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joined 2022 November 10 05:10:12 UTC


User ID: 1833



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 10 05:10:12 UTC


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User ID: 1833

Mixing quotes and periods is one of those things that always confused me about writing.

Why not just move to the countryside? You don't have to live next to a college campus.

Late to the party here, but I would ask you: would you rather live in a world where everyone is 100% self-interested or one where most people have some level of concern for others? The thing is, if you prefer the latter then you kind of have to have the same concern. I mean that's not entirely true, you could potentially "leech" off the concerned-for-others society but if there are too many leeches then the general level-of-concern people have for others will drop.

Take the subway as an example. Would you rather ride on a subway where people were generally courteous or completely self-interested? For example would you prefer a subway where riders immediately rush to the nearest seat and put their bag down so others can't sit next to them? Or would you prefer one where people more courteously figure out who sits where? Would you prefer a subway where everyone plays loud music on their phone with no headphones or one where people use headphones and quietly go about their business?

I love watching the Primitive Technology videos on youtube, where half the videos are about bootstrapping your own pottery kiln.

Is it just seen as low status in India? I know my wife laughed at me a bit when I said I was interested in taking a pottery class, because that's something only people making poverty level wages do in her home country.

This doesn't really make sense an an explanation. First, Americans tend to have more disposable income than Europeans to begin with. Secondly, tickets for the sporting events, EDM concerts and other low brow media are even more expensive, yet extremely popular.

I'm gonna say: you're unlikely to survive and if you survive you're unlikely to be any more attractive.