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joined 2022 September 05 14:36:46 UTC


User ID: 594



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 14:36:46 UTC


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User ID: 594

Sioux Falls

So it seems that sioux falls is on the same lattitude (even slightly southern) than Belgrade, Sofia, Somewhere between Firenze and Rome (firenze is away from coasts), between Valliadolid and Madrid and quite a bit southern than Beijing.

All of those are quite not miserable during the winter even if there is often snow in the Balkans and subzero C. And people both drive, use transport and walk during the winter. And lets not even start on the germany, poland, ukraine and russian cities.

  • -17

No one is blocking food and water - everyone is free to ship them trough the mediterranean.

  • -10

Never really understood the pearl clutching on this matter. Litvinenko, Khashoggi, Georgi Markov and whatnot - who cares.

now routinely promising to offer positions exclusively to black women is not the same as The only relevant qualification to the Democratic Party

To me it seems that the politically promoted black women are qualified enough at least on paper for the post that they are taking. Feel free to pitch in. They are not taking AAVE speaking black grandmas from the poor working class areas. Although with their stereotypical no bullshit attitude and desire to smack people they may be a welcome addition to the political scene.

Running like a rat out of a flooded tunnel is rarely a stuff of legends. Hamas are hypocritical, where ISIS were at least sincere - Hamas are willing other Palestinians to die for their cause, but not themselves.

Really? The US has only client states and adversaries. No allies. There is no such thing as equality when dealing with the US. Look at the charming way they reacted when the idea of United European army was raised.

A wider middle eastern war means Israel will fall unless christian troops enter the fray. Turkey is very worrying wild card and they will have zero resistance if they invade bulgaria and greece. Which have nothing to stop them with. And Ergodan has some ottoman restoration dreams. They may not even have to revoke the NATO membership to make things even more confusing. And they have couple of million of refugees that they can draft.

So right now western powers have choice - protect what is left of Bulgaria - mostly Sofia, northern parts above the Balkan mountains. Protect serbia or protect Vienna. Throw the mess in Ukraine. Assume that suddenly all those muslims we already accepted suddenly decide to cause trouble - no matter if provoked or not. So you will soon have a lot of crises. And you are just one or two in asia to have world war. Thank got that latin america is peaceful at least (in not a keg of powder sense)

She will be totally in place in the godfather as southern Italian wife. Or some time piece situated in Costa del Sol...

There is a weird type of skin color that could mean anything depending on culture and behavior and other cues.

You only need to summary execute couple of Ayatollah and decimate the revolutionary guard - the people of Iran will do the rest.

Iran is the perfect country in which decapitating strike will work well.

If Hamas blows the tunnels and collapses the area to avoid giving Israel evidence, will anyone accept that it wasn't an Israeli bomb?

That is evidence in itself.

Bad analogy. Anyway look at the facts - the baby is with major brain damage, needs constant life support, it may not survive the trip, the logistics of the trip themselves are not trivial, and that care is terribly vague. All of the first were could be taken out of consideration if there was some serious data on the last. It is not blocking the way to the hospital, it is blocking the way to a quack.

About a billion plus Indians and a sizeable hundred millions of Pakistanis accept the same deal from their governments without complaint

Does indians and pakistani hate each other or only their governments? AK 47 doesn't do much good against an army. Against people in toyota trucks they are good enough. A couple of well places snipers could have reduced the festival casualties and probably prevented some of the rapes.

informed answer but it seems like any country bragging about its terror bombing campaign would become a diplomatic pariah

Didn't the US brag about how hard they were hammering Hanoi at the time. They didn't seem to become pariah.

A Russia-China alliance also drives India away from Russia and into the arms of the West.

Don't be so sure. I told it in the beginning of the invasion. Nobody cares if Russia wins, but a lot of people around the world want to see EU and US lose.

Few people in Iran supports the current regime. And if they do reconstitute - you kill them again. Until they are tired of dying

I don't think it is toxic combination of scientific curiosity and hubris. Could work for Oppenheimer though.

The carrots are not working, so there should be sticks implemented. Not sure how, but we should make childlessness painful.

No. I was referring to that it takes 400 nukes to make 0 arabs hate us from 1 billion

That's not practical, because it discredits America and makes enemies of a billion Arabs.

Or to put it in another metric - 400 nukes.

And what happens if my (as in nobody) AI first develops autonomous self replicating killer robots? We are not that far technologically.

Developing and selling robots and real estate.

First - no western society views Israel as enemy. Second - Israel as a state hasn't done any atrocities in Europe, doubful even to have hurt anyone. Crimes and other violence committed by Jews are extremely rare. There is no outlook this to change any time soon.

But to answer your question - if Israel tomorrow launches attack on Poland and starts killing and raping Poles - yes I am totally ok with firmly but politely pointing out to them that Aushwitz is perfectly preserved.

In a way - don't remember that Israel knows in it's literal blood and bones that we are the bigger monsters. And they didn't even provoked us Europeans.

For this situation - Israel has blank check from me to do anything needed to make sure Hamas can never hurt a jew again. If they become too jolly I may be against helping them. But I doubt that there is anything that IDF can do to make me be against Israel in the current situation.

Which are the countries the US views as equal?

Not at all. It seems that there are few assumptions that you make - like that there is universal right to apply to move to a country.

I come from the other way - there is need for additional X people in my country and there are different places from where we can pull them.

Of course it makes sense to dig where the vein is rich to get to X. If you overlook a nugget here or there - tough luck for the nugget.

You cannot be racist to non citizens that are outside of your country because there is no obligation to view them as equal.

You are constrained in "people in state department that are not complete morons". As is the case in every bureaucracy. And that is hard to scale.