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joined 2022 September 04 22:02:51 UTC



User ID: 196



8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:02:51 UTC




User ID: 196


you never hear about

Quite the opposite, I hear about it roughly six times a day. It's the most widely publicized attack on the US shipping since Pearl Harbor. Why? This seems strange, until you remember Joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos!

Having agency is right-wing.

*heads on pikes

*see above

*more heads

Veganizm can't be argued with because it is an ascetic religious belief, not a material one.

Dietary restriction is as old as superstition. The "holy" will always try to display their moral superiority through dietary restriction, dress, and conspicuous consumption.

As a belief, it is an incoherent heresy of Jainism, which the modern vegan is by far too much of a pussy to take to the proper conclusion. If they believed truly, and were consistent, they'd be filtering their water to avoid swallowing a gnat, sweeping the ground gently in front of them to avoid stepping on an ant and starving themselves to death. Make Veganism Great Again.

Rationalists have the flaw that they assume anyone will be well-meaning.


There are no well-meaning people, only cynics, liars and the self-deluded. Altruism is the first lie.

Funny how leftist anti-racism winds up measuring lips to see who gets government jobs, and leftist feminism winds up putting violent male sex offenders into women's prison, and leftist sexual liberation just can't keep away from the kiddie dicks. MAPs of meaning, indeed.

Oh no, I'm all for it. The sooner the courts can get as deeply involved in politics as the intelligence agencies are, the sooner we can dispense with the stupid notions that we're a "democracy", or a "nation of laws". Inevitably, the law will be whatever Harvard Law says it is. Until it isn't, and then it will be what whoever has the biggest gun says it is.

You need to start hanging out with other people than Nick Fuentes.

Never heard of her.

They just changed religions, it's the same place.

I am Steve Sailer's complete shock and disbelief.

They fund the executive branch every year.


All wokeness is "progressive*", but not all progressives are woke.


Possibly true, but even dumber if it is.

Abbot's fight for vouchers has had the side effect of starving urban school districts, who are unable to raise funding because the state takes the majority of their property tax revenue through the "robin hood" program (and no longer even uses it for education -- now it just goes into the state general fund. It's purely kleptocratic now in a way that I don't believe it always was). My school district is getting rid of librarians and counselors as they can no longer afford them, cutting gifted and talented programs (very much done to piss off the rich -- it's not saving much money but it generates lots of ire), and generally laying off teachers and increasing class sizes.

That sounds awesome. Cutting government funds to religious schools is something I support wholesale.

Morals don't tend to have much support or actuality in interstate conflict. We can argue about what is "moral", but the only way that has any effect is if we manage to convince some more powerful nation (the US for instance) to put enough military force into the area to create the conditions we think preferable. This sort of thing doesn't tend to solve much.

Far from it. But "never" is a long way from "always".

We've all had a reason to fight. But not everyone is willing to put everything on the line and seek a decision. Too risky. They might lose an internship, or an eye.

It's a matter ultimately of values. If you value money, career, house, a clean criminal record and the good opinion of other people who value those things, physical risk is crazy.

I find all that utterly worthless. The good opinion of people incapable of risking anything real is meaningless. Money is paper. Careers are bullshit.

I think sacrifice produces value. Things are worth what we gave up to get them. By those lights, I made out like a bandit.

I'd settle for a humanity with the ability to tie shoes and sit on a toilet properly. But like God before me, I am doomed to disappointment.


There are many things people thought okay that we have decided is not, and their arguments weren't that great anyways.

Everyone who lived before 2015 was not a moral monster. A lot of people put a lot of thought into the moral structure of our past societies, their conflicts and wars. So perhaps it is not all of human history that is wrong here. Perhaps, in our excessively peaceful modern society, we have lost touch with the basic facts of the world and allowed our moral theories to outrun physical and psychological reality.

Money is a symbol for work, work is operationalized as time, you are buying things with the only thing you can't get more of.

And yes, we all need to work to make the symbols that let us pay for the necessities of life.

But how much is needed and what is actually necessary can vary widely. With less work, you get more time.

you probably figure any real man would take a swing at the cop.

Because everyone not a coward is stupid. A real man would have options, and he'd probably want to exercise them intelligently.

I wonder, as you lovingly recount a just-so movie scene of abject humiliation, what you really feel when you see yourself in that moment. Injustice? Vengeance?

Gratitude that it's a cop, otherwise you'd be expected to do something?

Something more prurient?

Two can read minds, mon frere.

Yes. That's exactly what happened.

We saw it again with Monkeypox, where no one was willing to say "hey, this is mostly in a subset of the gay population, they should probably take precautions and it won't spread". This wound up costing some number of gay lives, but it was worth it to the powers that be to avoid a rando right-winger on the internet fulminating about gay diseases.

Public health is just political arguments as soldiers.

I mean, he probably convened a meeting of ethics professors, focus grouped the results a bit, got a supreme court ruling and a blessing from the pope before confronting the maniac.

You've got fifteen years of martial arts training? What's the better control position to back control? What's the least damaging incapacitation you can do to a person?

Should he have gone for the Kimura and torn Neely's shoulder off? Snapped his elbows off backward? Or just punched him in the head repeatedly?

are we all ok with calling BAP a racist, after posts like this?

I'm ok with calling both you and BAP racists. After all, isn't everyone?

Achievement is always zero-sum. We only respect and feel the power of things that other people cannot or will not do. The magnitude of an achievement is directly proportional to the number of people who have failed.

What the people whining for easy mode are trying to do is co-opt the social cachet of the skill required to beat a hard game at a lower investment in time/ability.