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joined 2022 September 04 21:39:04 UTC


User ID: 172



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:39:04 UTC


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User ID: 172

I think roughly 0% of respondents would actually pick the bear. They are, to borrow a phrase from yesteryear, virtue signalling.

The more notable revelation is how cleanly this whole ordeal demonstrates that hating men is very much considered a virtue in some spaces.

The problem is that nobody is joking.


Irrespective of who is receiving them, what's the number of visas that could be issued within the foreseeable future for which shaking your fist at couldn't necessarily be considered evidence of xenophobia? Would a billion do it?

Really? No posts on Wellness Wednesday? Any wellers in chat?

She's a 10, there's absolutely nothing wrong with her, you managed to bring her home with you, and she's a little tipsy. But you just noticed that on your bookshelf behind her there's an exposed and visible hardcover copy of Ted Cruz's Unwoke. What do you do?

Is the only principled position either zero immigrants or infinity immigrants?