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joined 2022 September 05 11:49:11 UTC


User ID: 540



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User ID: 540

Why would I not find it credible? Have they been known to lie?

There was some press release I recall reading, some study which said it would take something ridiculous like 14 Earths to provide all 8-billion-plus humans with a middle-class American lifestyle (might not have said specifically American, I don't remember).

I wonder how Gypsies would do if they were all moved onto a planet of their own, with nobody except each other to victimize.

I've blocked a few users on other fora because I simply dislike their writing style, or they're too long-winded and boring.

Hell, I've got ants in my kitchen and I've seen a few silverfish in the bathtub. No biggie.

Nightmare Vision Rosedale thread

I don't see a thread, just a single post with no responses.

Do I need to create a Xitter account to see the rest? Because that's not happening.

Also, housing's pretty much got to be cheaper there. I don't know if Istanbul is the kind of city where the medieval neighborhoods have been gentrified and the poor people live in outlying postwar tower-block developments, or the kind where the lowest classes live in the oldest housing, but either way the rents have to be cheaper than most US cities.

In ~99% of Texas, a car is necessary to live, and loan payments, maintenance, fuel, insurance, etc. eat up a huge amount of money compared to public transit costs in Copenhagen or Hamburg.

Not to mention the whole healthcare-prices debacle, or daycare for any kids.

I can't recall any way Munroe went off the deep end. Unless abandoning the What If column without explanation counts.

That tweet got memory-holed.

Black and Blue? As in, "We're gonna beat people up"?

I wonder if the benefits are greater if you learn languages far removed from each other, like simultaneously trying to learn Welsh, Magyar and Navajo.

Coming home last night, I remembered another good thing about tipsiness. When my buzz is in the "sweet spot", when I have to make the hour-plus walk home in triple-digit heat and tropical humidity, or brutal cold winds, or pouring rain, it feels like those conditions are being experienced by someone else (like an NPC) and I'm just observing from outside dispassionately, avoiding obstacles but still enjoying the exercise!

It works for me.

I shower on alternate days, even in the hottest, muggiest weather, and still feel clean.

Idi Amin was straight CE. He was downright psychotic, and dimwitted into the bargain.

Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just shoot the stuff into deep space?

This is not a new idea

True. Taylor Caldwell said this in Devil's Advocate, all the way back in 1952.

That's weird - for me, whether I sort by Hot or New, the top thread is Free Will, Personal Responsibility, & Privilege, followed by "does this group lean one way or another politically"; the weekly threads don't show up until position 7, which is the 12/14/2020 thread.

What happened to /r/CultureWarRoundup? The weekly threads just stopped in December 2020, and the last posts there don't shed any light on the situation.

Did AHS succeed in scaring everybody away?

That bit about the last king being strangled with the entrails of the last priest; was that him or Robespierre?

I was just wondering this morning if anyone even knows when the last native speaker of Hittite (or Etruscan, or Pelasgian) died.

For what reason would we want to tile the land with housing?

Because there's a severe shortage of affordable housing in every city in the US and Canada which is worth living in.

Somebody needs to build the walkable equivalent of a thousand Levittowns, starter housing which can be easily paid for on the salary of a single working-class adult - and not a highly-paid one, either.

I thought it had something to do with "getting up to didoes".