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I assumed that the "unexplained brain damage" was caused, not by "weapons", but by surveillance devices. Enemy countries tend not to be concerned about health when they need to do some spying and the process has them sending out radio waves at windows, or reflectors, or hidden bugs.

And the government probably isn't going to publicize it if they discover it, either.

'Women have always been the primary victims of war' was a fair statement because most war discourse draws a difference between 'victim' and 'combatant'.

Then it should be "everyone except men in their 20s have always been the primary victims of war".

I suggest that someone who does such things to animals is probably deluded in such a manner which indicates a propensity to harm actual people in similar ways.

Even extreme animal rights activists rarely think it's wrong to harm insects, but someone who likes pulling wings off insects just to see them squirm is probably a bad person.

who seems to get some enjoyment out of monitoring your nutrition needs like a hawk

Metaphor doesnt check out.

There is no "on behalf of" in this.

You can pirate.

My criticism has been moreso that, especially in the case of media, there is no Red-Tribe workforce that can produce a top-tier product. You just can't make a Marvel blockbuster without Blue Tribe workers.

That's true. Buit on the other hand, there are works that are more woke and less woke, and it is possible for reds to exert pressure in the direction of less wokeness even if it's impossible to find works that have absolutely no woke content at all. (Edit: Except in anime, actually.)

Compare the usual examples of cancel culture.

The Budweiser campaign came from the marketing department. They acted as though because it wasn't aimed at a particular audience it was private and separate from the things the company said to other audiences, but that's not actually true. And to the extent the campaign succeeded, it succeeded because people who were otherwise their customers refused to purchase their product.

In other words, it isn't cancellation for exactly the same reason that the Dixie Chicks wasn't cancellation. I doubt that your guest speaker got his gigs cancelled because offended audience members refused to pay to attend his speech.

What are your views on requiring people who make under 25K and whose opinions are not relevant or useful, to have to obey laws?

It's not as good a comeback as you think. Even though the underclass has a higher rate of lawbreaking, that doesn't mean that so many of them are lawbreaking that there are none left who aren't. Why don't you want that portion of them to have a say in the laws that they have to obey?

If I assumed they said that, I would be putting words into people's mouths.

Having a sign "this notable person was born here and is notable for X" seems totally appropriate.

This is not the standard used for signs about people who the left is hostile to.

[other options]. I once heard of this guy. He had a tree adjacent to his property. ... Well suddenly the tree died over a very short time period.

This is like tearing down statues. You only get to do it if enough people in the government covertly support you that you don't get arrested for it. It wouldn't be difficult for the government to arrest him for killing the tree even with little evidence that he did it, they just decided not to.

The fact that they haven't suggests that the people would prefer to deal with the occasional nuisance of subway bums than subject them to what they feel are the deleterious effects of "the system".

This only follows if governments run perfectly and have no principal/agent or other problems that prevent the will of the people from working.

If you associate with immoral outsiders, doesn't that make them into insiders, who you are forbidden from associating with? And doesn't that then make them into outsiders again, so you have to associate, so you then can't associate...?

The appeal to the audience is not "I saw Hidden Fortress/Flash Gordon, so I'll see this", so it shouldn't count. Every work cribs from previous works in some fashion.

That poster messaging is literally an appeal to the audience of "you saw Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers as a kid, this will m

There are shades of this. Being named the same as a previous movie that came out two years ago except you have a number on the end of your title is high on the scale. Being inspired by a property that hasn't had a hit in a while is lower on the scale. Being inspired by a genre which contains hits rather than by one and only one specific hit is lower. So is having the reference only appeal to some of your audience (the overlap between the whole Star Wars audience and people who've seen Flash Gordon is a lot less than the overlap between the audience for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy 3).

I think that Star Wars is overall low on the scale, even if you can certainly point to some elements that are derivative.

A relatively small average difference can produce a relatively large difference when comparing how many are at some point near the tail of the distribution.

The term "peanuts" is a historical accident. They weren't deliberately named "peanuts" by someone who knew very well that they weren't nuts by anyone else's standards, but wanted to force others to treat them as nuts anyway.

Saying MtF trans people don’t exist is a bizarre viewpoint - what do you call the obviously real number of people who are born male, have gender dysphoria, and are transitioning to have the characteristics of females by taking hormones and going through surgery?

Motte and bailey on "exist".

Motte: Someone who I am trying to apply the term to exists.

Bailey: Someone who the term accurately describes exists.

Come on now. It's quite possible for something originally created for honest motives to be coopted later by abusers, without it being the fault of the Jews. I have no doubt that the Commerce Clause really was put there to control commerce, just like Jews really did need asylum during World War II. Using "asylum" as a pretext for illegal immigration because of how the bureaucracy works no more calls Jewish persecution into question than using the Commerce Clause for everything else calls into question its original intentions.

That seems an odd claim to make in regard to a case in which a former President was found liable by a jury.

Why? The former president is the underdog here.

Why would they? Being railroaded into a trial where your innocence is impossible to disprove because it's about something that happened 30 years ago is the system failing. If that happens and he's found not guilty, that's the system still failing, just not as badly.

In order for the system to not have failed, New York would have had to not have extended the statute of limitations at all (especially since it was done specifically to get Trump).

He didn't say that underdogs can't win, he said that the rules don't lead to the underdog winning. I would agree that this is true when the rule is "no statute of limitations". There's really no way to win with this rule; the results are losing badly or losing but not too badly.

And even if you think being found innocent after a trial that never should have happened is a "win", it's a win despite the rule, not because of it.

First, if someone loses, then someone wins.

This isn't true on a practical level. You can have a lawsuit where both parties end up worse off, even if there's a winner in the sense "the lawyers get paid".

justice system is the only method that the underdog has to hold overdogs to account.

The justice system is a double edged sword and can be used to hurt the underdog as well as help. Ideally it would not, but we don't have an ideal one.