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joined 2022 September 05 19:47:13 UTC

Hopefully funnier than that last guy...


User ID: 692



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 19:47:13 UTC


Hopefully funnier than that last guy...


User ID: 692

Probably a bit tangential, but I believe in a number of "pesudoscience" Parapsychological phenomena, such as remote viewing and micro psychokinesis - Particularly of random number generators.

If you're having trouble SCROOLING social media on your phone, just download some ebooks. If you download a bunch of non-fiction educational books you'll probably be bored though, so be sure to actually download something fun like Ultra Cyberpunk Detective: The Cypher City Hacker Femdroid RoboKiller Slasher Supreme if you're trying to actually replace "fun" websites. Longform reading is much better for the mind than just reading snappy one-liners on reddit.

I personally would like to see some kind of emoji reaction system like discord. A clown face, smile, or confused face can all be quite descriptive to gauge public opinion on a post. I don't downvote at all, unless something is especially poorly written.

To add on to what others said, their culture around "lowcows" has become really toxic. You could perhaps describe the userbase as looking for blood rather than milk. Many famers are downright hateful to the lolcows. The alternate crowd (like rdrama) is more akin to watching wierd and bizarre indie movies: It's wierd, but in an interesting or morbidly facinating way.

I met some guy at a gas station who had Phocomelia in both of his arms. (The thing that makes your arms look like baby arms) I asked him if I could buy him a drink, and he said a mountain dew, so I bought him 2 dews and a bag of popcorn.

Easy one: Inkscape. It's a vector graphics program that's sort of like powerpoint on steroids. It's drag and drop, making it effortless to make simple graphics, and also supports extremely powerful tools for more complex stuff. It's good for everything from a 2 minute infographic to print quality page layouts for publications. It's free and open-source.


Yep, this is my major gripe with Wikipedia. A many articles, particularly the one on Gamergate, basically get writen and then some smug editor sits on it and reverts any changes that disagree with the media naritive, citing the media consensus rule.

Seeing the farm's harassment of Byuu/Near was what caused me to be agaist them. Reguardless of what you think of Near, BSNES and their reverse engineering work was more important than anything farmers had done or will ever do.

Based on what I've seen, it's my opinion that Biden is explicitly a figurehead, and holds almost no actual power. He's struggling with dementia, seriously. But in terms of the actual people running the white house, particularly Harris and the cabnet, I think their actions are in oposition to the freedom and wellbeing of the American people.

I don't really forsee this as becoming a thing any time soon. Sure, there will always been outlandish people that end up in vice news articles, but the human body remains the most versitile form in terms of ergonomics and utility.

Pop culture's recent facination with gender-non-conforming males, namely "femboys" is particularly interesting. Based on my observations, most tend to be straight, gynephillic, sometimes bicurious young men who previously lacked a "goal body" that they wanted to achive. They're prehaps not traditionally masculine, have intelectual interests, and really do not aspire to the image of masculinity that society pushes: a dumb, uncaring, drunkard, heavyset dudebro who despises intelectualism and lacks emotional sensitivty. Thus they get fat and don't take care of themselves. Then along comes alternative depections of masculinty, you can be a lithe yet toned, slim bodied male with (debatable) good fashion sense. Not everyone actually has the discipline to actually get fit, of course, but enough people like the idea that's it's practially mainstream.

Also as far as the neogenitalia thing goes, FtMs will probably still want penises, but I highly suspect MtFs wanting vaginas will be a passing fad. Probably a really wierd prediction to make, but, although many men will likely want to become women, the future is absolutely phallocentric.

There's a million other sites suitable for dumping silly internet memes and culture warrior blowhard "jokes." If anything, this site should become a high-effort posting comunity where people make well-thought out text posts. I personally think high-effort satire can be extremely funny when done well, and if we're going to post anything for laughs, it should be longform text posts. Like it or not, this site will likely get quite a bit of overlap with the various dispora of MDE or Deuxrama, but it also has the potential to attract lefties as well. I'm here because I want to be able to write more than a few sentances without geting the "words words words" response. (Sorry I don't know the history of Motte, I just got here from the rdrama crowd. Based on what I've seen so far, it seems like it's a dirtbag left or stupidpol type community.)

Perhaps if the site had a subform that had a serious "nothing but your own OC" rule, I could see it as being suitable.