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User ID: 671



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User ID: 671

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Isn't those number so high due to conscription mostly? And after 1973 it drops with no sign of recovering.

Richard Hanania recently had a podcast with Russian Libertarian Michail Svetov if anyone wants to listen.

"Talk with Richard Hanania about the American Imperialism in the age of Woke, the state of Pax Americana, triumph of identity politics, ideology in US foreign policy and the great political realignment."

Sea of stars is vastly overrated, Chained Echoes is superior in every way.

professional–managerial class, usually

Brady takes it to the house against the Bills, buffalo burns to the ground.

Considering that you and mike are both small arms repairman for a second there I thought you were the guy )

As a follow up to this question, considering how long some wounds takes to heal after 30+ is there a helpful solution to calm myself and not to try and scratch it every other day? Stupid ingrown hairs.....

Eeh, I'm on a nostalgia/clean-steam-library path recently. Nox is the greatest isometric action game, fite me.

I tried to replay the game recently but couldn't get over the slow start before you actually get to play with upgraded toys, and the base defense tutorial mission put me to sleep.

For my tv needs I'm using - fmovies . to

Perception is everything in the year of 2023, Rufo conceding is the point.

It seems to me this world can be divided into people who "really really hate GGS" and everyone else.

It seems that "load more comments" is also pulling newly created top comments in a thread, in addition to the older comments. This makes it confusing when you try to read the thread for yesterday but get something posted 3 minutes ago.

That is true, yet thinking about the games I played recently there were only few that I enjoyed/appreciated the sound design(they were mostly single player games, so full headphones and no distractions, or something like 2018 GoW with one person playing and other just along for the ride on a couch).

Looking back at this year with Remnant 2, Diablo 4, BG3 coop games - for me audio is not even top 20 reason why I played them...

Seconded the cold water suggestion.

I love listening to mike "hazzard" and his campfire stories about military. One of them was about "best military experiences" which as it happens were not that many compared to the negative ones. Would you say that your time in a military was similar?

I'm just going to put here a youtube channel that brings me so much joy with his game reviews, including my favorite wizardry 8. This perfect blend of humor feels better than any drug I can acquire and probably a reminder to myself that I'm not that far from 4chan that I think I am.

I'm tired....

I don't really care, I'm tired of reading the coffee grounds to try and guess the destiny of the next weeks. Any moment something will happen that will turn this this around......right, right?

So he's the real life Carrot Ironfoundersson.

This train of thought is pretty much copenhagen interpretation of ethics, and I 100% against it. Whoever survives in the apocalypse can spend their days however they want.

This is only semi-related to the article, but I can see an argument in the comments about how "Claudine Gay job was mostly administrative and scientific/academic credentials are not that important".

You think the mayor tells the schools how to teach kids or health department how to do it's job or sanitation how to pick up trash? But, get elected and suddenly they know police work.

I've visited computer clubs to play games back in a day and somehow with 20-40 people sitting in a giant room all playing games I've never had the problem you describe.

Just lower volume, enable subtitles so not to miss out on dialog if you get distracted or add headphones that your partner can shout over if you're about to get dunked under t1 tower. What exactly are you playing that you have this......issue?

Hmm, I'm looking right now at the introduction scene for ME2 Jack and then again for BG3 Karlach.

Neither is really outstanding but my perception is that Karlach is sort-of-YA adjacent, maybe it's the funny fuck word that I did not expect while I was sort of surprised that it takes a while for Jack to swear. Need to think about it more, seems like Jack and Karlach is a interesting pair to compare.

Make that trans person an actor, so there's ambiguity in what he's up to. There is this youtube channel that I like very much and one person plays every single character, it's incredibly entertaining Bistro Huddy. It just feels to me that passing or not is superseded by the "vibe" of the person.

If I were to summarize my objection to the op comment - "extraordinary cllaims require extraordinary evidence". I can understand why OJ Simpson would kill his wife. But i think there is a lot of information missing before I can come to the conclusion of "of course he would shoot up the school".