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just a patsy

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joined 2024 February 19 18:28:26 UTC

He sobbed and he sighed and a gurgle he gave, then he plunged himself into the billowy wave, and an echo arose from the suicide's grave: "oh, willow, tit willow, tit willow…”


User ID: 2890


just a patsy

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 February 19 18:28:26 UTC


He sobbed and he sighed and a gurgle he gave, then he plunged himself into the billowy wave, and an echo arose from the suicide's grave: "oh, willow, tit willow, tit willow…”


User ID: 2890

The odds of a deranged person along the lines of Wilkes a booth or Oswald or any of the other people who’ve killed American president, much higher, although today security for Presidents is vastly higher and could probably foil most threats.

The probability of a successive assassination scheme gets even lower if you get rid of one that actually superficially ‘succeeded’ in being actualized by one individual who was ‘a deranged person’, given that there’s probably a moderately high chance that Oswald didn’t even shoot at Kennedy, nonetheless kill him.

I fixed it. Thanks.

JFK was more of a unique situation, since Kennedy’s death was sort of just a means-to-an-end rather than anything else according to most serious researchers; Kennedy’s head being blown off was actually just meant (according to their theories) to act as a false flag against Cuba in order to invade the country and depose Castro, with LBJ hopefully biting the bait to support a full-on land invasion, with Kennedy dying just being an added bonus (given his sympathies towards Communist countries and his ‘betrayal’ against the anti-Castroites in not providing Air Support in the Bay of Pigs). Unless Trump’s death could be used as a means to some bigger benefit, I doubt the intelligence community or any other big organization might attempt to get the hit off, especially with the potential backlash of Trump’s successors.

Recommended watching of Derrick Jensen with regard to the libertine (and Sadist) currents of anarchic currents of anti-traditionalism (leftism) from pre-modernity to the present here. This video goes into how there has always been sort of an ‘antinomian’ side of society seeking to transgress all normative cultural laws since the beginning, looking from Diogenes as an example from within the Greeks and then moving further through the Enlightenment era and into modernity. Zizek’s thesis is one that is interesting, since Kant separating the spiritual from baseline reality and the causal-nexus could lead to such a ‘break’ analogous to the libertinism of the Gnostics, with the gnostic-mindset separating the spiritual from the physical thousands of years earlier, subsequently participating in such debauchery that certain named sects have just been assumed to have not existed due to how much sadism would have been involved. The distinction here is that such debauchery is obviously inherently reactionary towards the nomology of society, whereas rightism taking the status of the ‘counterculture’ is not as remotely libertine, meaning that it’s not really appropriate to say that leftism supplanted the nomology of society but instead corrupted it, as some sort of industrially-facilitated auto-immune disorder as opposed to anything else, with rightism in modern society basically being the delayed and weakened immune response.

It’s not inappropriate to say that the death machine of Auschwitz was the immune response to the libertine nature of certain communist and anarchist movements in Germany as post-enlightenment and industrial projects. The whole ‘Weimar Germany was a haven for transgender people!’ is an example—it’s just that the traditional mode of history is that once the ‘tradition’ gets corrupted by antinomian currents the entire thing gets blown up and millions of people die on average, whether by starvation or shooting or sterilization, etc. The reason why there was no morality there in order to stop Auschwitz from happening was indeed because of Kant and the Enlightenment project at large, but in spite of what they had brought even though that spiting was in its context. This same ‘antinomian’ spirit was seen in a Jewish context too, through Frankism (essentially a form of Gnosticism), which has been related to the Frankfurt school by a few people. Modern accelerationists are symptomatic of this, too.

True, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they drank the Kool-Aid so hard that they don’t actually think their lives are in danger; the Kennedy’s just accept the standard stories (because it’s ‘the Science’ TM), so that they become their own perfect self-propagandizers. Basically just a perfect showing of the capturing of American aristocracy for the purpose of the empire above all else. You won’t even need to be afraid!

Right, but the mode in which he was regarded as the ‘crazy uncle’ was through… distrusting the government that ~ 80% of the country believes killed his family as well as wanting to recreate an idealistic version of the governance his family had when at the peak of their power in modern America, which the family has decisively rejected as a fantasy (even though JFK’s whole thing was this fantasy being possible through effort, ‘not that it’s easy, but because it’s hard’, etc.)

The entire family seems to have abandoned this desire and rejected their predecessors’ skepticism towards the institutions of this country (especially in intelligence) and traded it off for simply being a name to aim to have on your donation lists. It’s a shame.

Biden has been enlisting the Kennedy family to disavow one of their own and prop up himself as the ultimate and only possible candidate for Democrats recently, to the point where Bobby Jr.’s own brother has rejected him and has said on record that he will to the best of his ability attempt to persuade his sibling to drop out of the race. This does seem pretty harsh, especially with Biden saying he will to the best of his ability attempt to attain Bobby Sr.’s dreams in his continued Presidency—essentially a shot at Bobby Jr.—given the fact that not only does the President of the United States not believe that Bobby Jr. can fulfill his own father’s hopes, but the entire Kennedy family doesn’t, and rather they believe a probable dementia-sufferer has a safer chance of doing that.

It does seem to me that Bobby Jr. might be the last one in the family to at least hope for a fulfillment of Camelot, given the rejection of such a concept by the rest of the family, to the point where King Arthur has been succeeded by the court fool after all these years of the seat being vacant. Biden as coming from the same stock (Black Irish “Catholic”) and the same era is basically an imposter adopted by the Kennedy’s, yet they would rather have him instead of their own flesh-and-blood, given their total allegiance to the modern Democratic Party (which Biden probably doesn’t really understand himself, given the fact that he, along with all the other Kennedy’s of old, would have had a probable heart attack if they were able to see where everything else is now back then—even with all of Jack Kennedy’s lapsed Catholicism and infidelity, I doubt he would have been such a phony to host pride parades at the White House).

Which raises the question: what was the ultimate act of treachery by Bobby Jr.? There’s a lot of possibilities, and as far as I know he’s the only one in the family to doubt the government-approved stories of how his family members were killed, and as Bobby Jr. would probably pardon Sirhan Sirhan (and maybe Oswald) if he ever wins, that would probably be a huge instance of disrespect in their eyes.