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User ID: 1175



5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 13 13:37:36 UTC







User ID: 1175

Update regarding the kerfuffle surrounding Biden declaring March 31st the Trans Day of Visibility. Zero Hedge reports that Biden himself has no recollection of doing so.

Would it be rape to have sex with someone who was asleep? Comatose? Sedated? I think almost everyone would say yes.

Agreed on both counts.

To be fair, he could well have changed his mind in the intervening two years.

the stronger one gets the backlash because they are the ones committing the attrocities.

I find the use of the definite article here fascinating.

Speaking as a guy who's had sex with my fair share of women who were pleasantly tipsy at the time, I can assure you and Tyre_Inflator that I'm not advocating for a situation in which any man who's had sex with a woman who's had so much as a mouthful of sherry can be hauled off to jail at the drop of a hat. But I think it's intuitively obvious to essentially any sensible person when a woman is too drunk to give meaningful consent. If a woman is so drunk you have to practically carry her home from the bar, you know damn well you shouldn't be having sex with her - don't play dumb.

And if a girl is so drunk that she's drifting in and out of consciousness, how can she consent?

One of the most recent videos is by Andrew Callaghan interview

I heard he was MeToo'd awhile back, did anything come of that?

1951, apparently, so it strictly speaking predates the sexual revolution.

I live in Ireland and still get my fair share of slagging. A few years ago I could hardly leave the house without someone pointing at me and saying "hey look lads, Ed Sheeran's on tour!" but that dropped off after I lost weight.

And is it really possible for an intelligent human to both understand a book like Crime and Punishment and read it and be emotionally indifferent to it?

Why not? There are lots of stories which I understand perfectly well but which leave me cold.

Thanks for the tip, it's not mentioned anywhere on the Wikipedia page.

let me know if anything actually happens

Unanimously approved.

I will caution you that if you buy a hard copy of Lost Girls, do not read it on the bus. People will assume that you're reading child pornography, and with good reason.

Finished When We Cease to Understand the World the other day. Fascinating, absorbing and concise. Well worth checking out if you have any interest in the luminaries of quantum mechanics (Schrodinger and Heisenberg in particular).

But that's Freddie's entire point: Tyson's career wasn't destroyed. To quote from the original article:

Mike Tyson, Kid Dynamite, 1980s heavyweight boxing champion, has settled into a role as a beloved cultural figure. Once uniquely feared for his ferocious style (which has led to him being constantly overrated as a boxer in the all-time ranks), he’s come to be seen as a lovable, even cuddly presence. His fearsome reputation has strangely helped his new career as a wacky, “random” celebrity. At 57 years old, he’s fighting YouTube sensation Jake Paul later this year, in another sign that we’re living through the fall of Rome. He enjoyed a major career resurgence with his famous cameo in the raunchy 2009 comedy The Hangover. Since then, Tyson has appeared on talk shows, started a podcast, made comedic television commercials, and as you can see in the image at the top, starred in an animated television show for Adult Swim. Broadcast from 2014 to 2019, Mike Tyson Mysteries had that mid-period Adult Swim quality of attempting to substitute a wacky premise (ferocious-turned-adorable Mike Tyson solves crimes) for actually being funny. The show does serve, though, as a good symbol of how Tyson’s public image has become kitsch, his resurgence based on nostalgia for his boxing career and the fact that the entertainment industry loves both established names and unpredictable personalities.

To quote from his Wikipedia article:

After his release [from prison] in 1995, he engaged in a series of comeback fights, regaining the WBA and WBC titles in 1996 to join Floyd Patterson, Muhammad Ali, Tim Witherspoon, Evander Holyfield and George Foreman as the only men in boxing history to have regained a heavyweight championship after losing it.

I just don't think your claim (that people have generally forgiven Allen and excuse his behaviour as the product of a different era) is true.

I'm thinking of one specific guy I know, who describes himself as "demisexual" and yet admits to watching porn. Not an OnlyFans girl with whom he has the plausible deniability of claiming that he knows her intimately (or the character she's playing) - just regular ol' XVideos.

If you need to get to know someone before you feel sexually attracted to them - how can you jerk off to porn? I don't get it.

Oh interesting, maybe he's not a counter-example so.

Did you or the writer attempt to control for the actual crime rate between these different states?

I didn't. As an experiment, I tried comparing the 2022 figures for anti-LGBT hate crimes/100k in each state with the intentional homicides/100k for that state. I'm not sure if I did it right, but it appeared there was no correlation.

If you're with a girl and she's slipping in and out of consciousness (i.e. struggling to keep her eyes open, head lolling, nodding off etc.), you shouldn't have sex with her. I don't understand why this is so complicated.

I'm not getting into the debate of how such a crime is prosecuted, I'm aware that it often ultimately comes down to he-said-she-said, innocent until proven guilty still applies, right to a fair trial.

My point is that, if having sex with someone who's comatose unambiguously constitutes rape, then having sex with someone who's so drunk that they're slipping in and out of consciousness should also constitute rape, for the same reason. If we had hard proof (e.g. video footage) that clearly demonstrated that a rape complainant was drunk to the point that they were slipping in and out of consciousness during the act in question, that would be about as central an example of "rape" as it's possible to get.

This term is, in fact, controversial - at least in the discourse space you and I are participating in. It is, in fact, an extremely tendentious framing, and I do in fact reject it. (The mere fact that the “age of consent” differs so dramatically between different jurisdictions worldwide illustrates that people do in fact disagree substantially about the validity of the framing.)

In Bahrain, a man who violently rapes a woman can escape all legal culpability if he agrees to marry her. The fact that Bahrainis "disagree substantially about the validity of the framing" (namely, that rape is a heinous and despicable crime, and not just because it may be harder for the victim to find a husband) does not give me cause to update my views on rape or reject the conventional western framing.

That was great.
