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DLSite has always(?) had a points system, and as you mention, there's other payment methods, though a number of them are particular to Japan/Asia.

Oof, didn't know Itch was forced into this kind of stuff, too.

I think PayPal (ironically) made a big deal about adopting Lightning a few years back.

I guess Pixiv couldn't just carve out Texas? Granted, I guess that's a lot harder if you're a company based in Japan, whereas Mindgeek is in the West.

In some other contexts, I might agree with you, but I personally think that, in terms of both owner culture and user culture, Pixiv doesn't really deserve to be lumped in with the FAANG services. And, of course, it's hard to see how AI will help here, since Pixiv is an art site and AI art is still socially-unacceptable.

If we want to drill down to chargebacks, we could still argue at some higher level that society is too prudish around sex work, which explains the high chargebacks. Chargebacks presumably come from men ashamed about their porn habits, because society constructed things such that porn consumption is shameful (e.g. what if the wife looks at the credit card statements? Easy to just claim it was a fraudulent purchase and charge back, no?).

Much like with firearms, your interlocutors are probably coming from a different cultural perspective, where sex work and porn are normal and healthy, where actually paying for porn is something of a point of pride (in opposition to just getting it for free).

As for whatever links evangelicalism has to credit card policies...well, okay, you likely have a point, though I do wonder about the political donations of Visa and MasterCard, if any.

Honestly, I imagine what might happen then is that the tribes just rent out the land until they feel like they have enough money to justify clearing out the land, and maybe even going a step further and building something new on it like that one tribe in Vancouver(?).

Team Fortress 2? It did have some particular glitches and exploits, but they were patched in a reasonable time, IIRC.

What do you make of this, then? That this is happening at all in Iran probably says something. I'm with Lizzardspawn in that I'm under the impression that the theocracy, while enjoying considerable support, only barely has a hold on the nation, and that the populace is a little too liberal and well-educated to remain under its thumb for eternity.