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User ID: 448



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User ID: 448

Or she was about to say, "on the recovery[...]", or "on the record[...]" and either changed her mind or blended two sentences together.

Regardless, I very much doubt he is dead, it makes no sense to hide that. If anything I think it's much more likely that he is being isolated because he doesn't really want to resign from the 2024 candidacy, and this is more or less a palace coup, either explicitly (he never said that he is resigning) or that they don't trust I'm to not say something ambiguous (or forget that he's resigned) during a live press conference.

That depends. For plenty of roles and organisations you're explicitly prohibited from having a political social media presence of any kind and you can get fired for that.

That said, you're almost always supposed to receive multiple formal warnings before being fired.

Not really, its more like getting the flu.

Regardless, if something simple as getting the flu or covid poses a serious risk to you, you have no business being the president or presidential candidate.

The fact that local PD was stationed in the building actually makes this narrative more plausible that maybe one of their guys would go out on the roof.

Not only would but quite possibly should have been on the roof.

One has to wonder how often it happens that the local cops don't behave remotely as they're supposed to.

Dried beans are more cost-effective in terms of dollar/calorie, but they can take obnoxious amounts of time to prepare,

A tip for dealing with this is to prepare a large batch (like 5-10 lbs) at once and then freeze in portion sized bags. If you want to use them in a salad or just on their own you probably want to freeze them on a baking sheet before putting them into bags so they don't stick together too much.

Beans and chickpeas freeze pretty well and if you're using them for a stew or as filling in a burrito or something you absolute won't notice.

Didn't he underperform in 2022 as well?

At the point of the Allied invasion of continental Europe that distinction isn't super clear due to the massive expansion and forced conscription of both large numbers of Germans (often Wehrmacht) and foreigners, doubling in size many times over. It wasn't remotely the same org as before or at the start of the war.

I suppose, but for that you just read the morning newspaper.

Not sure that is the best route for you.

I've seen this a thousand times and it's (almost)never about lacking specific knowledge about popular culture, the issue is that you think this is the issue. You're trying to engage in these subjects like a nerd would discussing his nerdy interests. People generally don't want to talk like that even about the things they are interested in.

What you need to do is learn how to engage in small talk, not study popular culture like there's an exam coming.

Reread what I wrote.

That's not what I'm saying. The secret service was there in limited capacity and relied on local law enforcement for much of the security (but not sniper teams), miscommunication regularly happens, especially when different departments are trying to cooperate.

We're talking about a split second decision here not watching the guy for a couple of minutes and deciding not to shoot until he shoots.

Or a police officer

Wasn't the donation in January 2021?

The nypost now reports that he was a registered republican as well, and it wasn't a super recent registration either, in 2021, the same month he turned 18.

Either this is a very long running attempt at creating a republican persona to falseflag with or he was republican and still shot trump for some reason.

Or maybe it's two different people or something.

That video isn't of Matthew crooks though, but a troll?

Both haggis and surströmming are perfectly fine, I even actively like the Swedish equivalent of haggis (Pölsa) and eat it regularly, and unlike haggis it includes the tendons. The issue with surströmming is the smell, not the taste, but unlike haggis this is more of a meme food anyway.

Our recent ancestors generally weren't that desperate or retarded. The food they made was and is pretty good.

People get freaked out by innards or whatever but it's perfectly fine food. People eat sausages just fine and thats made with intestines.

The latter are stunted compared to wealthier cohorts?

You do what you always do in interviews, come off as a more positive, secure and high energy version of yourself.

What these people want is affirmation, not for you to pretend to be gay. If asked you can play up whatever interest you think aligns with theirs but nothing more than that. Ask about them and what they believe and what their goal is, not the company's policies, you're past HR.

Perhaps I'm far more intelligent than you or perhaps I've just not met as brilliant people but I've never ever experienced the sort of general intelligence gulf you describe. If anything my experience has been the opposite, I've assumed general competence and found just general overconfidence.

Sure, there are people vastly superior to me in specific domains but not in general. They're often competent in other areas as well but not experts to the degree they are in their chosen field. Conversely, there are people less intelligent than me that occasionally are right about things that I'm wrong about even if they can't articulate why they believe what they believe very well, especially when they have a lot of experience in the subject matter.

To me it seems very common for great domain specific expertise to lead to generalised overconfidence rather than being an indicator of general competence.

This sort of thing seems especially true about mental illnesses. I'm sure John Nash was incomparably superior to me at math but that doesn't mean that the FBI really was sending him messages through light beams or that literally everyone wearing red ties are commies.

Ideology is almost as bad as mental illness at polluting thinking.

Or maybe it could be that no single party enjoys more than say 35% support in pretty much any European country?

As for the "far right" they're in the government of multiple European nations or direct supporters of the sitting government in multiple nations right now.

The issue isn't that they can't get in power but that accomplishing their goals is very hard due to how broad reforms they need to accomplish them, with important parts often tied up in international agreements/conventions.

I talked to some french relatives and they said that plenty of the RN candidates just are embarrassingly incompetent and that plenty of them were publicly humiliated in debates and such in the run-up to the election by the candidates of the more established parties.

I don't speak french or paid much attention to the election so I don't know how true this is but similar things are true in Sweden where SD has reasonably competent top leadership but many of their candidates (especially on the local level) are abject clowns who survive electorally not in small part due to not being directly elected.

My assumption is that it's hard to estimate how willing and disciplined people are to turn out not to vote for their own party but against a party they dislike. Turnout for the second round remained very high, so RN lost because they're very unpopular among their non-supporters.

Any comedy podcasts you would recommend?

I feel like it depends on the context and how hard they go.

While I really struggle to understand the professors enthralled by light flirting or the guys that did women's homework for barely even that, I do feel like people might not appreciate how hard it can be to say no when you're directly sexually propositioned by someone young and attractive in a context where sex clearly is an option and you're drunk.

It is clearly possible to control these urges but I don't think it's easy. I don't think it's typical minding going on here as much as it's an experience that many people have not had (or only very rarely and not as intensely) and therefore cannot fairly evaluate the difficulty of.