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English Supremacist

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joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


User ID: 2301


English Supremacist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


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User ID: 2301

I'd like to hear it! Negative criticism is fun to read.

If only I had an em dash key on my keyboard - then I might use it!

It's not enough to just be educated, though. Trump has a B.S. from Wharton, and yet many of the progressive attacks on him focus on his perceived lack of intelligence.

As will happen to all of us, as will happen to every cause we hold dear.

This is why you should dedicate your life to causes that have survived for thousands of years, such as Catholicism or shipbuilding, since the longer a thing has existed, the more likely it is to continue to exist.

Yes, Iran certainly does have the ability to shoot guns at boats full of Palestinian refugees while the cameras broadcast videos of innocent women and children dying to the world.

And then what does the world do? Send a strongly-worded letter? Sanction them? Maybe try to stop their nuclear program?

Now that we're off reddit, we're no longer affected by reddit choosing to do questionable things.

It doesn't seem obvious to me that the boost towards a bad actor's capacity for destruction will outstrip the government's surveillance boon.

If the threat model that governments are concerned about is terrorists using AI to help them build a superweapon that can cause megadeaths (or worse), then the government agencies have to win every time, while the terrorists only have to win once. Anything less than omniscience and omnipotence isn't good enough.

It's the duty of a scientist to think deeply about the things he writes about. People will assume that, because he is a scientist, he has in fact thought deeply about the subjects of the papers he publishes. Scientists who don't think deeply about their areas of study need to be discouraged from being scientists, lest they use their institution's prestige to convince people of things that aren't true.

For not so controversial examples, anyone under 60 pronouncing the wh is almost assuredly a very partisan Republican.

What do you mean by this?

how often have assassins shifted the course of world history toward something they would have preferred, making the assassination "rational" in some sense?

Darius the Great killed (a man allegedly falsely claiming to be) Bardiya, who was ruling Persia, which allowed him to take over the Persian Empire. Darius got what he wanted and was good at managing the Empire too, so that worked out for him.

Do you speak Georgian? If not, how was the language barrier?

it’s worth noting we’re a small, selected minority group everywhere in the country except for two towns, the larger of which is less than 10,000 people

Ave Maria is one, but what's the second?

How do you find living people off of dead people?

It may be easier to find living people off of living people. If you take an Ancestry DNA test, you will be able to view the accounts of all other people who took the test and are related to you, even if they are distant cousins. Many of these people will have their own publicly-viewable family trees which you can often use to figure out exactly how they're related to you.

If your grandfather (or parent) is willing to take (or already has taken) a test, he can give you access to his results, which will make it easier to find relevant relatives. Your goal will be to find any DNA matches who either already have Raymond Edward Stocker in their trees or who can be connected to him through other relatives. You can then message these people and find out what they know.

Do you think that launching an invasion with tens of thousands of troops (along with cutting off all electricity, food, and water) won't lead to accusations of war crimes?

The entire point of RLHF is to prevent text generation AIs from working like they did when they first came out.

The only problem I have is she doesn’t cook meat dinners. She’s down to make me a Turkey sandwich

Is this because she doesn't consider turkey to be meat, or she doesn't consider making a sandwich to be cooking?

All the better to get the precedents sorted out now, so you have them ready when you really need them.

At some level of lethality, explicit lockdowns won't be necessary because everyone will be voluntarily staying home for fear of infection. At levels below that, lockdowns won't work because people won't follow them due to the risk of death being low. It's only when the lethality is unknown but plausibly high that lockdowns can be justified, but once the lethality is known you'll end up in one of the first two situations.

Was the IRA an enemy of the US like ISIS is?

Orthodox Jew or Orthodox Christian?

something which has no effect on the modal user

Blind people can't use the official app and rely on third-party apps, which are getting killed by the API changes. So there's an ableism angle to this, which makes lots of people upset about the changes even if they aren't blind.

AND no effect on the stereotypical powermod who's there to defend Cathedral talking points.

Many mods, including those on /r/AskHistorians, rely on third-party apps to do moderation. AskHistorians in particular has a reputation for high-quality modding, which makes the prospect of losing concerning to average users too.

IIRC, Nazis get the arc and die from opening it in a timeline where he didn't exist.

I think the difference he makes is that without him, the Nazis would keep possession of the Ark after the first group opened it and died. Instead, Jones was able to get it to the Americans somehow, who turned it over to their Top Men.

Kiwifarms is still up and still thriving, though

Not on the clearnet. kiwifarms.net has been down for several weeks.

Mary's Immaculate Conception wasn't actually defined as a dogma until 1854. During the medieval period it was very much a subject of debate, with prominent religious orders on both sides, although they didn't have much in the way of empirical evidence available.

Globohomo is a pithy shortening of "Global Homogenization", in other words:

You can count on the locals drinking the same beverages, eating the same food, watching the same TV, dressing up in same fashion trends and living in same houses as you do.