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But you'd think that, if the game won on politics over quality or popularity, then he wouldn't have gotten booted--presuming, of course, that Greens tend to lean towards Palestine over Israel.

Yet, there are those who wish to cross the Rubicon, to feed the flames and let the last cinders burn, until nothing remains.

If only someone could have bombed that moment with a drone carrying the Stop Killing Games URL on a banner.

It's worth noting that Japan nearly chose to fight to the death. I don't know what motivated the Emperor specifically to surrender, but just the act of deciding on surrender caused him to nearly be couped by his ultranationalist military, as I understand it. Hell, the Japanese were preparing for the Americans to land on their shores, and were nearly ready to make a desperate last stand.

I think what Tinted meant is that, like me and others, they grew up with online fandom (think forums and early social media), steeped in the tits-n'-beer-liberalism milieu, and then watched with horror as GamerGate transpired and revealed just how many people operated on Conflict Theory.

Am slightly disappointed it wasn't the "I'm smoking on Bhutanese Shadow Garden Dark Evil Pack" meme.

I think it'd be ironic, darkly-humorous, for the Democrats to turn to a man they once made their #1 adversary as their savior. As you say, it could actually work, but I think that's why they won't do it.

I dunno, Obama got pretty close with his hair. Still not bald, of course, but...

If we're on this topic, then let me link the relevant SSC post.

AIUI, the Civil War comics came out years before the current zeitgeist was born. Bizarre that they chose to adapt the story for the MCU, given that I was always under the impression that Civil War was one of the weakest storylines to come out of 21st-century Marvel.

I have to wonder how much of this is confusion between the hard leftists who wanted Bernie and the center-left who much preferred to have Biden leading the fight.

An uncharitable assumption, but I think the easiest way of cutting this Gordian Knot is to presume that certain women, straight, lesbian, or otherwise, are fine with performing/acting sexually at/with other women. So long as no men are involved in the production of the act or the consumption thereof, there will be no contradiction.

Or, alternatively, women do like the idea as a high concept, just not so much the actual implementation thereof.

Closest thing I can think of is Ricardo Milos of meme fame, who very much tried to distance himself from that moment in his life once people found him.

Yeah, I've seen people in this general sphere argue that early helicopter parenting and Stranger-Danger paranoia killed a lot of outdoors socialization, combined with the isolation of suburbia and the decline of latchkey kids. The Internet and video games, as much as people might malign them when the topic of the modern Battle-of-the-Sexes comes up, at least provide some sort of alternative to "literally nothing."

What happens once the immigrants can't fuck either?

What is your evidence for Jones being some sort of master money-manipulator, one even better than the likes of the rich people you mention who almost got away with it?

Why does the "myth of America" matter anyways, though? I can understand the contours of the post-WWII "creation myth" of the US perfectly fine, but I can also sense that that narrative is probably going to be outmoded soon enough, if it wasn't already. The newer generations don't buy into the "America the righteous" story, and if anything, are ripe for a new narrative to be moulded.

I'm with Amadan and ResoluteRaven on this, that this all seems like pointless tilting at windmills. We're only in a culture war because there are no "real" wars to fight at the moment. The moment China or Russia move directly against us, though, I expect even the most radical of progressive American Jews to start frothing at the mouth and wrapping themselves in the Stars and Stripes, baying for blood.

It might be mostly the second, thinking about it for a few seconds. Just what kind of personality type does it take to seriously want to use a nuke in terrorism (is it some sort of extreme misanthrope, someone whose political convictions are second at best to the nihilistic urge of "kill 'em all"?), and how many of that kind of person does it take to pull off a terror-nuke plot?

Yeah, this does make me curious, can someone take Google to court over YouTube over this?

No dual purpose vessel can actually load troops onto a fastcraft or RHIB so there is no means to repurpose civ vessels to vomit troops onto Taiwanese shores.

Is this in contradiction of reports/rumors of China bulking up a civilian fleet that can be repurposed for amphibious landings? Was that actually a "backyard furnace"-level boondoggle all along?

There is no reason to mine in space while everything we need is much cheaper to obtain on earth.

This seems to presume that this state will persist into some unspecified eternity. Politics alone can make space mining plenty competitive. It's the same reason why "peak oil" predictions kept getting bodied.

My first exposure to the term was with free-2-play, non-mobile games.

As I understand it, a lot of prison labor is in agriculture and food production.

That Antwerp Port House looks like it wants to be a spaceship or something. I think the Japanese are onto something with all their fictional city-ships (e.g. Macross, Xylem), and that this is a sign of how weird modern architecture can be redeemed.

It's the illusion of mastery over human nature when you're really just cultivating the worst parts of it.

I'm reminded of someone in this sphere once describing Francisco Franco versus typical fascist leaders in this (paraphrased) way: "Fascist leaders often saw themselves as the architect of the soul. Franco was just a cop."

I think all authoritarianism and elitism pretty much comes down to this core, that one can, with sufficient will-to-power and unquestionable primacy, have power over what is in a man's heart itself. By contrast, liberalism and progressivism fundamentally surrender that what others do or are is out of one's control, and the differences come down to how to handle that.