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User ID: 540
How about that old standby, Madagascar?
Yeah, I saw speculation on Cracked that Michael Jordan's brief stint in baseball was a secret suspension caused by his gambling problem, which was so severe that it led to his father getting murdered.
There's still the oasis that is Political Compass Memes, and LibsOfReddit (though that one is just as obnoxiously partisan on the right as the rest of Reddit is on the left).
(it's hard to be sure when the news steadfastly refuses to notice "Emma's" Adam's apple)
Yesterday I collected my very first Reddit Warning for promoting "hate": noting on /r/slatestarcodex that said individual didn't look like an "Emma". I had hoped that Reddit's "transocracy" didn't extend as far as SSC. Guess I was wrong.
Or how about 1979, my last year in elementary school. If it was good enough for me, it's good enough for today's kids.
they genuinely don't know whether books in their classroom library violate some part of the law (because, say, LGBT content wasn't among the things they screened for when buying the books in the first place)
They could have just kept the books from before 1990; that was safely before LGBTQ stuff started to get shoveled into everything.
National debt was much lower, so very little interest to pay; no social welfare programs; small army except in wartime; no horde of "alphabet agencies" interfering with everything.
And the ozone hole in 1991 that was going to give everyone in the Northern Hemisphere melanoma. Lots of scary articles, but when the hole disappeared, nobody thought that even worthy of mention.
Just something I've been idly wondering - how many of the substack/blog links in top-level posts here and on /r/slatestarcodex are "I found this article and think it's interesting," and how many are actually "I'm blowing my own horn! I wrote this!!" but the poster is pretending it's the previous.
Because Snow Crash made it sound super-cool thirty years ago!
Some judge in Hawaii is bound to zap it.
I was hoping he'd announce an executive order putting the whole country back onto year-round Standard Time.
If Trump is somehow assassinated during his inaugural address, IMO that has a very good chance of kicking off a civil war.
IIRC this is what the "lightning" thing in Kolmogorov Complicity was really about.
making fun and being cruel to people was perfectly aligned with being a pinko-sj hellhole.
See also the comments section on any WaPo article.
I picture the first two lines sung to the tune of Dixie.
As I've reached the age when the need to urinate comes every hour, often suddenly and strongly, even more often if I've just had a few beers, I've had to be mindful of this; when I take the Metro home from DC I always make a stop at the Harris Teeter (which still has open restrooms) before the half-hour walk to my house.
Visiting Phoenix last spring, I felt the need hit me while walking through ASU's downtown campus, so I trailed someone into the Walter Cronkite Journalism School building. I did manage to relieve myself but was peremptorily ordered out by a security guard despite the fact that I could by no means be mistaken for homeless. When did big-city university campuses start closing off their buildings to outsiders?
And supermarkets are supposed to always have open restrooms, but at a Fry's in Tempe there were those keypads on the doors. I pleaded urgent need at the customer service desk and they said they'd send someone over to let me in; thankfully someone left the men's room within a couple of minutes. And so far as I know, nobody ever came to open the door, unless they arrived and left while I was inside.
I've never gone to Starbucks, but if it's like any fast-food restaurant or other commercial space, there's loud annoying pop music playing all the time. I like to spend as little time as possible being subjected to such aural assault - unless I can get drunk enough that it no longer bothers me.
Eh. Back when everyone lived in one-room hovels, parents always had sex in the same room as their kids.
After reading (post-Floyd) about Arthur McDuffie, who was beaten to death by Miami police on December 16, 1979 despite having committed no crime, I would have expected that to spark nationwide rage. There were serious riots in Miami's black neighborhoods, but the cause failed to catch on nationwide.
I have to conclude this is because newspapers and TV stations outside Miami didn't cover it (but the black papers must have?!), so I guess social media made all the difference.
If any of you has seen Winter's Bone, the all-white Missouri community it depicts gives off a definite vibe of hostility towards outsiders (whatever their race). I personally would be too intimidated to set foot there.
And this is besides the place having few or no jobs.
And burying powerlines in earthquake-prone areas creates more problems.
Those things look like prop vehicles from Total Recall.
Obviously it varies by area, but a while ago I read (might have been in Reason) that in-home daycares have to comply with a huge laundry list of expensive-to-follow health and safety regulations; one that stuck in my mind was that the house had to have a circular driveway to minimize the danger of cars backing up - a measure which would leave most neighborhoods bereft of daycare facilities.
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