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User ID: 323



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User ID: 323

I'd be very interested in that. I have an interest in the shipbuilding industry, which as far as I'm aware is currently having the devil's own time with staffing for the Trades, and is in three main locations: New England (Dem), Gulf Coast (Rep), and Norfolk (I don't know if Virginia qualifies as Dem or not).

I think one thing the left gets wrong is assuming that pro-life advocacy is primarily male-coded

Is that something they get wrong, or a deliberate rhetorical trick to strengthen their own position in the public eye? Granted, "deliberate" is certainly putting in a lot of work there.

It only works if you forget about game stuff like “what’s the fastest way to the next mission”

I wish I could have done that, but it felt like at least early on, a lot of stuff is locked behind those missions.

I've posted about this before. Watch police bodycam videos. The speed at which ho-hum traffic stops turns into "SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!" is frightening. One of the things cops are doing is assessing how compliant you're being. If you're being compliant, they can make some assumptions about the next 15 - 30 seconds. If you're not, they're operating on the assumption of "this could go bad right now."

My father was in the Coast Guard. During training, he almost failed out because of a fatal mistake in one "shoot/no shoot exercise scenario". It was a routine check of yacht, where instead of complying with his request, an old grandmother went about her business getting food out of a picnic basket. Now, my father's not the sort to shoot an unarmed old lady just for not complying immediately - after all, perhaps she's just getting a sandwich or a drink to offer the nice young man? - so when she pulled a gun out of the picnic basket and shot him... well, exercise failed.

After all, even if it's not true, the fact that I could believe it really says something about society.

I appreciate your sarcasm, so I'm just going to jump in to say that that's a line of argument I loathe. It's lazy, masturbatory, and ultimately boils down to "I wanted to be right, so that's just as valid as having been right!"

Of course, as is often the case, C.S. Lewis put it into far better words:

Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one’s first feeling, “Thank God, even they aren’t quite so bad as that”, or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies are as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally we shall insist on seeing everything — God and our friends and ourselves included — as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred.

Hell, my great grandfather's brother used to listen to police scanners for news of animal strikes so he could head over for some free fresh meat. I'm sure it's reasonably common in a lot of rural/rural-adjacent areas.

College football is probably the only American sport I still follow (I suppose international soccer involves the Yanks?), and I'm not sure how to feel this season. Vanderbilt is an academic school in a group full of football powerhouses, but this year we seem to be somewhat not-incompetent? I'm waiting for reality to catch up, but it's not implausible that we have our best season in the past decade.

Im getting Warcraft 3 vibes from that, and I'm absolutely cool with it.

I interpret that as you being against Trump's actions regarding the election/validity thereof, and also against the Biden/Harris lack of support for Israel? Or am I inverted?

On the other hand, literal non-metaphorical Nazis.

Who are white, and therefore not going to have that hint of "Well, the USA was only willing to be that callous out of racism". Which, mind, is a take I think is stupid, but I've seen it more often than you'd think.

A fantastic book. The fact that it's pretty heavily influenced by The Count of Monte Cristo doesn't hurt.

Remember, the lines have already been recorded, so be creative

This is one of the reasons that I will die on the hill of partial-voiced, Infinity-Engine style. The flexibility to change things, and the freedom for modders, is just wondeful.

when I crtl+F for 66 I can't find anything

Possibly because the number the article claims is 61, not 66? Might also be some rounding going on, or combined numbers, which'd foil ctrl-f.

Internal Gender: I prefer being called "ma'am", and am happier when my external gender is "female". In a lot of magical stories, a character has their sex transformed by some magic. "Internal Gender" is when a character wants to transform back, which is fairly common. "Internal Gender" is the idea that if you body-swapped with your mom, you'd still want to be called "him" despite the uterus.

Or, in D&D terms, you'd want to find a way to get that cursed Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity removed, since unlike the Helm of Opposite Alignment, it doesnt update your brain to make you happy with the situation.

an anthropologist asking one of the famed "third gender" tribesmen if they consider themselves something other than a man, and hearing "are you retarded?" in response, is a thing that actually happened in real life

You can't just drop something that funny without citing your source.

I'm looking into getting my dad a tractor canopy as a present this year - he recently got a new tractor for a small farm he purchased, and loves the thing. Are there any good tips/reviews/whatnot? Good websites, or do I just go to the dealer local to him? Are canopies even worthwhile?

It's a John Deere 3039R, if that makes any difference. (No cab, obviously.)

A quick search tells me it's not (and hasn't been) legally mandated in the US, but a lot of doctors will require it anyway (which may itself be a HIPAA violation).

now you kind of have to either become a white collar guy or really succeed in the trades.

I don't think you even have to "really succeed" in the trades. You can get a very solid job, and most places are even willing to train you on their dime, without being anyone amazing. Now, if you wanted to say that the trades are culturally looked down on by a lot of people regardless of the stability/income they provide, that's a different matter.

Alpha Centauri (which is of course 2... IN SPACE) is on GOG. I don't think the writing in a TBS has ever surpassed SM:AC, really, at least not off the top of my head.

Every poll I've ever been to had very strict rules about not allowing other people to enter the voting booth with you, not even family members

I was allowed in with my parent, when I was in elementary school and being shown how voting worked, but that's not really the same thing.

Given that there was a recent bipartisan commission that concluded "The US is in the most precarious position since WWII"... that would have been entertaining if they'd properly fact-checked it: "Trump's wrong, it's not quite as bad as right before the most destructive war in history. Yet."

It's a weird thing to say, but the more I read him, the more I come to the conclusion that Kipling is remarkably underrated and underappreciated, and that's even taking into account the modern climate and improvements in cultural tolerance.

For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' Chuck him out, the brute!" But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;

Not really a new concern, though, is it?

the Beijing claimant to China

If we're going with unorthodox phrasings, I personally prefer "West/Mainland Taiwan".

That's basically the "negotiation" scene from The Fifth Element. Or that one Firefly episode.