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joined 2022 September 05 11:49:11 UTC


User ID: 540



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 11:49:11 UTC


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User ID: 540

Fiume, the Erzherzog Karl Albrecht has landed! One small step . . .

Gerrold did develop his writing chops in the seventies.

Maybe that's why he stopped - he knows his style isn't going to be accepted anymore?

Similarly with John Varley's Eight Worlds stories, which had a similar '70s libertarian field; the last one was decades ago.

There are rumors on /r/ModSupport that AEO is actually a bot, triggering on single words, and that no humans are overseeing the thing.

One more reason I'd dearly love to see all bots banned from Reddit.

Yes - when I see those initials I always think, first, of Electronic Arts.

Why would I not find it credible? Have they been known to lie?

What happened to /r/CultureWarRoundup? The weekly threads just stopped in December 2020, and the last posts there don't shed any light on the situation.

Did AHS succeed in scaring everybody away?

That's weird - for me, whether I sort by Hot or New, the top thread is Free Will, Personal Responsibility, & Privilege, followed by "does this group lean one way or another politically"; the weekly threads don't show up until position 7, which is the 12/14/2020 thread.

Well, there was already Soviet jazz in the thirties. The musical Happy-Go-Lucky Guys (or Jolly Fellows) was tremendously popular in 1934.

"Yankee Stadium has no fewer than 12,000 seats"

This is not a new idea

True. Taylor Caldwell said this in Devil's Advocate, all the way back in 1952.

Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just shoot the stuff into deep space?

Idi Amin was straight CE. He was downright psychotic, and dimwitted into the bargain.

"To whom much is given, much will be expected" - Luke 12:47-48

"The one accusation we feared was to be suspected of ability. Ability was like a mortgage on you that you could never pay off." - Atlas Shrugged

I've blocked a few users on other fora because I simply dislike their writing style, or they're too long-winded and boring.

"scaled moderation team"

The lizardmen are real and they work for Twitter! Heh.

Some countries will be too dysfunctional to profit from AI

Can't very well have a functioning AI when the power to run it goes out for several hours every day.

From the name I assumed it was a rapper.

As late as 2000, on the now-vanished Salon Table Talk fora, plenty of people used their real names. One woman gave so many details of her life in a small Upper Midwest city that, had I been the malicious type, I could have tracked her down IRL without any trouble.

I shower on alternate days, even in the hottest, muggiest weather, and still feel clean.

That essay breaks off in the middle of a sentence! Did he ever get around to finishing it?

A lot of Filipinos count as Hispanic Asian.

Flashback to 1996!!

Prince Georges County, Maryland is the wealthiest predominantly-black county in America, but its crime rate is pretty high.

I wonder how Gypsies would do if they were all moved onto a planet of their own, with nobody except each other to victimize.