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User ID: 1091



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User ID: 1091

No, they voted for an MP. If you look at the ballot papers, they all have the names of local MPs. Nowhere is Boris Johnson mentioned, except for the ballot papers in his constituency.

I'm not American, but my understanding is that ballots have the name of the presidential candidate you're voting for on them and that electors are legally bound to keep faith with that.

This 'simulation' is basically a thought experiment. And frankly the whole story didn't make sense anyway.

Less and less, I think. I have friends with persistent delivery habits, and though I regularly cook for myself, I'm tremendously lazy about it - fry some meat in a pan and have some kind of simple starchy carb with it.

I don't know if 'autism' is really the right word for this, so much as it's a combination of high conscientousness/low extroversion that doesn't quite amount to avoidant or schizotypal personality disorder, but still impairs your ability to form relationships and engage socially. And I think this kind of thing is actually very common, just not really talked about that much because so much of our society and media and culture is dominated by better-functioning people.

I’ve seen hair implants and other anti-middle-age interventions described with the phrase.

I mean, that's totally absurd and just a way to make transition surgery sound more palatable by creating a category that includes it and wearing platform heels. Nobody on the face of the earth would describe shaving your beard or getting breast reduction surgery as 'gender-denying'.

Ukraine, and most Ukraine supporters, don't seem interested in the 2013 borders - the goal is to totally destroy Russia as an independent power capable of threatening Ukraine. This could mean destruction of the country or a large annexation of a buffer zone, but ideally they'd want both.

Russia can't be allowed to act with impunity just because they have nuclear capability. At the same time, they are not paranoid - they really are in great danger, albeit as a result of their own actions.

Did another KB penta last week.

Cleans 120@16kg

Clean and Press 60@16kg

Jerk 108/120@16kg

Snatch 90/108@16kg

Push Press 120@12kg

936 points total

Form is still very rough, particularly on the Snatch, and I still get badly gassed halfway through.

Other than that, not a great time. Feeling very low a lot of the time, particularly at the gym.

Well, 1k is still a pretty low score. I don't think it's anything to be proud about.

I don't really find this account compelling. The Roman Empire was damaged heavily by the efforts of popular military leaders to seize power, but this pattern started long before the use of foederati in the army. Far from decadence and complacency, Rome was damaged by the irrepressible ambition and ruthlessness of generals and soldiers.

But I would expect people on the right - and I mean all those talking heads, think tanks and high-flying politicians - be interested in figuring out whether DIE actually makes the army stronger - and if not, pushing that fact hard.

Does it matter? If foreign wars are pointless, and America should turn away from military adventurism, does the strength of the army actually matter that much? Is the army naught but an appendage of the state - in which case, it hardly matters what the people in it believe? Or is the expectation that the army could provide a bulwark against leftism - in which case, the army is now interfering in politics? Is it wise to invite interference from an institution that is vulnerable to capture by your opponents?

I think it's worth asking exactly what people want from the military before they treat it as a political battlefield. Because it doesn't seem to me like Americans really have a consensus there.

To add to what others have said:

FFVII and FFX - probably two of the greatest JRPGs ever developed.

Fire Emblem Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn - in the somewhat uneven timeline of Fire Emblem games, I think these two hold up very well.

Dark Chronicle - though I shudder to think how many hours of my teenage years this game ate, I wouldn't want them back.

Bravely Default/Second - despite a pretty disappointing narrative, some of the most engaging and entertaining battle systems in any JRPG.

I've heard this bit of Reddit wisdom before, but honestly I don't want to be joyful over my current state - I want to be big and strong, and I'm not. My improvement doesn't impress me - anyone can make improvement in the first few weeks and months of trying something, particularly if they start at a low level. At the end of the day, a 140kg bench that stays the same is still better than going to 90kg from 80.

I've been enjoying Triangle Strategy recently. Though there is very little customization or unit development in the game, the units themselves are highly varied and specialized, and on Hard you might have to resort to 'cheesy' play.

Internal sense of morality here is really just self-image - the point of giving up your seat is so you can think of yourself as someone who gives up their seat, so you can avoid the shame of sitting down while a woman stands.

Right, but doing little things like this don't require any thought at all. Very likely you are spending more thought here, arguing over these trivial rituals of etiquette, that it does to enact them.

I mean, there is a pretty obvious principled line between adult homosexuality and pederasty. I'll give you a hint - it's the same one straight people use.

Do you have anything to offer in support of this account of human interaction or did you just imagine it?

Zygotes have fairly low success rates even naturally. If you seriously believed that life began at fertilization, you should stop having procreative sex entirely, because the risk of creating a zygote that fails to implant is too great.

I don't think there was ever a lot of messaging directed at boys and young men warning of the dangers of pederasty, now or in the past. In addition, I don't think the atmosphere of shame and silence around homosexuality in the past actually empowered people to resist pederasty. If anything, it gave cover to pederasts, who preyed freely on homosexual teenagers and young men, knowing that society did not see them as worthy of protection. I think things have actually gotten better - the shaming and ostracization of notorious pederasts like Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer indicates that things are moving in the right direction.

I'm not sure what purpose excluding homosexuals would serve in that regard. Homosexual teenagers are more at risk than anyone from predation. As well as that, homosexuality is different from biological sex in that it is not readily identifiable. What are you going to do, start testing kids for homosexuality so you can start excluding them from a young age?

I didn't have gay sex for over five years, but I was still gay at the end of it.

Why would I? The notion of having sex with women is totally repellent to me, and likely most women would find me equally repellent, since I lack any positive qualities. To be honest I don't really even like having sex with men, but I do find them very attractive.

I would agree that a life rate of 50%, or even 20% or 10% would still be worth it, but I don't place any moral value on a fertilized egg. In addition, I agree that having fertilized eggs die incidentally is not really systematic murder, or even callous. Most Christians, I think, would agree that it's still moral to bring a child to term even if that child had only a chance of survival - if God wants to take those fertilized eggs or embryos back, let the blood be on his hands, not ours.

But the same arguments would apply for IVF. We have accepted that to get a baby, we have to accept a high failure rate for embryos - so now we're just haggling. To that end, embryo screening is a boon, not a burden. By screening out obviously unviable embryos, we are improving the chances of success, not lowering it.

I do.

Germany was not horribly abused after WWI. In fact, I would go far as to say they got off easier than the Russians, the Austrians, and the Ottomans, and they well got off easier than the French in 1871. Indeed, the same figures that engineered WWI - the militarists of Germany - faced no punishments, and indeed became fellow travelers of the Nazis.