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It might be mostly the second, thinking about it for a few seconds. Just what kind of personality type does it take to seriously want to use a nuke in terrorism (is it some sort of extreme misanthrope, someone whose political convictions are second at best to the nihilistic urge of "kill 'em all"?), and how many of that kind of person does it take to pull off a terror-nuke plot?

Yeah, this does make me curious, can someone take Google to court over YouTube over this?

No dual purpose vessel can actually load troops onto a fastcraft or RHIB so there is no means to repurpose civ vessels to vomit troops onto Taiwanese shores.

Is this in contradiction of reports/rumors of China bulking up a civilian fleet that can be repurposed for amphibious landings? Was that actually a "backyard furnace"-level boondoggle all along?

There is no reason to mine in space while everything we need is much cheaper to obtain on earth.

This seems to presume that this state will persist into some unspecified eternity. Politics alone can make space mining plenty competitive. It's the same reason why "peak oil" predictions kept getting bodied.

My first exposure to the term was with free-2-play, non-mobile games.

As I understand it, a lot of prison labor is in agriculture and food production.

That Antwerp Port House looks like it wants to be a spaceship or something. I think the Japanese are onto something with all their fictional city-ships (e.g. Macross, Xylem), and that this is a sign of how weird modern architecture can be redeemed.

It's the illusion of mastery over human nature when you're really just cultivating the worst parts of it.

I'm reminded of someone in this sphere once describing Francisco Franco versus typical fascist leaders in this (paraphrased) way: "Fascist leaders often saw themselves as the architect of the soul. Franco was just a cop."

I think all authoritarianism and elitism pretty much comes down to this core, that one can, with sufficient will-to-power and unquestionable primacy, have power over what is in a man's heart itself. By contrast, liberalism and progressivism fundamentally surrender that what others do or are is out of one's control, and the differences come down to how to handle that.

It's a shame that boxy cars went out of fashion by 2013, there's a joke about moving bricks to be made here.

Given Burdensome's comment, I suspect this means "don't invest in the companies actually prospecting and mining for gold, gold production is near-flat and is practically a money sink."

Which, given the apparent propensity for gold to value upwards, would suggest that the amount of new gold being mined from Earth is at a trickle.

Oh, Beretta abandoned the ARX? I know they have the NARP now (surprise, it's an AR!), I didn't realize they had given up on the ARX.

To be fair, art and voice AI was literally trained on existing examples of the respective media. I don't think the criticism comes from a place of "the AI makes me feel worthless," it comes more from "the AI is basically carbon-copying my style."

As far as AR alternatives out on the market, I think most only have any success in their country of manufacture (examples: VHS-2, Howa Type 20, MSBS), and any country without enough of a home industry to draw on (e.g. France) will probably just buy AR-15s, HK 416s, or maybe CZ Bren 2s.

On that note, if you've ever owned The Crew, check out the Stop Killing Games campaign! Ubisoft may try to twist the past, but you can change the future!

If the Inquisition was started to prevent witch hunts, then why is it that we now conflate Inquisitors with witch-hunters and torturers?

Allegedly, a lot of statue-posters are actually women (I don't remember where I read/saw this, though). If true, this only reinforces JTarrou's point, only with the political valence flipped.

The protagonist exists in what is, essentially a linear corridor, and he can only move forward. Whatever he may want to do, there's nothing he can do but move forward.

Half-Life does kind of lampshade this theme, actually; Gordon essentially is trapped in a linear path, given only the illusion of choice, living only half a life.

Eh, there was the mosque in Christchurch, NZ. That didn't have a cop out front, did it?

Funny you mention clickwrap, because this whole topic reminds me of Ross Scott's campaign on stopping the destruction of live-service-type games, and the legal precedents in the US that basically give consumers no rights over software publishers.

I actually kind of like the idea of this; you wake up one day, your doodad has been pwned, and the screen on it says "if you are seeing this, please call [govt. number]."

I feel like both things have happened; some things that might warrant longer-term discussion are out of the news quick, other things are dragged out into a narrative.

Botond mentioned in the thread about the Korean gender war that he is not American.

Basically "what is not mandatory is forbidden," I take it?

I suppose this is the same logic as smart-gun legislation in places like New Jersey?