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joined 2022 September 04 21:54:12 UTC


User ID: 189



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:54:12 UTC


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User ID: 189

Read The World Beyond Your Head. Might get you out of your rut, might, not, either way it's interesting thought on the topic of discipline, motivation and flourishing.

Not if the "money" accretes from birth.

I never thought I'd say this - and this is 100% earnest - but the main thing this place suffers from is insufficient bullying.

"Articulated and defended clearly" is much easier when working from a shared base of facts, OR when outsiderness is evident.

c===3 is manlier.

Just installed Before, it's super neat! Working on configuring it.

Because then you're back to giving people money and selling government services, with everything that implies (inequality, disproportionately privileging people with low time preference, etc)

It is paternalistic and egalitarian.

You have to go balls to the wall. 5k runs and vinyasa yoga really do it for me, as do actual sports.

learn sheet music notation or just play songs until it sounds right

These are just variants on "whole word instruction for music". Take the Gary Karpinski pill, start with takadimi and scale degree syllables/movable-do solmization. Absolute cheat code for music, much in the way that phonics is the cheat code for the written word.

Definitely one of the most important posts to have come out of old Motte.

Not at all, I just love the contrarianness.

I think something important is lost when someone picks up the signifiers but not the signified. Signals get muddled. I'm just advocating for high-context culture.

It's too involved of a relationship.

That pattern sounds dangerous, both in this specific instance and in the more general case.

You can definitely take "trust but verify" too far, especially with friends and romantic partners (rather than professional associates).


I never connected the two usernames, but I did notice both were excellent posters. Welcome.

The main theme is about how slavery obliterates everything it comes into contact with, and specifically, the identity of the enslaved.

C. V. Gheorghiu's The 25th Hour, a whirlwind tour of European labor camps and concentration camps during World War II, also does a lot with this theme. It's fairly didactic though. His other book La Seconde Chance is a work of genius, and much better written; unfortunately it has not been translated to English.

I want to understand more about what you're working with/where you're coming from.

What aspects turned you off? I liked the political plays, the tension, the insurgency, the Mafia-style social deduction games. If you completely ignore the subplots having to do with spirituality and mysticism, it's a good show!

Meanwhile the African Americans at the Top 20% percentile of the income distribution have a higher arrest rate than white American's at the bottom 20th percentile.

Where could I find a source for this?

Look into ChatGPT plug-ins, tool-using AIs are already here and it's a matter of years before they're able to replace ~every mid-skill labor job, if not necessarily cost-effectively at first

Is this Julius Branson?

Not only should you not get it, but strictly from a health outcomes perspective the effort you've spent asking the question was not worth it.

I have no answer for you but I feel like plugging that Unsong has such a scene.

Great book, edited wrong. It evens out.

There isn't some Platonic ideal of a Mottian which one can possess or not.

I think as a community we should refuse to welcome anyone who hasn't read 100,000 words on SSC, but that's just me. It's not about seniority, it's about (in venerable internet lingo) LURKING MOAR.