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User ID: 540



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User ID: 540

What happened to /r/CultureWarRoundup? The weekly threads just stopped in December 2020, and the last posts there don't shed any light on the situation.

Did AHS succeed in scaring everybody away?

And Americanization programs in public school systems.

There was a period of several years where you never saw "Iran" in the news without it being followed by "-Contra."

There's one local example that sticks in my mind, even after all these years. Back in 1982, there was a rabies epidemic. For months, almost every day on the front page of the Fairfax Journal, there were stories about rabid animals (it was almost always raccoons for some reason) being found and euthanized.

Then a while later I realized I wasn't seeing those anymore.

But there was never any announcement of an end to the epidemic. For all I know, it might still be going on!

Or clone DNA from extinct animals. I'm kind of curious on whether Hallucigenia tastes like shrimp.

I think it's this one:


Also the origin of the "fifty Stalins" line!

Hell, I've got ants in my kitchen and I've seen a few silverfish in the bathtub. No biggie.

Shinola is an odd name for a watch company; before the stores opened I only knew it from the saying "doesn't know shit from Shinola" which refers to a brand of shoe polish that was discontinued around 1960.

IIRC one of the main reasons the French granted the West African states independence was that they had full representation in the legislature, and their population was increasing so rapidly that the ethnic French deputies would be outnumbered/outvoted by the African deputies very soon.

Tail wagging the dog so to speak.

I visited Seattle in July 2011; there were a few bums, but it was still a livable city then.

This is 3rd and Pine in 2011:


The main public library building had just opened; it was sparkling clean and still had the new smell. I don't want to think about what it must be like now.

And I visited Portland in September 2008, walked back to my hotel at 2 a.m., wasn't hassled. Back then Portland's homeless all seemed to be the "crusty" type: white guys with dreadlocks, who usually have dogs.

Professional shoplifting gangs are active in DC and Northern Virginia and some of those are male.

In ~99% of Texas, a car is necessary to live, and loan payments, maintenance, fuel, insurance, etc. eat up a huge amount of money compared to public transit costs in Copenhagen or Hamburg.

Not to mention the whole healthcare-prices debacle, or daycare for any kids.

I can't recall any way Munroe went off the deep end. Unless abandoning the What If column without explanation counts.

Who By Very Slow Decay

      • yeah.

Thankfully my mother passed before she deteriorated that far, but many years ago I decided that at the first serious downturn in my health, I will euthanize myself in the quickest, most painless way I can (that doesn't leave a mess or inconvenience other people). I will do this with a clear conscience, as I have no children or other dependents and have never had a Significant Other.

countries could simply provide "quality of life worth a damn" to everyone living under their umbrella and are electing not to out of spite.

That ingrained assumption completely blew my suspension of disbelief in Neill Blomkamp's Elysium.

Sure, medical care doesn't actually cost anything!! It's just the fault of the nasty bad evil rich capitalists who are selfishly refusing to treat every little twinge and hangnail of ten billion people!!

I felt dirty after having watched that.

Specifically it's supposed to be used by Native American/First Nations people, some of whose tribes were reportedly accepting of transgender people before the term was invented.

I like "Rob Neyer's Big Book of Baseball Blunders". I was never much of a sports fan, but I saw this in the store and liked his writing style. Sort of approaching the subject from the back, so to speak.

Rootless cosmopolitans, even!

That tweet got memory-holed.

What about the white areas of Chicago's North Side? Or downtown Philly?

Black and Blue? As in, "We're gonna beat people up"?

I regularly read CapitalWeather, the Washington Post's weather/climate section. In the articles about record temperatures/rainfall/whatever, you think there'd be links to the National Weather Service's (or whichever country's meteorological agency's) website.


The links are always fucking Twitter.

Maybe they'll stop doing that now, or just assume that everyone who can read has a Twitter account.

The smarter ones of the bunch at least realized that Trump was not actually libertarian and instead tried to convince me along the lines of "well yeah we know but he's better for libertarianism than Hillary..."

Through accelerationism? The more autocratic he gets, the better for the libertarian movement?

IIRC, in the 70s nuclear annihilation took a back seat, in that era of detente, to fears about pollution, toxic waste and extinctions of necessary plants and animals, a la Soylent Green and The Sheep Look Up.

As a kid, I read the version where the Oompa-Loompas were African pygmies. When did that version go out of print?

That essay breaks off in the middle of a sentence! Did he ever get around to finishing it?