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User ID: 908



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User ID: 908

Obviously, as a Christian, I agree with Kanye's point that we should try to forgive even the worst of our enemies and nobody is 100% evil. Universal love is good.

But given that he can't manage to make that point without spending the same breath ranting about "Jewish people ... pushing with the pornography", and IIRC was pushing holocaust denial stuff in the same interview, it's hard not to suspect this is less a case of genuine forgiveness and more a case of not seeing anything to forgive; and hard not to doubt whether he really does feel love and forgiveness in his heart for the "Jewish people" he feels wronged him. (Probably correctly in the case of some specific Jewish people in the industry; but extending that to "the Jewish people" as a class is the exact opposite of Christian fellowship.)

I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a graph which showed the breakdown of political affiliations of all employees at all the major news media organisations. (IIRC Fox News was one of the most right-leaning ones but still substantially Democrat.)

But I can't find it again for the life of me on Google or DuckDuckGo, nor the underlying data. Does anyone have this?

All I've found so far:

  • Graph of tech company employee donations - visually looks like the right sort of thing but wrong industry.

  • Breakdown of news hosts registered party affiliations (pretty balanced, Fox is overwhelmingly Republican)

  • OpenSecrets breakdown of Fox employee donations (100% Democrat, but small sample size)

  • Survey of journalist self-reported party affiliation (overwhelmingly independent or Democrat.)

The reason to avoid swearing around impressionable children isn't that they "need to be protected from encountering the pain of seeing a specific set of characters in a specific order", but that they are impressionable, liable to attempt to copy you and get the impression that things you do are a good idea to do in other contexts.

Edit: which is not to say that the entire Internet should be sanitized into child-friendliness.

I think there's a sense in which pardoning one's political supporters is worse than pardoning a more generic crime, since there's an obvious conflict of interest.

The entire point of giving politicians the ability to pardon is, presumably, that they should sometimes use it; specifically I think it's supposed to be used to "patch" cases of injustice in the legal system. Still, I guess I agree that it probably wasn't intended to allow the wielder to effectively strike any law they dislike from the books when frustrated by the democratic process for removing it.

However, in this case, as acknowledged by the tweet thread, it seems like the power to determine how illegal a drug is has already kind of been delegated to the executive in the form of the DEA under the DoJ. (Because, as everyone knows, the US legislative process is kind of broken.) In fact, as people have pointed out, there isn't even anyone currently in federal prison for simple possession of marijuana; the federal law against simple possession largely goes unenforced, I guess? So this isn't the pardon power being used to de facto nullify the will of the legislature, just to adjust the punishment the executive inflicted.

The left-wing slurs you cite strike me as falling into three categories:

  • Generic slurs that happen to be applied to right-wing targets (e.g. MAGAtard), probably do have a decent chance of being banned.

  • Extremely weak, unlikely to seriously offend most people (e.g. cracker, vampire). Might get you banned under very strict mods.

  • Things that basically everyone agrees exist and are bad in some sense, the debate is over the boundaries. (E.g. racist, fascist, Nazi, abuser). Hard to ban, although you could perhaps ban applying them to other users via a Wikipedia-style "assume good faith" policy (I assume that's the case here, in fact.)

I'm curious where you got the term "heroines journey" from; this meaning doesn't match either of the ones listed on Wikipedia.

Edit: I think it's pretty easy to reframe almost any path/arc as being either "self-discovery" or "self-improvement". So I don't think this is a meaningful pattern.

One could easily say that Christianity is about discovering that you were created to love God all along and rejecting the sinful influences of society and the World, that Gnostics believe that people are born blind and need secret knowledge from outside the world to redeem their Demiurge-tainted birth, or that Captain Marvel is about a militaristic people-pleaser learning basic compassion and redeeming herself.

I refuse to use the “SBF” acronym because it was consciously chosen as imitation of HSBC and other institutions, and despite his name the man is not a bank.

Is that why? I assumed it was just something that happened to public figures with hyphenated surnames, like AOC and RBG, because nobody's got time for all that.

If you casually established that some character(s) are trans in that way via some minor background detail, like an item description or document hidden in a drawer, people on the left would be pretty ecstatic. Celeste got a ton of positive press coverage and cheering because the main character is established to be trans by some very minor background details in one room in a DLC. (Of course, by the same token, this will piss off some people on the right...)

I hope this caused you to update away from believing "people who disagree with me are all idiots, because they're obviously wrong" is a good heuristic.

Ah, interesting premise!

I can think of a few horror plots that "this person's family photos show a child that's the opposite gender instead of them" could be a clue for, off the top of my head. And at least a couple for "this person has a mysterious drug that they inject/take regularly" (which has other mundane explanations, of course).

In the sense that a real witch would condemn witches to maintain their cover, and maintain a long track record of doing so just to make it extra secure, sure.

I've been finding that the bar at the bottom of the screen is very easy to accidentally hit with my thumb when browsing on mobile. I'd love if it were moved to the top of the screen or something (or if there were an option in the settings for this, I tried flicking through the different themes but none of them change it.)

Looking at the top 10 for 2021... in fairness, there is a pretty dramatic male skew and the "love songs" are all about breakups, troubled relationships, or partying. Expanding to the top 40, the same goes for at least the first few obvious candidates before I got bored.

There are definitely counterexamples, as you demonstrated, but maybe this really is an under-served market?

the word "groomer" got banned on reddit.

I hadn't heard about this ... apparently it didn't, no.