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I think "character/person hypnotized into sex" is more prevalent in illustrated form rather than in live-action. More live-action stuff is probably the preserve of seriously niche and weird fetishes like sissy hypno (one of the genres where, as Aqouta and Prima mention, the viewer is the one that's supposed to be getting mind-controlled).

Besides, they're patient and rich enough to not genocide people as you can tell by what's going on in Xinyang.

...Is this sarcasm?

Yeah, those sandwiches you can get at 7-11 or Lawson probably are just literally built different compared to how it'd be done here in the US.

Is that Jaibot? Did they move away from their own blog and onto Substack?

I think that's a mixture of inertia, popularity among non-Western audiences (CS is probably second only to soccer among European and LatAm pastimes, and the Russian playerbase of Dota 2 is infamous), and the sort of "purity" of those games as contests of skill. Girls are probably more likely to play Overwatch, Valorant, or League.

Presumably, Apartheid could have been maintained if South Africa's white leaders chose to become a North Korea-style shithole. At least for a time, it was a good thing that they chose another path, it's simply a shame that those under the ANC's flag were so corrupt that SA is probably going to become a NK-tier basketcase anyways.

Reagan Democrat

...These are a thing?

I suppose the synthesis here is "extremists tend to make history by subjecting themselves to a high attrition rate and building their legacies on piles of corpses--whether theirs or their enemies'."

EDIT: As to the overall discussion of moderate change vs. extremist drives, I think we rarely do see modest goals being strived for and accomplished, whether that's because they're so modest as to be virtually-inconsequential (like, say, de-bloating some middleware for a specific IT solution or spending a few hundred thousand on a beautifying project for a city square), we just fail to notice them when they do happen (e.g. important bills for digital speech and copyright getting passed without much media outcry), or because some "modest" goals are actually not-so-modest and require outsized amounts of effort to achieve (like, say, housing reform). And if you have to shoot for the stars just to land on the Moon, why not pledge to reach the edge of the Universe while you're taking off the limiters?

What's the proof for this? I can maybe accept "cringe peddling" as the Hollywood Machine keeps churning out Generic Extruded Cinematic Product, but I think you need to bring evidence that the "woke monoculture" is succumbing to an intellectual banana blight.

I don't know that the "high-low coalition vs. the middle" concept applies to your assertion, though. Surely the counterargument is that black people and families will be loyal to the party whose policies gave their children better opportunities, i.e. delivering tangible progress?

I don't know. I suppose if I was an East Coast machine politician who was never in any real danger of losing to an R candidate, I like to think I'd have enough electoral free reign to do what I thought would objectively improve things for my constituents.

I've made the argument before that it has felt as though WWII is no longer the legitimizing event it once was, as the populace grows more educated and cynical about history. Like, yeah, no one is going to complain about Stalin so much (reasons why are better left to speculation), but the sort of "textbook version" of WWII you might get taught in public school has been debunked throughout the 21st Century.

I'm guessing the bit you quoted is aimed at pro-Israel neocons in America? Because I can't help but suspect the word "imagined" is doing more work there than at first blush.

Yeah, I think "ascribing human desires and flaws onto an AI" isn't that fallacious, we've literally been training these things on human works and human thoughts.

Are you aware of any active shooter situation where the shooter actually ran out of ammo?

I guess not, but apparently they bring less ammo than a guy who's going to the range might bring, as per BJ Campbell.

I was assuming it was in reference to the saying/joke about fish not recognizing the fact that they swim in water.

Doesn't this imply that surgery would not help those with body dysmorphia (perhaps they might still feel the dysmorphia even after alteration), ergo, it wouldn't help trans people? But you could probably find trans people for whom surgery really did wonders for their mental well-being, i.e., it "cured" the dysphoria.

Well they do but it was heavily manipulated by the US who rewrote their constitution. You know how they have this weird censorship of genitals in Japanese pornography? Like tiny lines that don't cover anything, even though the actual content can be rather more perverse than showing a penis. That's because of the tortured interplay between the US officially enforcing freedom of speech and pre-existing Japanese obscenity laws. Or to put it another way, can you spot any differences in Japanese culture between 1944 and 1954?

This still isn't quite the same thing as having no cultural agency. The Kerberos Saga is just one of what are certainly multiple internal assessments of WWII, the occupation, and their impact on Japan.

"Minstel show" implies that it's an act, that the ones in blackface are nothing like what they are acting as (or alternatively, that the black people on display are made to act in a less dignified way than they realistically are). I don't think Kai (the hitchhiker with the hatchet) specifically is playing things up or pretending, he seems like the genuine article.

I admit I'm not terribly clear on what parts of Europe looked like around the 1600's--like, did things still look all, well, medieval-y?

That's not the point of what I was responding to, though? Dase was pointing out the celebrity-as-father-figure thing, and I was raising the point that replacing the fake-but-physical father figures with one that is completely intangible and invisible probably isn't much of an improvement, even accounting for the "reject false idols" and "the concept of God is less impermanent than a mortal human" aspects.

I mean, guys can get up to some wild, wacky, and stupid things sometimes. See also.

Are you confusing stripping with pole dancing? I'd like to see evidence that it's the former and not just the latter, which has caught on as its own hobby/psuedo-sport that is largely divorced from the sex-work context.

Reminds me of the story of the Super-Conducting Super Collider and how the physicists working on it oddly resisted implementing cost-control software. Now, in terms of vibes, I can imagine that the public, or at least the pro-welfare people, would probably also resist cost-control scrutinization of current welfare programs, but on the other hand, could it be any worse than existing means-testing?

I don't understand how a positive policy of restraint, of withdrawing or neutering power, is in any way inherently idealistic. Most Anarcho-capitalists, including me, argue that it is the very pragmatic, consequentialist strain in our thinking and in our politics that should drive us towards promoting voluntary interactions as much as possible and towards beating the swords of the State into plowshares. It is a very quick and, frankly, disingenuous oversimplification, merely a hand-wave, to treat the "ideology" as if it were utopian. It is most decidedly not.

I think the point of the quote you were responding to there wasn't about what AnCaps would do, but more the fact that AnCapitalism has never been tried and is unprepared for contact with the real world (see also: communism).

Are wheelchairs wobbly? I'd imagine that engineering would have eliminated virtually all the flimsiness out of even the folding kind.