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joined 2022 September 04 23:21:03 UTC

I'm serious.


User ID: 267



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:21:03 UTC


I'm serious.


User ID: 267

Trump was convicted by a jury of our peers. I trust their judgment. He's guilty.

He's a guilty politician convicted of a crime. A felony.

He's a convicted felon.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

  • -41

I don't wish to add fuel to conspiracy theories about the 2020 election by engaging you in disagreement.

  • -36

Trump was summoned into existence by the media.

Incorrect. Trump was summoned into existence by his followers. The media reported on his crimes.

If Biden had been a gracious victor, he'd be coasting to a second term and would go down in history as a uniter

If Trump had been a gracious loser, he might be worth nominating for another term. But he went all-in on hate. It didn't have to be this way.

  • -25

I don't believe it was the 'most secure election ever' but pandering to the crybabies does not make them stop crying.

It's in everyone's interest that we secure our election from crybabies who believe that crying about their boomer's election defeat is an acceptable political strategy.

Punish defectors. It is the path to stability, whatever the defectors would have you believe.

  • -19

It is true that if it is a legitimate challenge to an election result, there would be ways of knowing this. The existence of people who believe false things does not mean those false things are true.

It is true that an illegitimate challenge to an election result is a threat to democracy. Illegitimate challengers are criminals, and they should be punished to the full extent of the law.

  • -15

I wish we could have disposed of Trump in time to have a real conservative candidate this November.

The beginning of the Imperial era in Roman politics led to civil war over the imperial seat which was the true cause of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Authoritarian dictators are an inherently incompetent and violent form of government, and anyone who aspires to return us to savage government is factually incorrect about an important section of human history.

  • -20
  • Courtesy

    • Make your point reasonably clear and plain.
  • -25

I don't wish to add fuel to conspiracy theories about the 2020 election by engaging you in disagreement.

  • -38
  • Content

    • Avoid low-effort participation.
  • -27

I left because I was tired of being downvoted for expressing doubt about Trump. There is groupthink here and it's not necessarily good.

  • -11

That sounds to me like a laymen interpretation of the case. I trust the jurors to come to a decision about whether or not a crime was committed.

  • -27

It seems to me that it is better to set a precedent that criminals get convicted of crimes over a precedent that politicians cannot be convicted of crimes.

  • -20

I might even vote for the old rascal myself as I view this lawfare as both morally wrong and deeply destabilizing.

How can you restabilize a situation in which an active participant has committed to destabilizing it by propagating myths about a stolen election?

  • -20

How can you tell the difference between overt political lawfare and the conviction of a felon by a jury of peers?

Wouldn't the assumption that any criminal punishment of a political candidate be considered 'lawfare' make it impossible to punish criminal politicians?

  • -11

I suspect that there's overlap between people who accuse Trump of inciting the riot on January 6th despite his explicit call for 'peace' and people who believe that the 'bloodbath' comment is evidence that Trump is ready for a civil war even though he was clearly talking about the automotive industry.

I think that Trump should be in the past for the good of this country, but when we can't even agree on what words mean anymore, I don't know that I think there's a lot of hope.

Sometimes I think about how we got here. Something I've seen a lot of leftwing people talk about recently is: "The system is what it does." The left is what it does, not what it says it does. The postmodernism, the communism: there's this sense in which I just want to say we can see you. But there's always equivocation about 'the left.' They call it 'essentializing' the left even as they apply their reductive reasoning to Trumpism.

And I'm old enough to remember that Obama came in on backlash to the Bush administration. "Cthulhu swims left" is the sort of thing neophytes say on encountering politics for the first time: it follows that Cthulhu swims right in a great drumbeat. Much of the surveillance apparatus that creates our authoritarian present was built during the Bush administration.

I'm afraid of what people will turn to if Trump isn't enough.

Maybe there aren't firm conclusions in here, but there's no one else talking today, so here I am.

The better question is if there's any allowance for humor here; how many of the people who upvoted you did so because of the logical point it contained? ;)

On Covid, scientists were unwilling to admit the lab theory because the labs running GoF experiments were doing the same thing in China as they were in the USA. It’s as simple as that. It could have happened in America, blaming “the Chinese” was nonsensical.

The above screed (that you're replying to) was written by someone who rather than consider just how difficult it is to tell the truth to an inflamed populace would prefer to lean into an ideological mistrust of 'blue tribe' targets.

To the extent that this place is attempting to be 'conservative' it's essentially lost all semblance of responsibility as a virtue.

  • -16

mixing the personal and political

I know, and I weighed the consequences of brevity in this instance, and decided that a correction in one sentence was sufficient. To fulfill dharma I cannot be obligated to address all dukkha incurred by another's attempt to teach.

It is also an intended read that if you are irresponsible enough to take spiritual training (is it the transfer of knowledge about the spirit?) over the Internet from someone's book report, you can be responsible for performing your own search.

Most Republicans don't believe climate change is a problem at all, your optimism is incoherent

It is somewhat irresponsible to mention dharma without also covering dukkha.

How many people here are "unfuckable messes" and would be comfortable being made a subject like this?

It sounds to me like you're resisting an obvious conclusion: you need religion. The choice is between tradition and its challenging but earnest calls to a better life and the degeneracy of rainbow churches.

You need religion because you boast about your sexual relationship with your wife online.

You need religion because instead of keeping your family business in the family, you make political hay of it to strangers.

Talk to the people you need to talk to, don't just vent helplessly.

When did we become so bleak?