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Lipstick on a guitar

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joined 2022 September 05 13:52:36 UTC
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User ID: 573


Lipstick on a guitar

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User ID: 573

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I really cherish Russ and Econ Talk and get frustrated when I read the description or listen to the first few minutes and have to skip the episode, as was the case today.

I have no idea who EY is except that I think he was a conspiracy crank who posted on mma.tv for a long time - I think they're the same poster but I don't really have proof and there's nothing linking them aside from the EY thing ... And I guess it doesn't really matter. mma.tv eventually deteriorated to a white nationalist ultra weirdly right wing shit hole in the same manner that most of my favorite niche forums deteriorated to the left.

I just am fully tired of AI doomerism. It has fully failed to convince me of anything it has ever said and at this point I just want to hear about the cool and awesome future - not some bullshit about paperclips and complete civilizational destruction.

It honestly reads like fan fiction.

However, I have met enough absolutely bonkers folk in my life that it also isn't that far fetched of a possibility - but this updates my priors to believing he's a gay hooker / lover, not some wacko Trump supporter.

even just advocating for the nuclear genocide of the Arab world is enough to permanently destroy your credibility when it comes to condemning racists or white nationalists, who are in many cases less extreme in their policy recommendations.

I think we should be a bit more clear here: until they are happy and secure.

They are not secure because the people around them want them dead. The people around them constantly kill them, want to kill them, pray to kill them, hope to kill them, etc

' we should kill our own people easier so some perpetually online dudes and fake politicians don't get mad at us ' isn't sound warfare strategy.

Israel should bomb every single possible target that holds terrorists or terrorists adjacent merchandise and see what happens after a year.

I'm not sure how the answer isn't soaring corporate profits. Yea, the government is printing bullshit amounts of money for bullshit things, but corpo profits are higher every year.

The rich are eating us instead of the other way around.

Do I want deflation? Yes - eggs should be cheap. Bread should be cheap. Celery should be cheap. Apples should be cheap.

Do I want rent control? No ... ... But! We should be making way more money than compared to the increase in rent. I don't know the answer - the free market is kaput and I still fear the government more than corporations but it's getting close.

The American dream is done for who the American dream was supposed to be for in the first place. I'm glad IT workers are doing great, but fuck them, no offense I know a ton of them and they're fantastic people, but fuck them - the rest of us are being left behind.

Black criminals

That you and two others have made no distinction makes it seem you're a bit out in the woods about it.

Calling black criminals monkeys is funny and not racist - same with calling white criminals whateverthefuck equivalent.

The community wasn't calling black people great apes (that I'm aware of based on this discussion), they were calling black criminals that because black people in the US commit a vastly disproportionate amount of crime and the media doesn't cover it so people are covering it with crude humor.

I'd suggest you stop pretending people are tired of a race rather than a large minority of the race (criminals)

' your sense of humor is wrong - you are a racist '

Listen I've had a criterion channel subscription since it started but calling out black criminals by comparing them to apes will never not be funny for me, and most other completely normal (relative) people that I know. We think less of you for thinking finding humor in an awful situation is racist ... And so on in a circle we'll go around each other.

There's plenty of times the word neanderthal gets thrown around for white trash crime and I doubt very much it makes you toss around the r-word.

I know who EY is - he could also be this wild anon poster from mma.tv ...

It was an anon forum that I posted on from '03 until 5-6 years back ... So no I can't. It was just an aside.

Did you miss the part where I'd already had covid by the time the vaccines became available?

Having covid + getting even one PFizer shot seemed for over a year to be the optimal level of safety against hospitalization and death in regards to covid. I don't really understand why this community cannot separate abject facts like the above one with clown statements made my the media and Fauci himself. It's really irrational.

I had covid. I had one Pfizer shot a year later and another like 9 months later (ish - I'm not great on memory). It's fine that you don't and it sucks that you had wacky family relations - but why lie about things in the nature of ' why bother ' when it's very obvious why bother. The ' had covid + one shot ' was practically a meme around here for months.

The crud of your point has seemingly little to do with my thoughts.

War - it takes war.

And the longer Israel diddles, the longer the suffering before the cleansing spirit of war.

I wish war was never invented. I wish it were obsolete now. But it was, and it isn't.

I'd like to know more about Uriah's theory

I thought telegram is a messaging app like Whatsapp

I watched the first season and will embark on S2 soonish. What was woke about S1?

As someone who has listened to Beck for 27 years, but mostly just like, 8 songs, I have never once thought of him as a rapper, nor have I seen anyone even lightly hint at the possibility.

Is that how you view him? Are there more that view him this way!?

My fellow Slav friend and myself, also a Slav, concur.

This is what Trump should've taught the Republicans, but didn't really: you must fight.

Not to be a knob about it, but everything.

I'm just not a critic when it comes to my entertainment, and I usually don't have a tolerance for people who are too critical of things. Likewise, I understand completely when someone says they didn't like something.

I thought it was incredibly entertaining, well written, had multiple fantastic characters, had some dope ass battle scenes, etc. I just thought it was cool, and fun, and yea it was mostly a court drama about a family.

It was far worse than Afghanistan

Per usual, Trump is god-damn right (insert Breaking Bad gif) ... death and decline in America is much worse than any other part of the world, but most especially the past of the world that for 2,000 years is unchanged - with all the negatives that entails. Sure, the almost 2,000 US deaths there is a shame, but the 175,000(ish) death of the Afghani are, I don't know, worth less than the weekend murders in Chicago. It's obviously a shame, it makes me hate America so much, I wish those Afghan's could be fat pieces of shit like me drinking IPA's on Halloween night while watching MNF and possibly ordering Mexican food (imagine an Afghani burrito? Bet that shit would be tight), but they're not. They're some kind of other that isn't me and it's a travesty. But fuck if we can't even make our own better, TF are we gonna do with the average Afghani? Let them live their lives? Ok - but that life is objectively terrible.

First off, fantastic username.

Secondly, hoes are always so mad!

To the Gucci, what I would like to happen in the society I hoped we live in is that some part of the (judicial?) branch of the government starts pressing charges for the cronies sending those sorts of emails to tech companies. I take no particularly issue with the state employee themselves and frankly hope that they get off scott free. But there should be hundreds, if not thousands, of arrests to anyone involved in this sort of low level perversion. I want a purge - a gentle one. As much as I would love to write something along the lines of ' off with their heads! ' and as much as maybe I believe in that sort of thing, I understand I probably wouldn't want to live in the sort of society that beheads its pubes for following orders. Arrest them, release them, arrest the people in charge, release them, and hire someone who understands they aren't looking for ' people who say shit '.

People Who Say Shit should be a protected class.

I can't remember my grammas name, why should I remember whose the fictional parents of a fictional show I watched over a few years?

In a similar vien ive read the entire Malazan Book of the Fallen series twice and I can't currently think of a single character.

I have such an influx of things to entertain me that I just don't care about keeping that sort of information.

They already do it with abortion.

How's this now?

I'm in a literary rut waiting for enough time to pass to reach Malazan again ... What's LitRPG?