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User ID: 1091



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User ID: 1091

And yet, it seems to me that you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt both that P and P', unless you are somehow manipulating the evidence. Making the argument is fine, but courts are meant to find facts, not arguments.

I don't mind the idea of tattoos, but I've never thought of a tattoo I actually wanted, and I don't really think they're that attractive. Maybe that's an indicator of my own diffidence towards everything.

That seems plainly true, but I doubt his lawyer would have picked such an example.

That is in fact, how laws have to be written - very specifically. I don't doubt that if it wasn't, you'd complain it was too vague - everyday language often is!

No. And you don't need to operate on the scale of Donald Rumsfeld for me to point out that this is the exact same tactic he used to bully people into supporting the Iraq War.


If you don't believe there is any similarity between the two,then how is our situation like the 1930s? Why bring it up if you don't think it's similar?

This seems like a very bad deal that allows interventionists like yourself to ratchet up international obligations when in power just by making noises, and doesn't ever allow for those obligations to be abandoned.

Again, I am asking - whither the comparison to the 1930s? If Putin is like Hitler, why accept a peace deal with him?

If you are in favour of a peace deal, why the constant bringing up of appeasement, Hitler, 1938, and so on? Are you just bringing them up cynically to win this argument, or do you genuinely believe that this situation is like 1938? And if it is, why do you now say you support a peace deal?

At Putin's current rate of expansion, it will take him like five hundred years to conquer Europe. I'm not that worried, despite the hysterical rhetoric about him being a second Hitler on the verge of sweeping all of Europe.

Maybe not in so many words, but the line of logic of "we need to show the world that we are maximally willing to engage in war" can excuse literally any level of escalation, and used to reject any effort of diplomacy - which is what you're doing, here, with the by this point very predictable accusation of appeasement, since your history book ended at 1945.

What word, exactly, did the US give that Ukraine was under their protection? When was this agreed? This is the problem. You people are constantly trying to push the scope of US responsibility, creep it out. And you're so eager for that expansion that you think you're not beholden to actually write those decisions down or make them legible to lesser nations. America can just swoop in on any war it feels like, or not, depending on what God told the President that day.

Germany was, in fact, dismembered by the Allies, some millions of Germans were killed or forcibly displaced from territories in the East (so they could be given to Poland), and the proposal was seriously floated to deindustrialize the nation. In the east this was carried out to some extent with factories and plant seized and moved to the USSR. In the West, that wasn't carried out, but for reasons of geopolitical expediency. This is to say nothing of the destruction of cities, mass rapes and the largest book burning project ever conducted. Germany is indeed today, rehabilitated (unfortunately), but it was a very painful road.

I'm not really sure what you mean by step out of the 20th century. The 21st century started with the US invading countries in the Middle East to project power. Is your point that America can do these things and get away with them because they are strong while Russia is weak? But then, isn't the battlefield exactly the place to prove those things?

Then why the constant talk about appeasement and Hitler, if not to get people psychologically ready for a war?

The United States does many things that are not rational. The invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, for example. Both were unsuccessful in the long term and huge wastes of resources. But, nevertheless, the Americans reasoned themselves into doing these things. The rhetoric and rationale is very similar to what the pro Ukraine brigade says nowadays. The Taliban and Saddam are monsters, basically Hitler. America needs to project an image of strength. You can't negotiate with Hitlers. A message needs to be sent to potential state sponsors of terrorism/Hitler. What are you, a pussy?

Maybe it will happen, maybe not. Maybe it won't go as far as hot war, maybe it will. But, when I see so many people calling here and elsewhere for dramatic escalation, saying Putin is the next Hitler, calling any move for de-escalation "appeasement", drawing maps of a partitioned Russia, yes, I think the west wants war with Russia. Even knowing it would be stupid.

I don't think it's accurate at all to suggest that the war in Ukraine is directly attributable to the US. Certainly, the actions of no country takes place in a vacuum - and US foreign policy has, I think, worked to encourage the start of the war and now works to extend it, and that the war is mostly to the benefit of the US and of no other country in the world. But the chief drivers of the war are Russia in choosing to attack and Ukraine in choosing to defend themselves. I think the idea that the war would just sputter out otherwise is absurd. Both nations clearly have strong interests at stake. I do not believe it is really possible for a hegemon, even the US, to create a war between others ex nihilo. The state of Ukraine, whatever it's merits, is clearly capable of inducing people to fight and die for it. That war might not last very long without NATO support, and we'd see more dying and less fighting, but it would happen.

Well, more generally it's good advice to seek to change your own behaviour than the behaviour of others.

I can easily believe that bioweapons developers are capable of both competence and incompetence. That would make them just like every other human being.

I'm always wary about reading too much into any story I only get one side of. But you deserve and will benefit from having people around you that support you, and you have no obligation to stick with people who sabotage you, even if they are your parents.

Being alone with no safety net can be daunting but it can also be very freeing and enlightening. I am currently living far away from my own friends and family. It's nothing to be scared of. As a 23 year old, there's nothing you can't learn to do or adapt to.

Yes. They didn't kill each other for sport.

Most of the pro-Ukraine side believe that Putin is basically a second Hitler, and can only be stopped by military force. And these people set policy for the west. So yes, the west does want to invade Russia. The only reason they don't is because of nukes.

"we need to fight this stupid war or we a pussy" this is the stupidest fucking argument in the world, it's responsible for so many deaths, and it's exactly why I don't trust the pro Ukraine people.

The question of who is under the US umbrella would be a lot less vexing if it weren't for the NATO expansionists and hawks such as yourself who are constantly trying to stretch it. The US and NATO has no security arrangement with Ukraine. They've never had one. And yet here you are, arguing that the umbrella should cover them, raising questions nobody was asking.

Let me guess, every day is 1938 and every enemy is Hitler and everyone who disagrees with you is Chamberlain.

Somehow, plantation owners burning big piles of money buying Italian art funded the Industrial Revolution a thousand miles away. I'm really not connecting the dots here. Didn't every country in the world have rich aristocrats at this time?

Probably not as much as you think. Remember that this slave is going to need basically constant supervision and will never work harder than the bare minimum. What are you going to do, fire him?

Not reading all this shit or watching some smug deboonker, but at a certain point, nonsense is too nonsensical to deboonk or deconstruct. You can't deboonk Timecube, for example.

Proving that 1*1=1 from first principles is very easy - natural-number mathematics defines 1 axiomatically as the multiplicative identity!

I don't think this is really valid. Maybe the median black doctor is fine and knows your arm from your arse. But the people on the tails... Truly bad doctors don't just mess up, they can ruin lives and leave corpses. If that's even 5% of the total, it would be a catastrophe.