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insufferable blowhard

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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC

The things you lean on / are things that don't last

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User ID: 107


insufferable blowhard

1 follower   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC


The things you lean on / are things that don't last


User ID: 107

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That's very kind of you to write. Thank you.

Edit: Downvoted. TheMotte is... whimsical today.

Let me insert here that although I disagree with you, I appreciate your persistence in offering counterpoint and I am not among the downvoters. While I do downvote unnecessarily antagonistic and low-effort posts (including yours at times) I don't think this is either.

Bush Sr. is regularly pilloried by many on the left as a warmonger due to Panama and the first Gulf War, as well as, later in his life, accusations that he was a sexual assaulting perv (see the David Copafeel joke). In my view he was the last honorable man to be elected president, though full disclosure I did not vote for him. The world was different then, or seemed so to my younger self.

You were doing pretty well standing your ground until now.

There is an episode on Burma, yes, Episode 14 "It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow" but I agree there's not as much about the Pacific theater. I hadn't thought of that while watching (I'm on episode 20 of 26), I suppose I was thinking it would be covered after VE Day.

They definitely do. My boys have allowed me to relive many holidays: Hallowe'en, Christmas the big ones. Good times.

Based on the extensive list of treatments the obvious "See a dermatologist" I suppose has already been covered? I only mention this at all because you did not. Some of what you've listed appear to be treatments for acne rosacea.

Usual medical treatments for acne vulgaris include benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, erythromycin, clindamycin, or dapsone. None of these are over-the-counter, at least as far as I know, depending on where you are. There is also systemic therapy, such as the use of minocycline or doxycycline. These are oral antibiotics with an anti-inflammatory effect. There is also the synthetic retinoid isotretinoin, which is highly regulated due to all sorts of possible side-effects. None of this is relevant information for the skincare hobbyist, however, unless you see a specialist, which I recommend if that route hasn't been taken--though I suspect it has. If it has, consider seeing different doctors until you attain a therapy you are content works to greater degree than what you've done tried so far.

What's up with the hot showers? Cholinergic urticaria is when you break out in hives from contact with hot water (but also an increase in body temperature and sweating), but is that what you experience? I imagine any real dermatologist would be eager to have you as a patient (This is not meant as a slight in any way).

None of this may help in the slightest, but I wish you luck.

Sorry to see you go.

You don't want to know. Yes it's a terrible waste, and I am constantly reminded of it. A cruel joke of fate. I go to sushi places with family and they enjoy whatever raw pieces of ocean thing and I sit there. I eat shrimp, so that's something.

Japan takes seafood to a whole new level. Writhing squid tentacles in ponzu, shirako (the infamous fish sperm), and other abominations like namako (sea cucumber) have, alas, prevented me from even trying.

You are not alone but I don't have the slightest desire to engage.

I am not making any sort of suggestion as to what you should believe or what criteria you should apply to verifying or holding that belief, I was just trying to get a handle on your point of view as to what we need to classify something as acceptably believable. I'm still not sure I have it.

Well Tristan and Isolde obviously weren't imagined by Wagner, though of course he may have chosen that story to illustrate some grander theory of his own about love. I don't particularly feel the kind of doom-filled approach to love that you describe as Wagnerian, but then again I don't analyze it, I just listen. I don't understand German, nor do I read through translations as I listen. I just listen. And I've, as I say, never had the opportunity to watch. Or, never made the opportunity or taken it.

The pieces I linked aren't the only Wagner I've ever listened to, though you're probably correct that I have been exposed to a lot of his greatest hits, as you say. I don't think this is a particularly bad thing. My first exposure to Rachmaninoff was in this same way but I've since listened to quite a few of his full concertos and symphonies. As well as of course his Vocalise which, I'm sure you're happy to know, isn't in German but consists of just one vowel.

Thanks for your comment. As I have said elsewhere I'm old, so when I started I was about 13, and that was a lifetime ago. I assume I've improved--I know I'm slightly less sentimental. I had really good writing teachers as a younger man, until suddenly they became shit around 1995 and I stopped taking such electives. I wouldn't have continued if I thought I wasn't any good.

I think you're describing an extreme example, where whoever it is you might be arguing with produces only incomprehensible babble or wild contortions of logic. I'd need a specific example to decide whether I agree with you that in such a case any charitable interaction would be pointless. I would also suggest it is very easy to simply dismiss one's interlocutor/opponent as beyond hope/nuts/irrational, having "no steelman" version, because then no effort need be spent trying to imagine his or her POV.

This brings up the question of whether the homosexual acts of any given man make that man 'gay' or are just men sticking it in holes, in particular if he is having sexy times with his wife/wives/concubines in addition to his catamite or whoever. One of Paglia's points is that the decadence signalled by a societal preoccupation with non-heterosexual sex (in particular transgenderism) heralds that same society's imminent collapse. All very interesting but Paglia, brilliant as she is in my mind, is still outside her wheelhouse on such matters. Still this speaks to your point about an upper limit.

That's a pdf and my phone is (too) old and won't open it for some reason. Could you summarize?

I--not who you're responding to-- thought this while reading but suddenly doubted myself. Makes me realize I don't actually know who the hell any of you people are. (And no my name isn't George, either.)

To what end? To get emotional support without the burden of having any sort of discussion that challenges your view? By listing your rationale but then immediately quashing any debate by stating "I am not interested in debating, just commiseration" your post seems disingenuous.

I recommend the book Lovesick Japan <-- no idea if that formatting will work (edit: It did! Yay)

The title, yes, is kind of cheesy, but it's a fascinating insight into Japanese historical trends in love, marriage, and infidelity.

I took it as a metaphor.

Thank you! I will have a go later.

That works I just added an x. Do embedded link URLs count toward the character limit?

I've tried several times to link it but it won't take me to the right place for some bizarre reason.


This link: https://www.themotte.org/post/788/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/170478?context=8#context

And yes, it was your post. Did you delete it? I have no idea why this won't work. Edit: It doesn't work even with the link. Beats me. Do a hard search for soyjak and you can find the post.

Thank you. I'll edit that in.

It's based on the book, where the statement "transsexuals are passive types usually" is made (top half of the page around 164 or 5).