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User ID: 540



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User ID: 540

I thought the invasion would have started within a couple of days after the first attack, and certainly within a week.

Surely Israel has detailed war plans ready for such a scenario. They certainly struck back lightning-fast in 1973.

Screenwriters and especially studio execs are dimwits who know bugger-all about science, but have absorbed the notion (from watching Captain Planet and Ferngully as kids) that science is Bad and destroys the environment.

Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just shoot the stuff into deep space?

Oddly enough, Moreno's arrest record lists her as white non-Hispanic.

Though not transgender, could she be trans-ethnic?


I've never driven, or owned, a car.

I hate "car culture" as it developed in the years after 1945 because of how ugly and unlivable it made nearly every American community. Six- or eight-lane arterial roads, lined with strip malls, fast-food places, Walmarts etc. (interspersed with car-related businesses such as gas stations, auto dealerships, tire stores, muffler shops, etc. which take up huge amounts of space), every one with an enormous parking lot that one has to walk through (I can't even count how many hours of my life have been wasted just walking through parking lots) while keeping an eye out that some distracted moron might run me down.

The sidewalks are invariably empty except for the homeless, the poorest of the immigrants, or once in a great while a dog-walker.

All that wasted space which could have been used for housing.

Bus stops, most without a shelter, for buses that run every half hour or even every hour (less than that if it's snowing or raining).

Neighborhoods with nothing but houses, on winding streets (many without sidewalks). For mile after mile after mile. No corner grocery stores, no corner pubs, nothing to walk to unless you're buddies with all your neighbors.

In the US, there is no such thing anymore as an affordable, safe, walkable urban neighborhood. There are smaller cities and towns with affordable housing - but with no jobs, very little shopping or cultural institutions, with a huge fraction of their population bombed out on opiates or meth.

If I want to visit any "outdoors" destination - beach, mountains, national parks - that's just out of the question because there are no trains or buses that go there.

Thanks a fucking heap, Henry Ford and postwar urban planners.

What is a "cut" in this context? Do the Outlaws all have a certain haircut?

In stores and malls, I haven't heard any religious Christmas music since sometime in the 1990s. It's just one billion repetitions of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", "Chestnuts Rosting on an Open Fire", and various pop abominations.

My two local malls (Tysons Corner Center and Tysons Galleria) and the stores in them, in fact, have really been skimping on Christmas decorations in the past few years. In the 1980s, the whole place used to get transformed: tinsel and colored lights everywhere, decorated trees in every shop window. Seeing this used to be one of the things I most looked forward to about the Christmas season.

Nowadays, there are just a few anemic strings of white lights hanging from the ceiling (colored lights seem to be permanently out of fashion for some reason) and almost no stores have any decorations put up at all!

I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the area now has a sizable Muslim population (when I go there now, maybe a quarter to a third of the women are wearing headscarves or hijab) who'd rather not see a Christian holiday celebrated, although I doubt anyone would admit publically that that's the reason.

East Germany had something like this. Because of its unique situation with continued flight to the West, many factories and other businesses were constantly begging for employees.

For what reason would we want to tile the land with housing?

Because there's a severe shortage of affordable housing in every city in the US and Canada which is worth living in.

Somebody needs to build the walkable equivalent of a thousand Levittowns, starter housing which can be easily paid for on the salary of a single working-class adult - and not a highly-paid one, either.

Here in the Washington DC area, everyone's taken it for granted for decades: carjackers, robbers and other violent criminals (except the occasional domestic murderer), and professional thieves/shoplifters, are never white.

Edit: And of course, you'll never find anybody drawing attention to that fact in public, as that would be "hate speech"; the metro area is 99% blue tribe.

I've never seen any progressives raising their voice about the plight of the few remaining whites in Zimbabwe, though . . .

(That might have changed had Mugabe forbidden them from leaving the country, but it's still a stretch of imagination.)

What about Yuengling? I seem to recall that company having some sort of association with the right wing, though I can't remember the details.

Nightmare Vision Rosedale thread

I don't see a thread, just a single post with no responses.

Do I need to create a Xitter account to see the rest? Because that's not happening.

That bit about the last king being strangled with the entrails of the last priest; was that him or Robespierre?

I wonder how Utah would score on that scale.

I assume the station with the gospel versions was a black station?

In recent years, in stores and malls I've heard a lot of repetitions of "Everybody's Waiting for the Man with the Bag", which sounds like a rejected song from the 1971 Willy Wonka movie.

Back in the old days, when often no candidate had a clear mandate going into the convention, and it was there that the deals were hammered out - things were just more interesting back then. Every election cycle, it seems to me, the D and R candidates are decided earlier and earlier, and the national conventions became pointless coronations by 1988.

Now the nominees are set in stone even before the election year and all we get to look forward to is month after month of attack ads and partisan news leaks. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up on the morning of November 5.

They've aimed brickbats at Przewalski so I guess there's going to be a call to take his name off the horse too.

And of course the bloody article has a trigger warning for the exceptionally faint-hearted.

Me, I like the excitement it creates; it makes playing Stellaris and HOI4 even more fun than it is sober.

I never drank at all until past age 40, when the Borders bookstores started closing, the Barnes & Nobles began devoting floor space to toys and other kiddie crap, and the local public libraries got rid of most books except recent bestsellers, concentrating on providing internet terminals and daytime shelter to the homeless.

RococoBasilica's post reminded me of when first-wave feminism hit Germany.

1997? Try 1955, when Rudolf Flesch's "Why Johnny Can't Read" was published.

I wonder how Gypsies would do if they were all moved onto a planet of their own, with nobody except each other to victimize.

A lot of Filipinos count as Hispanic Asian.

What happened to /r/CultureWarRoundup? The weekly threads just stopped in December 2020, and the last posts there don't shed any light on the situation.

Did AHS succeed in scaring everybody away?