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joined 2022 September 05 00:52:03 UTC


User ID: 323



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User ID: 323

the hard times were going to create strong men

I'm pretty sure that's been fairly strongly debunked.

I can agree with that. My gut instinct is that a lot of people don't like white men, but that's a far cry from "let's change the race of characters just to make them mad."

some of the people I see holding firmly to the view that a six year old can know their gender and be rock-solid on they're a girl not a boy

I mean, I would imagine there'd be no problem with a six year old girl assigned female at birth who's adamant that she's a girl and not a boy (and that it'd be horrible parenting to insist that no, she really is a boy, she just needs to wait until she grows up and she'll understand that she's been a boy all along), and same for a boy assigned male who's sure that he's a boy, for instance.

I mostly agree, but Plato's death seemed to me to be a righteous way to go.

So they cast an actress who is an entire foot shorter than the character. Well, that's diversity for you, I guess!

I mean, Elendil's actor is also significantly shorter than the character, but in his case, that would have significantly limited the pool of options.

Still wish they'd done something with the occasional perspective trick as at least a nod to "Elendil the Tall".

The admin building wouldnt be the same as your username, would it?

I am tremendously salty about the lack of PC port.

I suggest you remember the maine instead.

The spontaneous coal combustion?

Thats what I'd been hearing - impeachment articles (whether or not it goes through) would be a trade for not shutting down the government.

I'm assuming the body types were for animation purposes, but I personally was very happy with the hair options. It's nice to actually have a few basic ponytails to pick from.

Yes. For some reason, I always confuse which of them took the hemlock.

What point in time would you say it was nicer, aside from (appropriately enough) Tolkien-style longing for the countryside? I'd assume England, like the US, has been generally improving in quality of life and various crime metrics.

Was it a permanent hiatus ending, or an actual plot conclusion ending?

I thought Peter Pan had a unique exemption?

The only exception is when the argument for legality is frivolous, which this one was not, given that the final vote in the Supreme Court was 6-3.

The obvious counter-argument there is a claim that partisan justices gonna' partisan, and the breakdown has no bearing on frivolity as opposed to politics.

The SoS dissent memo?

SoS dissent memo? I tried various searches but couldn't figure out what you're referring to.

I used it as a mirror to your own number.

Is that from one of Tufte's books?

Fascinating. Are there similar resources for other languages that you're aware of?

When you fought Nere, did you have the aid of the duergar that wanted him dead? I found that to be a huge help - especially in that it seemed the duergar I was still fighting preferred to try to kill my new "allies" instead of my party.

I remember wanting to be a ski patrol ranger. Now I just want to shift from technical project manager into something more creative.

Are we talking just D&D, or are other things like Numenera, Wolves of God, The One Ring, and GURPS also on the (virtual) table?

I'm game for ditching the FS lore and starting from scratch, from a writing standpoint.

I honestly have no idea how the Honorverse hasn't been picked up for a ton of licensed movies/games/everything yet.