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User ID: 540



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User ID: 540

Personally, I'm not interested in philosophical musings, anything about AI, or ratsphere inside-baseball (isuch as anything about Aella), all of which make up a substantial number of each week's postings. I'd love to see more focus on current events to balance the Washington Post and Reddit shoving the woke perspective down people's throats.

Wasn't something like that the canonical origin of Night City, of Cyberpunk fame?

...because anyone who doesn't publically "support diversity" is shamed, made a pariah and possibly fired.

Observe the posts in subreddits for individual cities, inquiring about neighborhoods to live in. Every one is looking for a "diverse" area.

Try posting that you want to live in a white neighborhood, and see how quickly you get banned for "bigotry" or "hate speech", with a mod note referring to you as "scum" or some similar endearment.

But simply having too many cultures, too many languages, religions, ethnicities in a country (to the point they, put together, outnumber the former dominant group) is bound to make it weaker, IMO, because there will no longer be a consensus on values. There will no longer be anything to hold the country together and it will essentially cease to be a nation in any real sense at all. Every group will have its own shibboleths and taboos which it will lobby its political representatives to codify in law - which will probably get shot down except in all-Muslim (or whatever) towns, but the time and energy wasted on this stuff is time and energy which cannot be used to work on the nation's real problems.

I, for one, would rather euthanize myself than live in such a corpse of a country.

(This situation, multiplied by a million, is also why I firmly believe that no world government can ever work.)

And Americanization programs in public school systems.

There was a period of several years where you never saw "Iran" in the news without it being followed by "-Contra."

There's one local example that sticks in my mind, even after all these years. Back in 1982, there was a rabies epidemic. For months, almost every day on the front page of the Fairfax Journal, there were stories about rabid animals (it was almost always raccoons for some reason) being found and euthanized.

Then a while later I realized I wasn't seeing those anymore.

But there was never any announcement of an end to the epidemic. For all I know, it might still be going on!

Recreational use and sale of marijuana was legalized before Youngkin took office, but he refused categorically to take any steps to establish any mechanism for legal sale.

I, for one, am kind of salty about that; I had visited Denver in previous years, enjoyed my share of legally purchased edibles and was really looking forward to being able to get them at a local mall.

East Germany had something like this. Because of its unique situation with continued flight to the West, many factories and other businesses were constantly begging for employees.

Or clone DNA from extinct animals. I'm kind of curious on whether Hallucigenia tastes like shrimp.

It was for quite a range of occupations IIRC.

I know they did bring in some Cubans and even Vietnamese, but that may have been for propaganda value and "proletarian internationalism" points. Don't think they ever had Poles or Romanians.

Screenwriters and especially studio execs are dimwits who know bugger-all about science, but have absorbed the notion (from watching Captain Planet and Ferngully as kids) that science is Bad and destroys the environment.

I think it's this one:


Also the origin of the "fifty Stalins" line!

I'm guessing he read about the Buddhist monks who immolated themselves to protest Ngo Dinh Diem's regime and, maybe was depressed/suicidal already and decided that as long as he was putting an end to himself he might as well do it in a way that makes some kind of impact.

Oddly enough, Moreno's arrest record lists her as white non-Hispanic.

Though not transgender, could she be trans-ethnic?

close friend and colleague of Martin Luther

Someone should have asked him for his longevity secrets.

What is a "cut" in this context? Do the Outlaws all have a certain haircut?

I visited Seattle in July 2011; there were a few bums, but it was still a livable city then.

This is 3rd and Pine in 2011:


The main public library building had just opened; it was sparkling clean and still had the new smell. I don't want to think about what it must be like now.

And I visited Portland in September 2008, walked back to my hotel at 2 a.m., wasn't hassled. Back then Portland's homeless all seemed to be the "crusty" type: white guys with dreadlocks, who usually have dogs.

"The 1949 Minneapolis Lakers"

Hell, I've got ants in my kitchen and I've seen a few silverfish in the bathtub. No biggie.

countries could simply provide "quality of life worth a damn" to everyone living under their umbrella and are electing not to out of spite.

That ingrained assumption completely blew my suspension of disbelief in Neill Blomkamp's Elysium.

Sure, medical care doesn't actually cost anything!! It's just the fault of the nasty bad evil rich capitalists who are selfishly refusing to treat every little twinge and hangnail of ten billion people!!

I felt dirty after having watched that.

Here in the Washington DC area, everyone's taken it for granted for decades: carjackers, robbers and other violent criminals (except the occasional domestic murderer), and professional thieves/shoplifters, are never white.

Edit: And of course, you'll never find anybody drawing attention to that fact in public, as that would be "hate speech"; the metro area is 99% blue tribe.

Not since 1965 or so in DC itself. School desegregation in 1954 caused the trickle of white flight to turn into a torrent, making for the "Chocolate City/Vanilla Suburbs" that obtained until:

1973 in Prince Georges County, when school busing was introduced to achieve racial balance and created an even greater surge of white flight there, and

The early eighties in the rest of suburbia, when the first wave of Central American immigrants started pouring into the affordable garden apartment complexes, displacing the whites from there and pretty soon taking all the fast food, landscaping and physical labor jobs. Nowadays, on the buses and at the bus stops in Fairfax County, you will not hear one word of English (even the drivers are all foreigners now! (And most of the taxi drivers are African immigrants and Afghanis.)), nearly all small shops are owned and staffed by immigrants, and Fairfax County schools are maybe 35% white, down from ~80% in my high-school years forty years ago. Less than that in Montgomery County and in the low single digit percentages in DC and Prince Georges.

Pretty much all the whites here are white-collar PMC types, and the white working class has decamped to remote trailer parks many miles from the nearest public transit.

A common Nazi trope was condemning the Jews' "trickery" and "evil cunning" in cheating/inveigling money from "honest but simple" German workers and farmers.

If it's hot, dry weather you want, you can't do better than Phoenix or Tucson (if you like mild winters), or Salt Lake City, Boise or Denver (if you like snow and cold winters).

All of these places' housing prices have spiked in the last few years and all have homeless problems in the downtown areas, but tell me a US city that doesn't.

I've never driven, or owned, a car.

I hate "car culture" as it developed in the years after 1945 because of how ugly and unlivable it made nearly every American community. Six- or eight-lane arterial roads, lined with strip malls, fast-food places, Walmarts etc. (interspersed with car-related businesses such as gas stations, auto dealerships, tire stores, muffler shops, etc. which take up huge amounts of space), every one with an enormous parking lot that one has to walk through (I can't even count how many hours of my life have been wasted just walking through parking lots) while keeping an eye out that some distracted moron might run me down.

The sidewalks are invariably empty except for the homeless, the poorest of the immigrants, or once in a great while a dog-walker.

All that wasted space which could have been used for housing.

Bus stops, most without a shelter, for buses that run every half hour or even every hour (less than that if it's snowing or raining).

Neighborhoods with nothing but houses, on winding streets (many without sidewalks). For mile after mile after mile. No corner grocery stores, no corner pubs, nothing to walk to unless you're buddies with all your neighbors.

In the US, there is no such thing anymore as an affordable, safe, walkable urban neighborhood. There are smaller cities and towns with affordable housing - but with no jobs, very little shopping or cultural institutions, with a huge fraction of their population bombed out on opiates or meth.

If I want to visit any "outdoors" destination - beach, mountains, national parks - that's just out of the question because there are no trains or buses that go there.

Thanks a fucking heap, Henry Ford and postwar urban planners.