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joined 2022 September 05 05:03:30 UTC


User ID: 448



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 05:03:30 UTC


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User ID: 448

The men who don't... will just not reproduce and die off.

I'm not so sure. You have to desire women, sure, but care about what they want? Only a bit.

My experience is that being (relative) high value and signaling interest is much more effective than 'caring' about what someone wants. The same goes for friendships. People want to be desired by high value people, they don't want servants. They want a at least an equal exchange in status, but most likely an increase (or the perception of an increase).

Once you're in a relationship things obviously change a bit.

  • white collar crime / ‘non violent crime’ can almost always be punished with alternatives to prison like asset seizure, wage garnishing, industry bans and so on.

If you define this are most offenders, sure. If you define it as most white collar crime in amount of money or amount of people affected then no. These people are very good at hiding assets and using patsies. Some people are just committed to building their life around being anti-social, whether that is through violence or white collar stuff,and punishments don't deter them but locking them away can prevent them from hurting others and society at large.

You're not really going to get less responsibility, only less power.

But they aren't taking "people's" stuff, they are taking your stuff specifically. You the defector is getting your stuff taken, the cooperators keep their stuff.

I think a reason a perception of lazy and uninterested doctors you have to fight with in order to get (the correct) treatment sometimes persist is because the first point of contact for many are GPs and GPs often are the bottom of the barrel of doctors and the most jaded and working under unreasonable time constraints since they act as gate keepers to the rest of the medical system.

Once you actually meet a specialist its like another world. People are (generally) interested, competent and trying to help.

Competent and sympathetic GPs of course do exist but many (most in my impression honestly) really are quite bad, people who either couldn't hack it elsewhere, incompetent immigrants of dubious credentials and people who've just checked out. If anyone's on the AI chopping block it's these guys.

If thats who you're mostly interacting with then what is your impression going to be?

Have you actually interacted with these men at all? They are not dependable. At some point people become a negative value proposition for anyone that isn't desperate and it isn't the welfare state thats making women not desperate, its being able to work.

Oh well, at least it gets me more head, I've had a number of women tell me that it was a relief compared to the finely marinated stench of smegma.

Whenever stuff like this comes up I'm left wondering, who the fuck doesn't wash his dick?

Why couldn't you touch her shoulder or something?

How can I trust that they have any deeply held convictions or principles at all, if the sentiment comes and goes that easily?

Why would you trust that?

In my estimation the vast majority are largely amoral and just go with the flow. My wife is mostly amoral for example, she doesn't have moral opinions on almost anything. She isn't stupid or malevolent, she just doesn't care.

When I want to talk about some moral issue she just zones out because she gets bored. She wants to talk about what happened at her work or what she is planning for the garden or the baby room.

Very few people have moral opinions as anything more than accessories or as part of cheerleading for their team. People do get incredibly passionate about cheering/booing though.

Stop being such a baby for one.

You are exaggerating. It still goes into hallucination loops all the time when using reflection and the improvement between 3.5 and 4 is barely noticeable in practice. What has gotten better is the polish on the initial output and avoiding subquestions that causes it to hallucinate, when pressed it still does, it doesn't tell you that it doesn't know. It often tells you that something is hard to tell for certain in general but not which parts it are uncertain of, which just makes the statement a useless disclaimer.

The reduction of hallucination is a mirage. Perhaps it is similar to how a human would act on a test where it doesn't remember the answer, you focus on the parts of the answer that you are sure of and hope the teacher doesn't notice. Except the model actually does know the answer, and it doesn't hesitate to hallucinate when pressed. It also rather confidently restates information it knows to be wrong rather than make a lower confidence prediction of what is probably right.

Look, I want this to work, it doesn't yet. It'll probably work better in the future and not focusing on just using larger training sets is probably a good idea imo.

A related possible issue is that the average redditor seems much more likely to be a loser than the average FB, Instagram or Twitter user. Regularly when people share information about themselves they're the most pathetic people imaginable, without a job or with a shit job with shit pay, frequently mentally ill, few or no friends and romantically unsuccessful. I'm not being a snob here, these people are not average people, they are losers, often giga-losers; regardless of whether they're right- or leftwing politically.

It seems to me that pseudonymity has kind of a witch attracting effect, similar to offshoots of Reddit in general. Losers are afraid to engage with sites where they can be identified and so converge on the major pseudonymous sites, while the opposite is happening to higher status people, they want to be seen. The net effect is a great sorting.

Are these people good or bad targets for adverstiment? On one hand they likely have less discretionary income but on the other perhaps they are more likely to be whales and/or manipulable in general?

What if the gun breaks down though? How heavy is it really to carry an extra ar15? Googling it seems like it weighs about 3.5 kg.

It doesn't seem that ludicrous..

The war was won well before the bomb on the back of access to much superior industrial capacity, manpower and oil.

Sure, but things correlate with multiple things at once.

I read an interview with a Swedish expert who, while being negative about death penalties in general, was similarly confused about how long it took and all the reported thrashing, which goes against all experience with industrial accidents where people pass out and die very quickly without they themselves or their nearby colleages realising what's going on.

Something clearly went wrong here.

Have you tried drinking?

The vast majority of people around me can cook, although it's notable just how much better the men are. I know one woman my age that is actually a good cook but every other guy seems to be.

One major difference seems to be that the guys cook even when they're alone.

Perhaps it's just the bubble I'm in.

That assumes the repair is logged or discovered. Perhaps shoddy black market repairs is or has been an issue in Poland?

Obviously this doesn't apply when there the maintainance contract gets transferred like here.

I've already been in church for a morning nativity play and in a few hours we're going to have a Julbord with the family.

New for this year's celebration in Sweden was that in addition to the traditional Disney cartoon reel there was a similar thing put together but with traditional live action Astrid Lindgren Christmas stories and some newer animated stuff. Pretty nice imo and i feel like something like this might have a better future than the somewhat dated and historically unconnected Disney cartoons tradition that I feel like its on the way out.

The only people I've heard offer apolagia for them (from a non-std prevention pov) are circumcised men, which leads me to believe that there is a connection.

How is it worse?

You don't mean strengthlevel.com?

What you describe are also actionable ways for someone to improve themselves.

No, being high value is being high value. You're high value to yourself, to other men and to women. Why? Because you provide value and this is broadly useful.

The point is to avoid focusing on what women want because that distorts and ruins your ability to evaluate things. If you focus on improving you'll be better off regardless of whether women like you better or not. Impressing women isn't the only reason to do things, it's one reason among many. People are looking for shortcuts to get ahead in life but that usually doesn't work very well, whether that is for impressing women, making friends or getting ahead in your career.

I'm married with kids but it's still as useful to me to be seen as high value by society around me as it was when I was 18 and single, because both the perception of high value and actual high value is useful.

But this whole experience has made me realize it's almost impossible to effectively manage a large group of people. All I can do is use my programming skills to automate as much of these issues away as possible because people defend their little areas like crazy and are resistant to change. I don't even understand why I care because this is literally impossible. I guess I should just give up and not give a shit and collect a paycheck like everyone else.

It is absolutely possible, but there certainly are dysfunctional organisations where it's difficult and maybe even impossible (although I've never seen this).

The problems you describe do not sound that bad honestly, perhaps you're underselling the issues you're having.