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joined 2022 September 05 00:59:54 UTC


User ID: 328



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User ID: 328

Restrict Atheist speech in the same way that religious speech is restricted. One should be just as loathe to say that there is no God as one is to say that there is only one. The traditional point of conflict is Biology class, which I think is a case of religions failing to adapt to facts, one can make evolution about the way the world works rather than how it started quite easily.

The woke don't particularly care about litigating the existence of God, they care about hiring Black women as coders and transitioning kids. The existence of God isn't even in the top 10 things I'd love for wokies to shut up about. They don't need to argue the existence of God because they have their own god named The Science who must always be obeyed and must never be questioned.

Say you get your way and the disparate impact hiring regime is dismantled. What do you do about the fact that your company now hires disproportionately large numbers of white and Asian people and almost no Black people, and the Black people who do get hired never get promoted?

This is the edgiest garbage I've ever seen on the motte. 9-11 terrorists are preferable to depressed suicide victims. Good lord, do I need to debase myself by pointing out how disgusting this is?

Fair enough but if that's so I'm going to choose not to be convinced by you.

What about penis inspection days?

Not even friendly compliments? All right, it's your forum, but that sucks.

Is there a really cool, smart, badass straight white male to appeal to the large audience of straight white males?

Mass murder is worse than feeling sad. There you go.

If the intelligentsia hated transparent partisans they'd have to hate the entire intelligentsia

Quoting the comment you're talking about from last week:

If you can't convert, it's on you.

This isn't insightful, it's the bog standard position of every white hating racist. "My problems are social problems, your problems are your problems" over and over and over again. I don't buy it.

Quoting you:

Why, he asks, should I be proud to be white, if in fact being white means being weak and crying out for forbearance and mercy from the ascendant coalition of white-hating POCs whose power and vengeful intent increases daily?

Right because the pocs got where they are by not complaining about anything.

Then the question is why do they choose to believe things that aren't true and are trivially easy to disprove.

What do you do when the black segregated areas are worse off than the white segregated areas?

Great post.

If racists want to police blacks more heavily because of the fact that blacks commit much more crime, is it the fault of racists racistly policing, or is it the fault of the racist fact that blacks commit 60% of murders?

That just sounds like what someone would say if they didn't have a convincing argument. If you had a convincing argument it'd be easier to just use it than grandstand over your refusal to use it.

Sorry I'm from rdrama and I posted another thread just now but it was before I had seen this and I posted it to let you know your stickies are broken!

You say that as if the only reason anyone is attacking isn't that someone pissed on their ingroup.

If all of a sudden all boys in a grade level are a year older, no one really benefits.

Sure they do, they have an extra year of brain development to use in tackling the material they're being given at that grade level.

How is promoting a Black man to a corporate position similar to a 5 foot tall man playing basketball?

  • -13

If the left is grooming children I'm not "on the hook" for pointing it out and calling it bad just because someone else decides its bad enough to kill someone. If the left is grooming children they don't get a pass on that just because not giving them a pass might cause someone else to act out violently against them.

Edit: Maybe the people accusing the left of grooming children aren't doing it as a rhetorical tool, maybe they really believe the left is grooming children.

You're asking questions of the wrong person. I don't know if I believe the left is grooming. I do believe that the right believes it.

It's a joke/meme.

But why would he ever want to?

Many drugs are bad because they cause addiction and death, there's nothing circular about that at all.

Presumably at least some of them would think that making the world a better place for Germans is making the world a better place.