have drilled.

Why is it surprising? It seemed obvious as soon as a candidate repeated an accusation that's at once all of outre, disgusting, racist, ultimately unprovable as either true or false, hate-inducing, and goofy; that was going to be a viral moment. People love hating the out-group, it feels great. This is true regardless of the truth value of the accusations. The race was on the moment he said it between right wing research efforts to turn up something close enough to true to say it was true, and left wing efforts to turn up a hate crime against the Haitian community. So far the right has turned up a couple rumors that almost kinda sound like it, and a bunch of pictures of people two towns over roasting what are obviously chickens or lamb on closer inspection; the left is in overdrive reporting "threats" but hasn't turned up anything concrete yet. The NY post meanwhile is reporting on car crashes in Ohio in which no one is injured as major news stories.

That said, I think the best meme of the election so far has been the Fight Fight Fight photo of Trump. Fifty years from now, when the 2020s retro look is back in, and it's all aesthetic and no politics, it'll be around. When my grandkids want to decorate their 2020s vintage basement in style, they'll put that picture on the wall, maybe in the form of a framed boardwalk T shirt from the Jersey Shore, as iconic of the time, without really knowing whether they agree with DJT's politics or not; in the same way that I have a velvet painting of JFK hanging in my '62 vintage basement.

In the spirit of Buzzfeed and Murray's Coming Apart quiz on how thick your bubble is, what're your best questions for assessing Red Tribe vs Blue Tribe American membership accurately. I've thought of a few, wandering what everyone would add. I'm aiming more for questions that get at the cultural attitudes and feelings that underly tribal membership, rather than political positions questions, which I feel are more vulnerable to lies. So far I've got for examples and formatting, I'm setting Red as Positive and Blue as Negative, the higher your score the Redder you are:

Do you drive a car with a V8 engine?

Yes (+2), No (0), Yes but it's not my daily driver (+4), I don't know (-8), I don't drive (-2)

How often do you go to church?

About as often as I'd like (+1), less often than I'd like (+4), more often than I'd like (-4)

What is the biggest reason you prefer to buy things made in America?

They are higher quality (+4), workers are paid a fair wage (+1), it's important that we make as much as possible at home (+2), I don't prefer things made in America (-2)

How large a raise would you need to be offered to do your job in a foreign country for two years, assuming that your standard of living would remain more or less the same while you were there?

50% or more (+4), 25-50% (+2), 0-25% (-2), I would do it for less than I'm making now (-4)