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joined 2022 September 05 14:36:46 UTC


User ID: 594



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User ID: 594

Fun fact - women are way way more critical of other women's appearance than men. In men's category waist, normal weight, clear skin - and you are stable 7. I had some of my female circle declare a 20 year old, tall, blonde, cute, normal weight, nice ass, blue eyed, B-C cup that I was interested in as completely unattractive because of her - wait for it - slightly bigger than average nose. She was also very nice/polite and smart.

And they will tell me that we are objectifying women. Yeah right.

Even if the average black doctor has lower MCATs than other doctors, they're still going to be plenty good to do basic medical procedures.

From the article

One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot.

She knows literally less than a decent butcher.

A person with the same name is having onlyfans. And recently it seems that she made claims that biden admin paid her to support Ketanji Brown

OnlyFans star Farha Khalidi claims she was paid by Biden administration to spread 'political propaganda' to her thousands of social media followers


My bullshit detector is ringing that this is someone that tries to become a right wing grifter.

Wild suggestion - every 50 years or so we switch to dictatorship for a while to clean up the mess.

That is good - as with GMO ban. My concern in both cases are the long tail effects on the human body. In Europe and US we can afford the traditionally produced and expensive calories. I prefer the third world to be a test bed for such innovations for a couple of generations.

Liberalism and democracy are tools not goals.

I think you mistake what me and 2rafa are talking about is that a state have 2 modes - slow burn and fast. Democracy is by design made to be ineffective - especially the modern, especially the US one. And whenever you look at history - the big fast efficient strides are made usually under some form of authoritarian government. Democracy is quite good in maintaining a nash equilibrium, authoritarian government - into moving from one to another. Both have uses. A deep state problem can't be solved democratically - as is big all encompassing bureaucracy.

But right now - the authoritarian streak of the US is manifested trough courts which perverts the justice system.

Do you know the mechanism of the weight gain - I think that first you have to find out how they fuck you up - let's say they lower your impulse control - the solution will be different compared to something that fucks up your insulin regulation.

I will start looking at some other different addictions (wow, tiktok, porn, doomscrolling, realclearpolitics) you may have and see if you can cut them down - for some reason those things cascade.

Also remove artificial sweeteners from your life - one of the things I did couple of months ago was cut sugar free energy drinks and replace them with carbonated water with the juice of a half to one lemon - my health and weight took a turn for the better.

Movement - like simple walking or swimming could make a big difference if done regularly.

My opinion - you have to try and build (and remove) habits because they don't need much willpower to sustain once formed.

Any chance sexual desires are involved? To me this pattern matches quite well to a - getting close to a girl, she doesn't show interest, you lose interest in her, move to the next?

If I had to choose in the liberal parts of the US in a cold call situation - probably my gradation would be - East Asian, White, South Asian/Latino, black. Of course the best would be to actually have detailed professional history to make a judgement per individual. But that is not an option because of reasons.

Aella makes her money appealing to the ratsphere.

But at least she has birthday gangbangs. Although I won't qualify for the next because I am AI accelerationist. Oh well ... human progress requires sacrifices.

Paul Krugman while he had some shred of connection to reality left called the USG insurance company with an army.

Johnny I hardly knew ya fits the bill. I have sent Blood on the risers to a dear friend before her bungee jump from which she was dearly afraid. https://youtube.com/watch?v=VWgsdexkv18

Military songs are a goldmine. They are cynical enough to be catchy and real.

Marry her

Nothing, but do it faster. Israel lost too much time initially - if they had pacified Gaza completely with 100000 civilian casualties, but got it done before 1st of November it would have been probably forgotten by now.

Why shouldn't I just let the fat pack on and on?

I personally felt terrible when I couldn't climb a flight of stairs and slept badly every night.