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joined 2022 September 05 19:47:13 UTC

Hopefully funnier than that last guy...


User ID: 692



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 19:47:13 UTC


Hopefully funnier than that last guy...


User ID: 692

I can't see any mainstream social media site besides reddit being valuable for AI training data. Twitter isn't longform enough.

For anyone who was wondering about this, the federal government was going to withhold 10% of the highway funding.

Well, the question is what is the difference between real imagine, and a fake image that is visually indistinguishable on a technical level from a real one? (Assuming you do not have an external knowledge about the subject matter in the image.)

The theme of my username is commonly associated with trolling campaigns.

I am aware that this is a very hot button issue to ask, and had cleared it with a mod before posting.

It's a reference to the naming scheme that was used by the ban evasion subreddits for Million dollar extreme, which follows the Number, Currency, Rhymes-with-extreme pattern. Sure, I might be biased, but I've been reading a lot of rationalist stuff recently, and I've been reconsidering some of my viewpoints. (I'm a problem theorist, not a conflict theorist.)

Apathy. Disinterest.

It's funny because I figured EA would take several years to go mainstream, and I was trying to sound prophetic in a story I was writing about a year ago, but it became real wayyy faster than I expected.

To add on to what others said, their culture around "lowcows" has become really toxic. You could perhaps describe the userbase as looking for blood rather than milk. Many famers are downright hateful to the lolcows. The alternate crowd (like rdrama) is more akin to watching wierd and bizarre indie movies: It's wierd, but in an interesting or morbidly facinating way.

Yep, this is my major gripe with Wikipedia. A many articles, particularly the one on Gamergate, basically get writen and then some smug editor sits on it and reverts any changes that disagree with the media naritive, citing the media consensus rule.

I don't really forsee this as becoming a thing any time soon. Sure, there will always been outlandish people that end up in vice news articles, but the human body remains the most versitile form in terms of ergonomics and utility.

Pop culture's recent facination with gender-non-conforming males, namely "femboys" is particularly interesting. Based on my observations, most tend to be straight, gynephillic, sometimes bicurious young men who previously lacked a "goal body" that they wanted to achive. They're prehaps not traditionally masculine, have intelectual interests, and really do not aspire to the image of masculinity that society pushes: a dumb, uncaring, drunkard, heavyset dudebro who despises intelectualism and lacks emotional sensitivty. Thus they get fat and don't take care of themselves. Then along comes alternative depections of masculinty, you can be a lithe yet toned, slim bodied male with (debatable) good fashion sense. Not everyone actually has the discipline to actually get fit, of course, but enough people like the idea that's it's practially mainstream.

Also as far as the neogenitalia thing goes, FtMs will probably still want penises, but I highly suspect MtFs wanting vaginas will be a passing fad. Probably a really wierd prediction to make, but, although many men will likely want to become women, the future is absolutely phallocentric.