@FrankLloydWrong's banner p




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joined 2023 March 07 14:29:38 UTC


User ID: 2242



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User ID: 2242

I lived in a Bible Belt town in Alabama for a little while (military), the people there are just very conservative, that's all.

In my neck of the woods it's more acceptable to call someone the N word than support BLM

If you did a poll and found 5% of white Southerners think it's acceptable to use the N-word and 3% support BLM I might find that believable, but that venn diagram would not be particularly representative.

Also FWIW I honestly probably encountered as many pride flags on the gulf coast as Confederate flags I even saw a few houses who flew both.

Big fan of Kirchick and Secret City. In my personal experience I find it entertaining how it's a quiet but open secret that a large amount of Republican hill offices are staffed by gay men. The happy hours they do are quite lively.