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I think that violence is, if not necessarily a good reaction, at least an understandable reaction to being forced by the state to spend eight hours a day at a containment center run by a bunch of glorified babysitters.

I don't understand, explain it to me please. As a person who spent school years in soviet union I have NEVER thought about school in this way.

I would like to read that study in detail, but lets say a large amount of switch are purchased and played by women. Does it really make sense for game company to change strategy for the new release of fps/stategy/rpg game to appease (seemingly large) audience that just bought nintendo switch to play Animal Crossing 24/7?

Watching his interview with Ben Shapiro I came away with the opinion that Tucker Carlson has a very distinct set of policies he endorses and in favor of.

Is there a precedent for Tucker to flop between politics, or is it simply "every single media talking person lie all the time"?

To be quite honest - I forgot. I blame it never being the bad/horrible expirience.

Of course there was always outstanding moments(both good and bad).

I remember the subjects that I loved and teachers that were receptive to my zeal. Damn, history was my jam. Mathematics too, until we got to integrals in the last year(?) and I just couldn't grasp that and that hit me pretty hard with some sort of "imposter syndrome" that only got away in university. Some extracurricular clubs like a radio one that I joined for a year. Participated in a few competitions between schools that my teachers took seriously and we got a lot of knowledge to cram on a short notice.

Some pranks on a teachers, and getting punished in return. Gym class that everyone hated except of few people(like this guy) that thought "hey running 1.5km timed seems like a good idea". Even though you didn't have the time for shower afterwards and wet towel was the only thing saving you for next few lessons.

Overall I would describe my time in school as "busy". There was just enough time before the next thing and after that some activities and bus home took me like 30min, some homework and I spend the rest of the day outside with the neighborhood friends that mostly were going to different schools than me. I remember being absorbed quite frequently with a fantasy book that usually kept me awake till 2am, and then I realize that I can't get back to sleep anyway so might as well read until my eyes will close themselves.

The only regret I guess is that I didn't get a girlfriend during that time, so no romance stories. And then I learned that a few of girls were hitting on me but I was too thick to notice.

Edit: But I guess I'm glossing over your question so let me try to remember and describe my schedule on a weekday.

->waking at 7:30, light breakfast

->travel to school on a bus -30min

->arrive sometime before first lesson, have a chat in classroom with whoever in at the time, grab books/notes for next three lessons and leave the rest as to not drag the heavy backpack around.

->8:30 class start 45min long with 15min break between. Usually chatting amongst the classmates/friends from same age or 1year higher/lower form other classrooms nearby. Or talking to teachers while they are preparing for the lesson.

->11:30 long break for 30min (I think). Replace books/notes for next 2-3 lessons. Can get grub from cafeteria (I usually had sandwich from home for this time). Good time to go outside if weather permits.

->12 another 2-3 lessons in a row.

->about 15 do afterschool stuff if needed. Go to swimming pool for a practice on tue/thu. Or spend around 1 hour talking with friends that live near the school. Occasionally spent near a huge metal contraption that looked like two-story pyramid. Yes....we did have a game to try a knock each other off it.

->17 at home for quick homework and dinner

->18:30 outside time (unsupervised, heh)

->usually at 21 at home doing maybe other homework, reading books, pc time. (mostly because sun is down)

->22-23 go to sleep

I not so recently went into nostalgia dive for youtube and while a lot of videos were deleted there was one that I couldn't find. At first I just glossed over it, but later it kept bugging me inside. I tried to find it again, but after an hour of searching I got nothing. I got a little vexed and tried again some other time, spending entire evening trying to prove myself that I'm not going senile and the video exists, right? Right?

Yeah, it was useless. Yesterday I said enough is enough and submitted the question to /r/namethatsong and I got the answer.

This is the music video it was posted on youtube 9 years ago and has more than 4million views, yet invisible to the search queries of mine. You can try to search for it yourself by describing thhe music video, but as soon as you put "murder" or "assassination" the search shits itself completely.

My current theory is that google search heavily prioritize recency and popularity above everything else. Which is too bad if you're looking for everything else.

I'm tired....

I don't really care, I'm tired of reading the coffee grounds to try and guess the destiny of the next weeks. Any moment something will happen that will turn this this around......right, right?

I love listening to mike "hazzard" and his campfire stories about military. One of them was about "best military experiences" which as it happens were not that many compared to the negative ones. Would you say that your time in a military was similar?

This train of thought is pretty much copenhagen interpretation of ethics, and I 100% against it. Whoever survives in the apocalypse can spend their days however they want.

I've visited computer clubs to play games back in a day and somehow with 20-40 people sitting in a giant room all playing games I've never had the problem you describe.

Just lower volume, enable subtitles so not to miss out on dialog if you get distracted or add headphones that your partner can shout over if you're about to get dunked under t1 tower. What exactly are you playing that you have this......issue?

Sea of stars is vastly overrated, Chained Echoes is superior in every way.

20 min ago a new ~3hours video dropped with Yud and ..... Accursed Farms from freeman's mind and game dungeon fame???. I probably wont watch it, but if anyone wants to listen and summarize - be my guest.

If I were to summarize my objection to the op comment - "extraordinary cllaims require extraordinary evidence". I can understand why OJ Simpson would kill his wife. But i think there is a lot of information missing before I can come to the conclusion of "of course he would shoot up the school".

I thought that the "kid who was in honor/AP classes" was sort-of the majority of the people here, so why would they despise going to the high-school?

And now I noticed that there is a distinction where you reference the time in "high-school" and the Goodguy just has "school" in his comment.

Considering that you and mike are both small arms repairman for a second there I thought you were the guy )

I'm just going to put here a youtube channel that brings me so much joy with his game reviews, including my favorite wizardry 8. This perfect blend of humor feels better than any drug I can acquire and probably a reminder to myself that I'm not that far from 4chan that I think I am.

Isn't those number so high due to conscription mostly? And after 1973 it drops with no sign of recovering.

It just seems to me that in the modern world you're given way too much information than you can handle. You receive the news all over the world every day and do you know there's a war going on and here's the latest about that, also someone is dying in Africa due to a military coup, and somewhere is a genocide...probably. Oh and don't forget about the climate change that's going to kill us all....

This information stays with me for days on end. Sure some things I just forget due to not caring or just because the information provided didn't hold in my brain, like I know about the coup, but no more than that and my brain just leaves it as not important. But other things just sit there, and very frequently I just start thinking about them even though I should really finish work on the project (procrastinating is a thing). Sometimes consciously, most times....... it ends up like this. It's like the empty space is running out on my hard drive and I'm just hoarding everything dating back to my childhood and refusing to dump it.

Just feels like humans are not designed for this type of information overload (especially if you can consider it "too much and too fast") and living in the old times was simpler.

There was a comment in the old place that had an interesting observation about Lex

He's the best example of "fake it til you make it" that I can think of in the podcasting community.

He overstated his credentials to get on Joe Rogan, nailed his appearance by appealing to everything that Joe loves in a charming, affable way, and he did the same thing with every other major player in the podcast world until he had a massive platform.

The top comment from his first JRE appearance sums up the character Lex is playing perfectly:

"This crazy Russian built an AI before this podcast that analyzed Joe Rogan's entire being and went on to hit all his favorite talking points within the first 40 minutes. Chimps, Steven seagal, the war of art, Stephen King on writing, bjj, wrestling, judo, ex machina, the singularity and Elon Musk."

This one is a more neutral overview about hugo's from Eric Flint

I would add to that one observation - last weekend I decided to go full memory lane on some of my experiences around 5-10 years ago. A long not visited friend of mine was on a call and we got deep into nostalgia about the stuff we did, played and watch. During that time I was looking into the old videos on youtube but what I ended up at is a massing fucking graveyard of deleted videos...... Some of them escaped the gruesome faith but locked behind 18+ for....some reason....even if the author was last seen like 3 years ago.

I just hate how I cannot just browse any site without an account apparently.

I just feel like any game that I start these days I have to finish (in a week or so, don't delay) or otherwise I wont ever pick it back up. But what helps I found is to dedicate a 1-2hr time to dive into a game (new or old) and if after that the desire to close the game still there, well......

But I also noticed that there are some game mechanics I simply cannot tolerate these days, so I just skip the game when the reliance on those mechanics increases. Like doom eternal, no I don't want to hippity-hop all over the "combat arena" and swap weapons 1500 times in rapid succession. I loved doom 2016, look how they massacred my boy (

got railed by Andrew Tate

so if nothing happened by her own admission, why include this?

professional–managerial class, usually

This is only semi-related to the article, but I can see an argument in the comments about how "Claudine Gay job was mostly administrative and scientific/academic credentials are not that important".

You think the mayor tells the schools how to teach kids or health department how to do it's job or sanitation how to pick up trash? But, get elected and suddenly they know police work.