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User ID: 2655



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User ID: 2655

It was also good for women too. Women were second class citizens until the 1960s. This isn't even a debatable. And it was worse the further back you went.

I would hope they would update their priors on Palestine and Hamas even just a little bit or at the very least look at the situation and have better PR for a few days and pretend to have a minimum of sympathy even if they didn't change their opinion. At lot of the people they killed and captured weren't even Israelis or Jews.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”

That's not center right.

In the just West? From Roman's views on women, to the Bible, to what Enlightenment philosophers wrote about women, to laws in the US and Europe, etc. Or just go back and read what women wrote about their life in the past, how they were portrayed in films and television, whatever. It all paints a pretty obvious picture. What evidence specifically has led you to the your conclusion that the opposite is true?

I'm not making that argument to be clear. I want net negative black migration. I would deport all of them today if I could. I'd drive them to the airport.

Which one of these is not like the other?

  1. Hanukkah - an objectively non-important holiday in Judaism celebrated by an ethnic group that is less than 2% of the population in the US

  2. Kwanzaa - fake holiday made up in the 1960's

  3. Christmas, which according to polls approximately 85% of Americans celebrate. Furthermore, it was the "Christmas Season" until very recently, and Christianity is the religion of the vast majority of Americans now and historically.

If you need more evidence, there literally wasn't a "Happy Holidays" until after WW2: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=%22happy+holidays%22&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3

It really didn't even start being a major thing until the New Left and proto-SJWs started showing up in academia and pushing for inclusiveness and PC shit in the 1980's.

That post is ridiculous cherry picking to attack a strawman. I never claimed women had no agency ever and nothing they said would disprove they were second class citizens compared to men.

Whether you support Israel or not they’re patently not carrying out a genocide

Israel definitely wants to genocide Gaza and the West Bank

You think the average Christian knows anything about Christianity? I can assure you that they don't.

Who defines what a racist policy is and what racial inequality is though? There is a lot of subjectivity in there.

This feels very "well actually" where you purposely misinterpret what I said to make me look bad. And it also feels like you are accusing me of having an agenda when I literally said I am asking a question and that I could be wrong.

That is a much better example.

I've never read a comic book in my life so those could be different. I thought the first movie was pretty good though and I went in expecting to hate it. Also isn't he gay? All I know about him is that movie and people's impression of it and the video game which people seem to really like.

Sorry! I initially had a much better comment that would have been top level worthy imo but it got deleted by a cat. I should have posted that one as a response.

The Guardian view on the power of forgiveness: a freed hostage’s gesture should not be forgotten

Just violently take hostages (where some die) and then you can have a gesture that shouldn't be forgotten. The only thing that can't be forgotten is that they are radical Islamists and will Jihad if given the opportunity. You can't reason with them or negotiate. Leftists are incapable of understanding radical Islam.

Do you think you and I could have a top level disagreement? I think it would be fun to hash this out at the top level with our best arguments. You are obviously very educated in philosophy and history yet you and I have completely different views, I think you are wrong straight up and I couldn't disagree more but you have been nothing but respectful and I have been sarcastic and in bad faith. Can we debate this and let everyone decide? We can keep our arguments to what we debated so far.

Edit: From what I see, we agree on everything just disagree on how we got here.

Abolition was overwhelmingly driven by Christian zealots motivated by personal faith, and concern over the proliferation of inferior breeds of man was overwhelmingly driven by people appealing to scientific materialism and the supremacy of human reason over all

The South was also very Christian. It's not like the South in the Civil War was this bastion of rationality and inquiry compared to the North, and many were very Christian such as Stonewall Jackson. I agree with much of what you are saying, but I don't think it is a binary like OP was making it. For example, I do know that much of the "Scientific" racism came from the Enlightenment (hence why I stressed that the Founding Fathers were also scientifically racist in an earlier comment). But I just refuse to believe that the average racist White Southerner was meaningfully influenced by Rousseau in any way. I think it was just this is always how we have done it so this is what I believe.

That being said, @HlynkaCG is correct that Progressives downplay their role in racism and many bad things that happened because of "Trusting The Science". And I do understand why they would get annoyed by this and default to pushing back against that narrative because for a true Red Triber this must get annoying. And I would even say that "Scientific" racism was initially pushed and "discovered" because it was very useful to what the regimes in Europe wanted to be true. This is probably a very Foucault type argument on my end though.

So my disagreement with @HlynkaCG isn't that he is 100% wrong but instead they are massively simplifying complex historical forces that would have probably happened even if Rousseau or Hobbes were never born.

I apologize for that sarcastic remark below. You have engaged respectfully and and in good faith so I shouldn't have said that. I would have deleted it but someone replied to it. But I do regret saying that and I normally don't do that. You just were frustrating me because you and I disagree so much. What's funny though is you and I probably agree on most things too, but I hyper focused on this one disagreement. So let us agree to disagree on this. I'm not trying to have an antagonistic and personal internet conflict with someone (completely one-sided on my part by the way).

I'm sorry but I'm done engaging with you. I don't even understand what you are trying to say or actually believe. From what I can gather, you think every person is either influenced by Rousseau or Hobbes. And every single bad thing that ever happened in the West was done by these Rousseau influenced people who are also left wing and Marxist and woke (and also supported slavery in the South, ran the Jim Crow South, and somehow are also now Antifa). And the right wing people influenced by Hobbes have never done anything wrong and are constantly stopping these dastardly Rousseau influenced people from doing bad things.

Rousseau was born significantly after slavery in the US started. Columbus discovered North America pretty close to the conclusion of the War of the Roses so that is how far back we are talking here with race based slavery/colonialism. France passed racial hierarchy laws under the Sun King: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Noir way before Rousseau was born. The English did as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbados_Slave_Code

It is significantly more likely they were influenced by that legacy than anything Rousseau wrote, who these Confederate veterans had probably never heard of or read. Or were the Sun King and the British Empire proto woke left Marxist as well?

Okay so when did the KKK officially become part of the Left in your view? When it was founded by Confederate veterans or did it become woke left later? Or were Confederate soldiers also woke leftists and this predates the Civil War?

Was there a single one who thought whites and blacks could live next to each other as equals? I'm not aware of a single one. On the other hand, you had many who thought them to be naturally suited for slavery, and even if they opposed slavery, were willing to compromise on it and found having a united nation more important than outlawing race based slavery. I think it's pretty obvious they didn't care very much about the well being of blacks and found them to be inferior both biologically and spiritually.

But I agree using their political beliefs and mapping it onto today's is a pointless because they lived in a very different world. They were much closer to the Thirty Years' War than our own time. But OP seems to think that they were concerned with racial equality which is frankly absurd. They would have closer views on race to white nationalists than they would OP. But they would be very different from them as well. Nationalism in Europe was just barley getting started. It was a very long time ago.

So just so I'm understanding this correctly, the KKK, George Wallace, and David Duke are/were essentially woke leftists and Marxists? And the people running the Jim Crow South and supporting the KKK were more or less motivated by the same ideology as The Black Bloc and Antifa? Is this what you are saying?

If you were to really deal with the totality of the truth about these men, you would either have to abandon them or abandon your other beliefs. And since you can’t imagine any third position other than “the Founders were racist, and that makes them evil and this country illegitimate” and “the Founders were not racist, which is the reason this country isn’t evil or illegitimate” you’re forced to just lie and obfuscate.

I couldn't agree more here. Their world view is basically if the 1619 project was DR3. The funny thing is that the 1619 project is actually a more realistic view of US history because at least they acknowledge that the US and Europeans did often treat non-whites very poorly and that those actions were every popular at the time. From the responses below, I kept asking him who the real racists were that the real Patriotic Americans were fighting against in a quest for equality in the 1960's and apparently like today it was only the Democrats and white progressives:

You ask me who were the people on the opposite side of the CRA debate, and my reply is the same people who are supporting segregation today, namely college-educated white democrats. The specific terminology they use to justify their beliefs might change, but the substance of those beliefs (racial segregation, mob justice, and various flavors of Marxist nonsense) hasn't.